| Specification for the Require-Bundle attribute
Require-Bundle ::= bundle {, bundle...}
bundle ::= symbolic-name{;bundle-version:="constraint"{;resolution:=optional}}
constraint ::= [range] || (range)
range ::= min, {max}
Require-Bundle: foo.bar.baz.widget - require widget bundle from group foo.bar.baz
Require-Bundle: foo.bar.baz.widget, foo.bar.baz.gadget - require widget and gadget bundles
Require-Bundle: foo.bar.baz.widget;bundle-version:="1.0.0" - widget bundle must be version 1.0.0
Require-Bundle: foo.bar.baz.widget;bundle-version:="[1.0.0, 2.0.0]" - bundle version must > 1.0.0 and < 2.0.0
Require-Bundle: foo.bar.baz.widget;bundle-version:="[1.0.0, 2.0.0)" - bundle version must > 1.0.0 and <= 2.0.0
Require-Bundle: foo.bar.baz.widget;bundle-version:="(1.0.0, 2.0.0)" - bundle version must >= 1.0.0 and <= 2.0.0
Require-Bundle: foo.bar.baz.widget;bundle-version:="(1.0.0, 2.0.0]" - bundle version must >= 1.0.0 and < 2.0.0
Require-Bundle: foo.bar.baz.widget;bundle-version:="[1.0.0,]" - bundle version must > 1.0.0
Require-Bundle: foo.bar.baz.widget;bundle-version:="(1.0.0,)" - bundle version must >= 1.0.0
Require-Bundle: foo.bar.baz.widget;resolution:=optional - bundle is optional (recognized but not supported)