This object contains all the thread permissions. It is not a singleton
as a result only the object designed to have the rights to elevate or
manipulate a threads premissions directly can access this object.
author: Brett Chaldecott
This method retrieves the session information from the map. Will return
null if the session is not found.
The list of permissions. Parameters: threadId - The id of the thread. exception: SecurityException -
This method returns the permission information for the current session
identified by the thread making the call.
The thread permission session object. exception: SecurityException -
This method pushes the role onto the thread session.
Parameters: roleName - The name of the role to push onto the thread session. exception: SecurityException -
This method placeses the new thread session in the threads list.
Parameters: threadId - The id of the new thread to plase in the map. Parameters: session - The session to add to the list.