| java.lang.Object com.tc.object.applicator.BaseApplicator
All known Subclasses: com.tc.object.applicator.URLApplicator, org.terracotta.modules.cglib_2_1_3.object.applicator.CglibBulkBeanApplicator, com.tc.object.applicator.ArrayApplicator, com.tc.object.applicator.LiteralTypesApplicator, com.tc.object.applicator.PhysicalApplicator, com.tc.object.applicator.HashMapApplicator, com.tc.object.applicator.DateApplicator, com.tc.object.applicator.HashSetApplicator, com.tc.object.applicator.AtomicIntegerApplicator, com.tc.object.applicator.TreeMapApplicator, com.tc.object.applicator.AccessibleObjectApplicator, com.tc.object.applicator.ProxyApplicator, org.terracotta.modules.cglib_2_1_3.object.applicator.CglibProxyApplicator, com.tc.object.applicator.ListApplicator, org.terracotta.modules.iBatis_2_2_0.object.applicator.IBatisAccessPlanApplicator, org.terracotta.modules.hibernate_3_1_2.object.applicator.HibernateProxyApplicator, com.tc.object.applicator.AtomicLongApplicator, com.tc.object.applicator.LinkedBlockingQueueApplicator,
BaseApplicator | abstract public class BaseApplicator implements ChangeApplicator(Code) | | This class provides facilities for use in implementing applicators.
encoding | final protected DNAEncoding encoding(Code) | | The encoding to use when reading/writing DNA
BaseApplicator | protected BaseApplicator(DNAEncoding encoding)(Code) | | Construct a BaseApplicator with an encoding to use when reading/writing DNA
Parameters: encoding - DNA encoding to use |
createCopyIfNecessary | protected Object createCopyIfNecessary(ClientObjectManager objectManager, Map visited, Map cloned, Object originalValue)(Code) | | Create or use existing copy of originalValue
Parameters: objectManager - Client-side object manager Parameters: visited - Already visited objects and their clones (key=obj, value=clone) Parameters: originalValue - The original value The clone, may be new or may be copy |
createParentIfNecessary | protected Object createParentIfNecessary(Map visited, ClientObjectManager objectManager, Map cloned, Object v)(Code) | | For an inner object, create or find the containing parent instance.
Parameters: visited - Map of those objects that have been visited so far Parameters: objectManager - Client-side object manager Parameters: cloned - Map of those objects that have been cloned already (key=obj, value=clone) Parameters: v - The object The new or existing parent object clone |
getDehydratableObject | final protected Object getDehydratableObject(Object pojo, ClientObjectManager objectManager)(Code) | | Get an ObjectID or literal value for the given pojo
Parameters: pojo - Object instance Parameters: objectManager - Client-side object manager ObjectID representing pojo, or the pojo itself if its a literal, or null if it's a non-portable object |
isLiteralInstance | final protected boolean isLiteralInstance(Object pojo)(Code) | | Determine whether the pojo is a literal instance
Parameters: pojo - Object to examine True if literal |
isPortableReference | protected boolean isPortableReference(Class c)(Code) | | Determine whether this class is portable
Parameters: c - The class True if portable |