java.lang .Object com.rift.coad.lib.naming.cos .CosNamingContextManager CosNamingContextManager public class CosNamingContextManager implements NamingContextManager (Code) This class is responsible for managing the naming naming context.
author: Brett Chaldecott
CosNamingContextManager public CosNamingContextManager(CoadunationThreadGroup threadGroup, OrbManager orbManager, String instanceId) throws CosNamingException (Code) Creates a new instance of CosNamingContextManager
Parameters: threadGroup - The coadunation thread group.Parameters: orbManager - The reference to the orb manager.Parameters: instanceId - The reference to the instance id of this Coadunation Server.exception: CosNamingException -
getInitialContextFactory public String getInitialContextFactory()(Code) This method returns the string identifying the context factory.
The string containing the class name of the initial contextfactory.
getMasterContext public MasterContext getMasterContext()(Code) This method returns the current master context
getURLContextFactory public String getURLContextFactory()(Code) The url packages.
Returns the string name for the class responsible for the URLpackages.
releaseContext public void releaseContext()(Code) This method is called to release the context for class loader.
shutdown public void shutdown()(Code) The method to shut down the naming context.