org.apache.wicket.model |
wicket.markup.model package
Core model support for Wicket components.
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment | | Class | Serves as a base class for different kinds of property models. | | Class | AbstractReadOnlyModel is an adapter base class for implementing models which
have no detach logic and are read-only. | | Class | Simple base class for IWrapModel objects see
IComponentAssignedModel or
IComponentInheritedModel so that you don't have to have empty methods
like detach or setObject() when not used in the wrapper. | | Class | A compound property model that supports type conversions and property
expression bindings. | | Class | Quick detachable model that is implements the IComponentAssignedModel and the
IModel interfaces. | | Class | Quick model that is implements the IComponentAssignedModel and the IModel
interfaces. | | Class | A model that references a property by name on the current model of the
component it is bound to. | | Class | A simple compound model which uses the component's name as the property
expression to retrieve properties on the nested model object. | | Interface | Models that implement this interface will support chaining of IModels. | | Interface | Models that wish to substitute themselves with a wrapper when they are bound
to a component (either through IModel parameter in a constructor or via a
call to
Component.setModel(IModel) ) should implement this interface. | | Interface | This is a marker interface for models that can be inherited from components
higher in the hierarchy. | | Interface | Interface to logic for detaching transient information from a detachable
model. | | Interface | A IModel wraps the actual model Object used by a Component. | | Interface | Implementations of this interface compare model object.
The component is given so that a developer can choose what the previous object is
The default implementation for form components is just component.getModelObject();
But developers can choose to keep the last rendered value for that component and compare
this value with the newObject. | | Class | Tests the inheritance of models. | | Class | Testpage for inherited models. | | Interface | Interface implemented by model that can provide class of the model
object. | | Interface | Optional interface implemented by models that are able to provide
reflection information about object property they interact with.
The model doesn't have to support all propery information in this
interface. | | Interface | A marker interface that represents a model that serves as a wrapper for
another. | | Class | Model that makes working with detachable models a breeze.
LoadableDetachableModel holds a temporary, transient model object, that is
set when
LoadableDetachableModel.getObject(Component) is called by calling abstract method
'load', and that will be reset/ set to null on
LoadableDetachableModel.detach() .
A usage example:
LoadableDetachableModel venueListModel = new LoadableDetachableModel()
protected Object load()
return getVenueDao().findVenues();
Though you can override methods
LoadableDetachableModel.onAttach() and
LoadableDetachableModel.onDetach() for
additional attach/ detach behavior, the point of this class is to hide as
much of the attaching/ detaching as possible. | | Class | Model is the basic implementation of an AbstractModel. | | Class | Tests the detach behavior for compatibility with IDetachable nested objects,
ensuring that the detach method is called for those nested objects. | | Class | Tests the toString() method on the models in the org.apache.wicket.model package. | | Class | A PropertyModel is used to dynamically access a model using a "property
expression". | | Class | Test class for exercising the
PropertyModel . | | Class | A model that represents a localized resource string. | | Class | This model class encapsulates the full power of localization support within
the Wicket framework. | | Class | Test cases for the StringResourceModel class. |