Method Summary |
public static QueryExp | and(QueryExp q1, QueryExp q2) Returns a query expression for the result of the AND operation on the two given expressions. |
public static QueryExp | anySubString(AttributeValueExp a, StringValueExp s) Returns a query expression for the result of the match, as contained string, between the given attribute value and the string pattern. |
public static AttributeValueExp | attr(String name) Returns the expression value that represent the value of an attribute of a generic MBean. |
public static AttributeValueExp | attr(String className, String name) Returns the expression value that represent the value of an attribute of an MBean of the specified class. |
public static QueryExp | between(ValueExp v1, ValueExp v2, ValueExp v3) |
public static AttributeValueExp | classattr() Returns the expression value that represent the class name of an MBean. |
public static ValueExp | div(ValueExp value1, ValueExp value2) |
public static QueryExp | eq(ValueExp v1, ValueExp v2) Returns a query expression for the result of v1 EQUAL v2 . |
public static QueryExp | finalSubString(AttributeValueExp a, StringValueExp s) Returns a query expression for the result of the match, as final string, between the given attribute value and the string pattern. |
public static QueryExp | geq(ValueExp v1, ValueExp v2) Returns a query expression for the result of v1 GREATER-THAN-OR-EQUAL v2 . |
public static QueryExp | gt(ValueExp v1, ValueExp v2) Returns a query expression for the result of v1 GREATER-THAN v2 . |
public static QueryExp | in(ValueExp val, ValueExp valueList) Returns a query expression for the result of val being present as one element of the given array. |
public static QueryExp | initialSubString(AttributeValueExp a, StringValueExp s) Returns a query expression for the result of the match, as initial string, between the given attribute value and the string pattern. |
public static QueryExp | leq(ValueExp v1, ValueExp v2) Returns a query expression for the result of v1 LESS-THAN-OR-EQUAL v2 . |
public static QueryExp | lt(ValueExp v1, ValueExp v2) Returns a query expression for the result of v1 LESS-THAN v2 . |
public static QueryExp | match(AttributeValueExp a, StringValueExp s) Returns a query expression for the result of the wildcard match between the given attribute value and the string pattern. |
public static ValueExp | minus(ValueExp value1, ValueExp value2) |
public static QueryExp | not(QueryExp queryExp) Returns a query expression for the result of the NOT operation on the given expression. |
public static QueryExp | or(QueryExp q1, QueryExp q2) Returns a query expression for the result of the OR operation on the two given expressions. |
public static ValueExp | plus(ValueExp value1, ValueExp value2) |
public static ValueExp | times(ValueExp value1, ValueExp value2) |
public static StringValueExp | value(String val) Returns the expression value that represent the given string. |
public static ValueExp | value(Number val) Returns the expression value that represent the given number. |
public static ValueExp | value(int val) Returns the expression value that represent the given number. |
public static ValueExp | value(long val) Returns the expression value that represent the given number. |
public static ValueExp | value(float val) Returns the expression value that represent the given number. |
public static ValueExp | value(double val) Returns the expression value that represent the given number. |
public static ValueExp | value(boolean val) Returns the expression value that represent the given boolean. |