This class fully classifies joinpoints as JoinpointClassification.PREPARED
as JoinpointClasification.WRAPPED and as
JoinpointClassification.DYNAMICALY_WRAPPED according
to the pointcuts registered in AspectManager.
This class is responsible for wrapping joinpoints.
In this context, wrapping means just changing a joinpoint status according
to it's wrapping state.
A joinpoint is identified by a class member and a transformation text, because
there may be more than one joinpoint associated with a classe member, and
whe have to differentiate them (pick, for exemple, the field read and field write
joinpoints; in this case we have two joinponts associated with a single field).
When more than a joinpont is associated with a class member, we say that there is
more than one transformation type available to be applied to this class member.
The transformation types available to a member are identified by a String
array passed to WrapperTransformer constructor.
There must be a WrapperTransformer instance for each transformer.