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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Net » JGroups 2.4.1 sp3 » org.jgroups.blocks 
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public class GroupRequest implements RspCollector,Command(Code)
Sends a message to all members of the group and waits for all responses (or timeout). Returns a boolean value (success or failure). Results (if any) can be retrieved when done.

The supported transport to send requests is currently either a RequestCorrelator or a generic Transport. One of them has to be given in the constructor. It will then be used to send a request. When a message is received by either one, the receiveResponse() of this class has to be called (this class does not actively receive requests/responses itself). Also, when a view change or suspicion is received, the methods viewChange() or suspect() of this class have to be called.

When started, an array of responses, correlating to the membership, is created. Each response is added to the corresponding field in the array. When all fields have been set, the algorithm terminates. This algorithm can optionally use a suspicion service (failure detector) to detect (and exclude from the membership) fauly members. If no suspicion service is available, timeouts can be used instead (see execute()). When done, a list of suspected members can be retrieved.

Because a channel might deliver requests, and responses to different requests, the GroupRequest class cannot itself receive and process requests/responses from the channel. A mechanism outside this class has to do this; it has to determine what the responses are for the message sent by the execute() method and call receiveResponse() to do so.

Requirements: lossless delivery, e.g. acknowledgment-based message confirmation.
   Bela Ban
   $Revision: $

Field Summary
final public static  intGET_ABS_MAJORITY
final public static  intGET_ALL
final public static  intGET_FIRST
final public static  intGET_MAJORITY
final public static  intGET_N
final public static  intGET_NONE
protected  RequestCorrelatorcorr
protected  booleandone
protected  intexpected_mbrs
protected  Messagerequest_msg
protected  intrsp_mode
protected  longtimeout
protected  Transporttransport

Constructor Summary
public  GroupRequest(Message m, RequestCorrelator corr, Vector members, int rsp_mode)
  m - The message to be sent
  corr - The request correlator to be used.
public  GroupRequest(Message m, RequestCorrelator corr, Vector members, int rsp_mode, long timeout, int expected_mbrs)
  timeout - Time to wait for responses (ms).
public  GroupRequest(Message m, Transport transport, Vector members, int rsp_mode)
public  GroupRequest(Message m, Transport transport, Vector members, int rsp_mode, long timeout, int expected_mbrs)
  timeout - Time to wait for responses (ms).

Method Summary
public  booleanexecute()
public  booleanexecute(boolean use_anycasting)
     Sends the message.
public  AddressgetCaller()
public  intgetNumSuspects()
public  RspListgetResults()
public  VectorgetSuspects()
public  booleanisDone()
public  voidreceiveResponse(Object response_value, Address sender)
     Callback (called by RequestCorrelator or Transport). Adds a response to the response table.
final public  voidreset(Vector mbrs)
     This method sets the membership variable to the value of members.
public  voidsetCaller(Address caller)
public  voidsuspect(Address suspected_member)
     Callback (called by RequestCorrelator or Transport). Report to GroupRequest that a member is reported as faulty (suspected). This method would probably be called when getting a suspect message from a failure detector (where available).
public  StringtoString()
public  voidviewChange(View new_view)
     Any member of 'membership' that is not in the new view is flagged as SUSPECTED.

Field Detail
final public static int GET_ABS_MAJORITY(Code)
return majority (of all members, may block)

final public static int GET_ALL(Code)
return all responses

final public static int GET_FIRST(Code)
return only first response

final public static int GET_MAJORITY(Code)
return majority (of all non-faulty members)

final public static int GET_N(Code)
return n responses (may block)

final public static int GET_NONE(Code)
return no response (async call)

protected RequestCorrelator corr(Code)

protected boolean done(Code)

protected int expected_mbrs(Code)

protected Message request_msg(Code)

protected int rsp_mode(Code)

protected long timeout(Code)

protected Transport transport(Code)

Constructor Detail
public GroupRequest(Message m, RequestCorrelator corr, Vector members, int rsp_mode)(Code)

  m - The message to be sent
  corr - The request correlator to be used. A request correlator sends requests tagged witha unique ID and notifies the sender when matching responses are received. Thereason GroupRequest uses it instead of a Transport isthat multiple requests/responses might be sent/received concurrently.
  members - The initial membership. This value reflects the membership to which the requestis sent (and from which potential responses are expected). Is reset by reset().
  rsp_mode - How many responses are expected. Can be
  1. GET_ALL: wait for all responses from non-suspected members.A suspicion service might warnus when a member from which a response is outstanding has crashed, so it canbe excluded from the responses. If no suspision service is available, atimeout can be used (a value of 0 means wait forever). If a timeout of0 is used, no suspicion service is available and a member from which weexpect a response has crashed, this methods blocks forever !.
  2. GET_FIRST: wait for the first available response.
  3. GET_MAJORITY: wait for the majority of all responses. Themajority is re-computed when a member is suspected.
  4. GET_ABS_MAJORITY: wait for the majority ofall members.This includes failed members, so it may block if no timeout is specified.
  5. GET_N: wait for N members.Return if n is >= membership+suspects.
  6. GET_NONE: don't wait for any response. Essentially send anasynchronous message to the group members.

public GroupRequest(Message m, RequestCorrelator corr, Vector members, int rsp_mode, long timeout, int expected_mbrs)(Code)

  timeout - Time to wait for responses (ms). A value of <= 0 means wait indefinitely(e.g. if a suspicion service is available; timeouts are not needed).

public GroupRequest(Message m, Transport transport, Vector members, int rsp_mode)(Code)

public GroupRequest(Message m, Transport transport, Vector members, int rsp_mode, long timeout, int expected_mbrs)(Code)

  timeout - Time to wait for responses (ms). A value of <= 0 means wait indefinitely(e.g. if a suspicion service is available; timeouts are not needed).

Method Detail
public boolean execute() throws Exception(Code)

public boolean execute(boolean use_anycasting) throws Exception(Code)
Sends the message. Returns when n responses have been received, or a timeout has occurred. n can be the first response, all responses, or a majority of the responses.

public Address getCaller()(Code)

public int getNumSuspects()(Code)

public RspList getResults()(Code)
Returns the results as a RspList

public Vector getSuspects()(Code)

public boolean isDone()(Code)

public void receiveResponse(Object response_value, Address sender)(Code)
Callback (called by RequestCorrelator or Transport). Adds a response to the response table. When all responses have been received, execute() returns.

final public void reset(Vector mbrs)(Code)
This method sets the membership variable to the value of members. It requires that the caller already hold the rsp_mutex lock.
  mbrs - The new list of members

public void setCaller(Address caller)(Code)

public void suspect(Address suspected_member)(Code)
Callback (called by RequestCorrelator or Transport). Report to GroupRequest that a member is reported as faulty (suspected). This method would probably be called when getting a suspect message from a failure detector (where available). It is used to exclude faulty members from the response list.

public String toString()(Code)

public void viewChange(View new_view)(Code)
Any member of 'membership' that is not in the new view is flagged as SUSPECTED. Any member in the new view that is not in the membership (ie, the set of responses expected for the current RPC) will not be added to it. If we did this we might run into the following problem:
  • Membership is {A,B}
  • A sends a synchronous group RPC (which sleeps for 60 secs in the invocation handler)
  • C joins while A waits for responses from A and B
  • If this would generate a new view {A,B,C} and if this expanded the response set to {A,B,C}, A would wait forever on C's response because C never received the request in the first place, therefore won't send a response.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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