| java.lang.Object org.xbill.DNS.security.KEYConverter
KEYConverter | public class KEYConverter (Code) | | Routines to convert between a DNS KEY record and a Java PublicKey.
author: Brian Wellington |
Method Summary | |
static int | BigIntegerLength(BigInteger i) | static byte[] | buildDH(DHPublicKey key) | static byte[] | buildDSA(DSAPublicKey key) | static byte[] | buildRSA(RSAPublicKey key) | public static KEYRecord | buildRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int flags, int proto, PublicKey key) | public static Record | buildRecord(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl, int flags, int proto, int alg, PublicKey key) | static DHPublicKey | parseDH(DataInputStream in) | static DSAPublicKey | parseDSA(DataInputStream in) | static RSAPublicKey | parseRSA(DataInputStream in) | static PublicKey | parseRecord(int alg, byte[] data) | public static PublicKey | parseRecord(DNSKEYRecord r) | public static PublicKey | parseRecord(KEYRecord r) | static BigInteger | readBigInteger(DataInputStream in, int len) | static void | writeBigInteger(ByteArrayOutputStream out, BigInteger val) | static void | writeShort(ByteArrayOutputStream out, int i) |
buildDH | static byte[] buildDH(DHPublicKey key)(Code) | | |
buildRecord | public static KEYRecord buildRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int flags, int proto, PublicKey key)(Code) | | Builds a KEY record from a PublicKey
buildRecord | public static Record buildRecord(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl, int flags, int proto, int alg, PublicKey key)(Code) | | Builds a DNSKEY or KEY record from a PublicKey
parseRecord | static PublicKey parseRecord(int alg, byte[] data)(Code) | | Converts a KEY/DNSKEY record into a PublicKey