| java.lang.Object org.xbill.DNS.Record org.xbill.DNS.RPRecord
RPRecord | public class RPRecord extends Record (Code) | | Responsible Person Record - lists the mail address of a responsible person
and a domain where TXT records are available.
author: Tom Scola author: Brian Wellington |
RPRecord | public RPRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, Name mailbox, Name textDomain)(Code) | | Creates an RP Record from the given data
Parameters: mailbox - The responsible person Parameters: textDomain - The address where TXT records can be found |
getMailbox | public Name getMailbox()(Code) | | Gets the mailbox address of the RP Record
getTextDomain | public Name getTextDomain()(Code) | | Gets the text domain info of the RP Record
rrToString | String rrToString()(Code) | | Converts the RP Record to a String
Methods inherited from org.xbill.DNS.Record | protected static byte[] byteArrayFromString(String s) throws TextParseException(Code)(Java Doc) protected static String byteArrayToString(byte[] array, boolean quote)(Code)(Java Doc) static Name checkName(String field, Name name)(Code)(Java Doc) static int checkU16(String field, int val)(Code)(Java Doc) static long checkU32(String field, long val)(Code)(Java Doc) static int checkU8(String field, int val)(Code)(Java Doc) Record cloneRecord()(Code)(Java Doc) public int compareTo(Object o)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean equals(Object arg)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Record fromString(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl, Tokenizer st, Name origin) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public static Record fromString(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl, String s, Name origin) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) static Record fromWire(DNSInput in, int section, boolean isUpdate) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) static Record fromWire(DNSInput in, int section) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public static Record fromWire(byte[] b, int section) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public Name getAdditionalName()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getDClass()(Code)(Java Doc) public Name getName()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract Record getObject()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getRRsetType()(Code)(Java Doc) public long getTTL()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getType()(Code)(Java Doc) public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc) public static Record newRecord(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl, int length, byte[] data)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Record newRecord(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl, byte[] data)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Record newRecord(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl)(Code)(Java Doc) public static Record newRecord(Name name, int type, int dclass)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract void rdataFromString(Tokenizer st, Name origin) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public String rdataToString()(Code)(Java Doc) public byte[] rdataToWireCanonical()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract void rrFromWire(DNSInput in) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract String rrToString()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract void rrToWire(DNSOutput out, Compression c, boolean canonical)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean sameRRset(Record rec)(Code)(Java Doc) void setTTL(long ttl)(Code)(Java Doc) public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc) void toWire(DNSOutput out, int section, Compression c)(Code)(Java Doc) public byte[] toWire(int section)(Code)(Java Doc) public byte[] toWireCanonical()(Code)(Java Doc) protected static String unknownToString(byte[] data)(Code)(Java Doc) Record withDClass(int dclass, long ttl)(Code)(Java Doc) public Record withName(Name name)(Code)(Java Doc)