Method Summary |
final public String | afterFirst(char c) Gets the substring after the first occurence given char. |
final public String | afterLast(char c) Gets the substring after the last occurence given char. |
final public String | beforeFirst(char c) Gets the substring before the first occurence given char. |
final public String | beforeLast(char c) Gets the substring before the last occurence given char. |
public static StringValue | repeat(int times, char c) |
public static StringValue | repeat(int times, String s) |
final public CharSequence | replaceAll(CharSequence searchFor, CharSequence replaceWith) Replaces on this text. |
final public Object | to(Class type) Converts this StringValue to a given type. |
final public boolean | toBoolean() Convert this text to a boolean. |
final public boolean | toBoolean(boolean defaultValue) Convert to primitive types, returning default value if text is null. |
final public Boolean | toBooleanObject() Convert this text to a boolean and convert unchecked
NumberFormatExceptions to checked. |
final public char | toChar() Convert this text to a char. |
final public char | toChar(char defaultValue) Convert to primitive types, returning default value if text is null. |
final public Character | toCharacter() Convert this text to a Character and convert unchecked
NumberFormatExceptions to checked. |
final public double | toDouble() Convert this text to a double and convert unchecked
NumberFormatExceptions to checked. |
final public double | toDouble(double defaultValue) Convert to primitive types, returning default value if text is null. |
final public Double | toDoubleObject() Convert this text to a Double and convert unchecked
NumberFormatExceptions to checked. |
final public Duration | toDuration() Convert this text to a Duration instance and convert unchecked
NumberFormatExceptions to checked. |
final public Duration | toDuration(Duration defaultValue) Convert to primitive types, returning default value if text is null. |
final public int | toInt() Convert this text to an int and convert unchecked NumberFormatExceptions
to checked. |
final public int | toInt(int defaultValue) Convert to primitive types, returning default value if text is null. |
final public Integer | toInteger() Convert this text to an Integer and convert unchecked
NumberFormatExceptions to checked. |
final public long | toLong() Convert this text to a long and convert unchecked NumberFormatExceptions
to checked. |
final public long | toLong(long defaultValue) Convert to primitive types, returning default value if text is null. |
final public Long | toLongObject() Convert this text to a Long and convert unchecked NumberFormatExceptions
to checked. |
final public Boolean | toOptionalBoolean() Convert to object types, returning null if text is null. |
final public Character | toOptionalCharacter() Convert to object types, returning null if text is null. |
final public Double | toOptionalDouble() Convert to object types, returning null if text is null. |
final public Duration | toOptionalDuration() Convert to object types, returning null if text is null. |
final public Integer | toOptionalInteger() Convert to object types, returning null if text is null. |
final public Long | toOptionalLong() Convert to object types, returning null if text is null. |
final public String | toOptionalString() Convert to object types, returning null if text is null. |
final public Time | toOptionalTime() Convert to object types, returning null if text is null. |
final public String | toString() |
final public String | toString(String defaultValue) Convert to primitive types, returning default value if text is null. |
final public Time | toTime() Convert this text to a time instance and convert unchecked
NumberFormatExceptions to checked. |
final public Time | toTime(Time defaultValue) Convert to primitive types, returning default value if text is null. |
public static StringValue | valueOf(double value) Converts the given input to an instance of StringValue. |
public static StringValue | valueOf(double value, int places, Locale locale) Converts the given input to an instance of StringValue. |
public static StringValue | valueOf(double value, Locale locale) Converts the given input to an instance of StringValue. |
public static StringValue | valueOf(Object object) Converts the given input to an instance of StringValue. |
public static StringValue | valueOf(Object object, Locale locale) Converts the given input to an instance of StringValue. |
public static StringValue | valueOf(String string) Converts the given input to an instance of StringValue. |
public static StringValue | valueOf(String string, Locale locale) Converts the given input to an instance of StringValue. |
public static StringValue | valueOf(AppendingStringBuffer buffer) Converts the given input to an instance of StringValue. |