This package contains a variety of plugin Strategy patterns that can be used to customize the
default behaviours.
Implementations of the NameMapper interface can be used to set the strategy used by
XMLIntrospector to determine how to convert bean and property names into element
and attribute names.
Implementations of the PluralStemmer interface allows the strategy used by
XMLIntrospector to find which plural method maps to a singular property name.
This strategy is used to match composite properties to adder-methods.
How plurals are constructed is langauge-dependent. A typical usage for custom strategies
is to provide support for plural patterns in different languages.
Pluggable strategy interface used for free mappings.
Free mappings (ones where the current mapping )
are executed by calling a ActionMappingStrategy
So, using a custom strategy is an easy way to
customize the mapping.
The normalized Class is the Class that Betwixt should
This strategy class allows the introspected Class to be
This implementation simply returns the Class given.
Used by Betwixt to allow superclasses or interfaces to be subsittuted
before an object is introspected.
Pluggable strategy determines whether introspection or bind time
typing should be used when finding mappings.
The type of a property is determined at introspection time but
the actual type of the instance can differ at bind time (when the
xml is actually being processed).
Tests streaming/destreaming of an Elements bean,
a container for Element instances, using various name mappers
The objective of this is to verify that containers whose names
are plurals of their contents can be written and read back successfully.
Tests for mixed content encoding.
Mixed content encoding is the process by which body content
is written out (in an escaped form) into a textual output stream.