| de.intarsys.pdf.content.ICSDevice
All known Subclasses: de.intarsys.pdf.content.CSDeviceAdapter,
ICSDevice | public interface ICSDevice (Code) | | The abstraction of a device that is manipulated by a PDF content stream
interpreter (
ICSInterpreter ) processing a content stream.
The device lifecycle is framed by open/close, issued by the
ICSInterpreter . The behavior of an
ICSDevice that is not
open is undefined.
Any of the
ICSDevice methods may throw a
CSException . When
ICSDevice is used in the context of an
ICSInterpreter ,
the exception may be handled by the associated
ICSExceptionHandler ,
otherwise you have to be prepared yourself.
Following a list of operator/method relationship. Not all operators may have
a corresponding method.
b | pathCloseFillStrokeNonZero
B | pathFillStrokeNonZero
b* | patcCloseFillStrokeEvenOdd
B* | pathFillStrokeEvenOdd
BDC | markedContentBeginProperties
BI | inlineImageBegin
BMC | markedContentBegin
BT | textBegin
BX | compatibilityBegin
c | penCurveToC
cm | transform
CS | setStrokeColorSpace
cs | setNonStrokeColorSpace
d | setLineDash
d0 | textT3SetGlyphWidth
d1 | textT3SetGlyphWidthBB
Do | doXObject
DP | markedContentPointProperties
EI | inlineImageEnd
EMC | markedContentEnd
ET | textEnd
EX | compatibilityEnd
f | pathFillNonZero
f* | pathFillEvenOdd
G | setStrokeColorGray
g | setNonStrokeColorGray
gs | setExtendedState
h | pathClose
i | setFlatnessTolerance
ID | inlineImageBeginData
j | setLineJoin
J | setLineCap
K | setStrokeColorCMYK
k | setNonStrokeColorCMYK
l | penLineTo
m | penMoveTo
M | setMiterLimit
MP | markedContentPoint
n | pathEnd
q | saveState
Q | restoreState
re | penRectangle
RG | setStrokeColorRGB
rg | setNonStrokeColorRGB
ri | setRenderingIntent
s | pathCloseStroke
S | pathStroke
SC | setStrokeColorValues
sc | setNonStrokeColorValues
SCN | setStrokeColorValuesSpecial
scn | setNonStrokeColorValuesSpecial
sh | paintFill
T* | textLineNew
Tc | textSetCharSpacing
Td | textLineMove
TD | use primitive methods
Tf | textSetFont
Tj | textShow
TJ | textShow & textMove
TL | textSetLeading
Tm | textSetTransform
Tr | textSetRenderingMode
Ts | textSetRise
Tw | textSetWordSpacing
Tz | textSetHorizontalScaling
v | penCurveToV
w | setLineWidth
W | pathClipNonZero
W* | pathClipEvenOdd
y | penCurveToY
' | use primitive methods
" | use primitive methods
Method Summary | |
public void | close() Close the device after use. | public void | compatibilityBegin() Begin a compatibility section. | public void | compatibilityEnd() End a compatibility section. | public void | doShading(COSName resourceName, PDShading shading) Paint shape and color shading according to shading dictionary. | public void | doXObject(COSName resourceName, PDXObject xObject) Stroke a PDXObject. | public ICSGraphicsState | getGraphicsState() The current
ICSGraphicsState active. | public ICSInterpreter | getInterpreter() The
ICSInterpreter associated with this
ICSDevice . | public void | inlineImage(PDImage img) Stroke an inlined image.
PDF graphics operators "BI", "ID", "EI"
Parameters: img - The inlined image. | public void | markedContentBegin(COSName tag) Begin a marked content sequence. | public void | markedContentBeginProperties(COSName tag, COSName resourceName, COSDictionary properties) Begin a marked content sequence with a property list. | public void | markedContentEnd() End marked content sequence started with "BMC" or "BDC". | public void | markedContentPoint(COSName tag) Set a marked point. | public void | markedContentPointProperties(COSName tag, COSName resourceName, COSDictionary properties) Define a marked content point with a property list. | public void | open(ICSInterpreter interpreter) Open the device for use by interpreter . | public void | pathClipEvenOdd() Intersect the current clipping path with the current path using the
even/odd rule. | public void | pathClipNonZero() Intersect the current clipping path with the current path using the
nonzero winding rule. | public void | pathClose() Close the path and append a line segment from the current coordinate to
the starting point of the path. | public void | pathCloseFillStrokeEvenOdd() Close, Fill and then stroke the path using the even/odd rule. | public void | pathCloseFillStrokeNonZero() Close, Fill and then stroke the path using the non zero winding rule. | public void | pathCloseStroke() Close and then stroke the path. | public void | pathEnd() End the path without filling or stroking. | public void | pathFillEvenOdd() Fill the path using the even/odd rule. | public void | pathFillNonZero() Fill the path using the non-zero winding rule. | public void | pathFillStrokeEvenOdd() Fill and then stroke the path using the even/odd rule. | public void | pathFillStrokeNonZero() Fill and then stroke the path using the non-zero winding rule. | public void | pathStroke() Stroke the current path. | public void | penCurveToC(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) Append a cubic bezier curve to the path.
The curve extends from the current point to x3, y3, where x1,y1 and x2,y2
are the bezier control points.
+---------* x1/y1
. | public void | penCurveToV(float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) Append a cubic bezier curve to the path. | public void | penCurveToY(float x1, float y1, float x3, float y3) Append a cubic bezier curve to the path.
The curve extends from the current point to x3, y3, where x1,y1 and x3,y3
are the bezier control points.
+---------* x1/y1
. | public void | penLineTo(float x, float y) Add a line from the current point to x , y . | public void | penMoveTo(float x, float y) Move the current point to x , y . | public void | penRectangle(float x, float y, float w, float h) Append a complete rectangle to as a subpath.
The lower left corner is at x , y , the
dimensions are width and height . | public void | restoreState() Restore the graphics state from the stack. | public void | saveState() Save the current graphics state on a stack for later use. | public void | setExtendedState(COSName resourceName, PDExtGState gstate) Set the dictionary as the new graphic state, creating a new
PDResources entry if needed. | public void | setFlatnessTolerance(float flatness) Set the flatness tolerance. | public void | setLineCap(int capStyle) The line cap specifies the shape to be used at the ends of open subpaths.
0: Butt. | public void | setLineDash(float[] pattern, float phase) Define the pattern used to stroke paths. | public void | setLineJoin(int joinStyle) The line join specifies the shape to be used at the connection points of
two adjacent lines in a path.
0: Miter Join, the outer line boreders are extended until they meet.
1: Round join. | public void | setLineWidth(float lineWidth) Set the thickness of the line used to stroke a path. | public void | setMiterLimit(float miterLimit) The maximum ratio of MiterLength/LineWidth when connecting two lines with
miter style. | public void | setNonStrokeColorCMYK(float c, float m, float y, float k) Set the non stroking color space to /DeviceCMYK and set the color values
c , m , y , K . | public void | setNonStrokeColorGray(float gray) Set the non stroking color space to /DeviceGray and set the gray level to
gray . | public void | setNonStrokeColorRGB(float r, float g, float b) Set the non stroking color space to /DeviceRGB and set the color values
r , g , b . | public void | setNonStrokeColorSpace(COSName resourceName, PDColorSpace colorSpace) Set color space for non-stroking. | public void | setNonStrokeColorValues(float[] values) Set the color used for non stroking operations, dependent on the
currently selected color spaces. | public void | setNonStrokeColorValues(float[] values, COSName resourceName, PDPattern pattern) Set the color used for non stroking operations, dependent on the
currently selected special color spaces. | public void | setRenderingIntent(COSName intent) Set the color rendering intent. | public void | setStrokeColorCMYK(float c, float m, float y, float k) Set the stroking color space to /DeviceCMYK and set the color values
c , m , y , K . | public void | setStrokeColorGray(float gray) Set the stroking color space to /DeviceGray and set the gray level to
gray . | public void | setStrokeColorRGB(float r, float g, float b) Set the stroking color space to /DeviceRGB and set the color values
r , g , b . | public void | setStrokeColorSpace(COSName resourceName, PDColorSpace colorSpace) Set color space for stroking. | public void | setStrokeColorValues(float[] values) Set the color used for stroking operations, dependent on the currently
selected color spaces. | public void | setStrokeColorValues(float[] values, COSName resourceName, PDPattern pattern) Set the color used for stroking operations, dependent on the currently
selected special color spaces. | public void | textBegin() Begin text mode. | public void | textEnd() End text mode. | public void | textLineMove(float dx, float dy) Move the current lext line by dx , dy . | public void | textLineNew() Move the current position to a new line. | public void | textMove(float dx, float dy) Move the current text cursor by dx , dy .
There is no graphics operator for this. | public void | textMoveTo(float x, float y) Move the current text cursor to x , y .
There is no graphics operator for this. | public void | textSetCharSpacing(float charSpacing) Set the character spacing. | public void | textSetFont(COSName resourceName, PDFont font, float size) Set the current font and size. | public void | textSetHorizontalScaling(float scale) Set the horizontal scling factor. | public void | textSetLeading(float leading) Set the text leading. | public void | textSetRenderingMode(int renderingMode) Set the text rendering mode. | public void | textSetRise(float rise) Set the text rise. | public void | textSetTransform(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) Set the text transformation matrix. | public void | textSetWordSpacing(float wordSpacing) Set the word spacing. | public void | textShow(byte[] text, int offset, int length) Show a sequence of bytes as text. | public void | textShow(String text) Show a string value as text, using the current font encoding.
This is an optional operation from the viewpoint of an
ICSInterpreter . | public void | textT3SetGlyphWidth(float x, float y) Set the glyph width for a type 3 font. | public void | textT3SetGlyphWidthBB(float x, float y, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury) Set the glyph width and bounding box for a type 3 font. | public void | transform(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) Modify the current transformation matrix by concatenating the
transformations. |
close | public void close()(Code) | | Close the device after use.
compatibilityBegin | public void compatibilityBegin()(Code) | | Begin a compatibility section.
PDF graphics operator "BX"
compatibilityEnd | public void compatibilityEnd()(Code) | | End a compatibility section.
PDF graphics operator "EX"
doShading | public void doShading(COSName resourceName, PDShading shading)(Code) | | Paint shape and color shading according to shading dictionary.
PDF graphics operator "sh"
Parameters: resourceName - The logical name of the resource in the PDResources Parameters: shading - The PDShading to be painted. |
doXObject | public void doXObject(COSName resourceName, PDXObject xObject)(Code) | | Stroke a PDXObject. A PDXObject is a self contained graphical
description, either a form, an image or a postscript program.
PDF graphics operator "Do"
Parameters: resourceName - The logical name of the resource in the PDResources Parameters: xObject - The PDXObject to be stroked. |
inlineImage | public void inlineImage(PDImage img)(Code) | | Stroke an inlined image.
PDF graphics operators "BI", "ID", "EI"
Parameters: img - The inlined image. The image may use some special keys insteadof the standard PDImage dictionary keys. |
markedContentBegin | public void markedContentBegin(COSName tag)(Code) | | Begin a marked content sequence.
PDF graphics operator "BMC"
Parameters: tag - The tag indicating the role or significance. |
markedContentBeginProperties | public void markedContentBeginProperties(COSName tag, COSName resourceName, COSDictionary properties)(Code) | | Begin a marked content sequence with a property list.
PDF graphics operator "BDC"
Parameters: tag - The tag indicating the role or significance. Parameters: resourceName - The logical name of the resource in the PDResources Parameters: properties - The properties for the marked content sequence. |
markedContentEnd | public void markedContentEnd()(Code) | | End marked content sequence started with "BMC" or "BDC".
PDF graphics operator "EMC"
markedContentPoint | public void markedContentPoint(COSName tag)(Code) | | Set a marked point.
PDF graphics operator "MP"
Parameters: tag - The tag indicating the role or significance. |
markedContentPointProperties | public void markedContentPointProperties(COSName tag, COSName resourceName, COSDictionary properties)(Code) | | Define a marked content point with a property list.
PDF graphics operator "DP"
Parameters: tag - The tag indicating the role or significance. Parameters: resourceName - The logical name of the resource in the PDResources Parameters: properties - The properties for the marked content point. |
open | public void open(ICSInterpreter interpreter)(Code) | | Open the device for use by interpreter .
Parameters: interpreter - |
pathClipEvenOdd | public void pathClipEvenOdd()(Code) | | Intersect the current clipping path with the current path using the
even/odd rule.
PDF graphics operator "W*"
pathClipNonZero | public void pathClipNonZero()(Code) | | Intersect the current clipping path with the current path using the
nonzero winding rule.
PDF graphics operator "W"
pathClose | public void pathClose()(Code) | | Close the path and append a line segment from the current coordinate to
the starting point of the path.
PDF graphics operator "h"
pathCloseFillStrokeEvenOdd | public void pathCloseFillStrokeEvenOdd()(Code) | | Close, Fill and then stroke the path using the even/odd rule.
PDF graphics operator "b*"
pathCloseFillStrokeNonZero | public void pathCloseFillStrokeNonZero()(Code) | | Close, Fill and then stroke the path using the non zero winding rule.
PDF graphics operator "b"
pathCloseStroke | public void pathCloseStroke()(Code) | | Close and then stroke the path.
PDF graphics operator "s"
pathEnd | public void pathEnd()(Code) | | End the path without filling or stroking.
This may for example be used to manipulate the clipping path without a
painting operation.
PDF graphics operator "n"
pathFillEvenOdd | public void pathFillEvenOdd()(Code) | | Fill the path using the even/odd rule.
PDF graphics operator "f*"
pathFillNonZero | public void pathFillNonZero()(Code) | | Fill the path using the non-zero winding rule.
An open subpath is closed before filling.
PDF graphics operator "f"
pathFillStrokeEvenOdd | public void pathFillStrokeEvenOdd()(Code) | | Fill and then stroke the path using the even/odd rule.
PDF graphics operator "B*"
pathFillStrokeNonZero | public void pathFillStrokeNonZero()(Code) | | Fill and then stroke the path using the non-zero winding rule.
PDF graphics operator "B"
pathStroke | public void pathStroke()(Code) | | Stroke the current path.
PDF graphics operator "S"
penCurveToC | public void penCurveToC(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3)(Code) | | Append a cubic bezier curve to the path.
The curve extends from the current point to x3, y3, where x1,y1 and x2,y2
are the bezier control points.
+---------* x1/y1
. _
. *x2/y2
+ x3/y3
PDF graphics operator "c"
Parameters: x1 - x coordinate of first control point Parameters: y1 - y coordinate of first control point Parameters: x2 - x coordinate of second control point Parameters: y2 - y coordinate of second control point Parameters: x3 - x coordinate of endpoint Parameters: y3 - y coordinate of endpoint |
penCurveToV | public void penCurveToV(float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3)(Code) | | Append a cubic bezier curve to the path. The curve extends from the
current point to x3, y3, where the first control point coincides with the
current point and x2,y2 is the second bezier control point.
. _
. *x2/y2
+ x3/y3
PDF graphics operator "v"
Parameters: x2 - x coordinate of second control point Parameters: y2 - y coordinate of second control point Parameters: x3 - x coordinate of endpoint Parameters: y3 - y coordinate of endpoint |
penCurveToY | public void penCurveToY(float x1, float y1, float x3, float y3)(Code) | | Append a cubic bezier curve to the path.
The curve extends from the current point to x3, y3, where x1,y1 and x3,y3
are the bezier control points.
+---------* x1/y1
. _
+ x3/y3
PDF graphics operator "y"
Parameters: x1 - x coordinate of first control point Parameters: y1 - y coordinate of first control point Parameters: x3 - x coordinate of endpoint Parameters: y3 - y coordinate of endpoint |
penLineTo | public void penLineTo(float x, float y)(Code) | | Add a line from the current point to x , y .
The new current point is x , y .
PDF graphics operator "l"
Parameters: x - The new current x coordinate Parameters: y - The new current y coordinate |
penMoveTo | public void penMoveTo(float x, float y)(Code) | | Move the current point to x , y . No line
is added to the path, a new subpath is started.
PDF graphics operator "m"
Parameters: x - The new current x coordinate Parameters: y - The new current y coordinate |
penRectangle | public void penRectangle(float x, float y, float w, float h)(Code) | | Append a complete rectangle to as a subpath.
The lower left corner is at x , y , the
dimensions are width and height . The
numbers are defined in user space.
PDF graphics operator "re"
Parameters: x - The x coordinate of the lower left corner in user space Parameters: y - The y coordinate of the lower left corner in user space Parameters: w - The width in user space Parameters: h - The height in user space |
restoreState | public void restoreState()(Code) | | Restore the graphics state from the stack.
PDF graphics operator "Q"
saveState | public void saveState()(Code) | | Save the current graphics state on a stack for later use.
PDF graphics operator "q"
setExtendedState | public void setExtendedState(COSName resourceName, PDExtGState gstate)(Code) | | Set the dictionary as the new graphic state, creating a new
PDResources entry if needed.
PDF graphics operator "gs"
Parameters: resourceName - The logical name of the resource in the PDResources Parameters: gstate - The new PDExtGState |
setFlatnessTolerance | public void setFlatnessTolerance(float flatness)(Code) | | Set the flatness tolerance. flatness is a value between 0
and 100, with 0 defining the device's default flatness tolerance.
PDF graphics operator "i"
Parameters: flatness - The flatness tolerance between 0 and 100. |
setLineCap | public void setLineCap(int capStyle)(Code) | | The line cap specifies the shape to be used at the ends of open subpaths.
0: Butt. The stroke is cut at the endpoint.
1: Round. A circle is drawn with the diamter of the line width at the endpoint
2: Square. A square is drawn with its center at the endpoint.
PDF graphics operator "J"
Parameters: capStyle - The line cap style to use (0,1 or 2) |
setLineDash | public void setLineDash(float[] pattern, float phase)(Code) | | Define the pattern used to stroke paths. unitsOn defines a
length in user space where the line is drawn, unitsOff
defines a length in user space wher the line is not drawn.
phase defines a "offset" in the pattern definition.
This is a simplified version that only allows for a two phase pattern.
PDF graphics operator "d"
Parameters: pattern - The pattern array for the dash Parameters: phase - Offset in pattern |
setLineJoin | public void setLineJoin(int joinStyle)(Code) | | The line join specifies the shape to be used at the connection points of
two adjacent lines in a path.
0: Miter Join, the outer line boreders are extended until they meet.
1: Round join. A circle is drawn at the meeting point with its
diameter the same as the line width.
2: Bevel join. The segments are cut at the endpoints as in the line cap
style "Butt". The empty triangle is filled.
PDF graphics operator "j"
Parameters: joinStyle - The line join style to use (one of 0,1,2) |
setLineWidth | public void setLineWidth(float lineWidth)(Code) | | Set the thickness of the line used to stroke a path. This is a number in
user space units.
A width of zero denotes the thinest line that can be rendered.
PDF graphics operator "w"
Parameters: lineWidth - The line width in user space. |
setMiterLimit | public void setMiterLimit(float miterLimit)(Code) | | The maximum ratio of MiterLength/LineWidth when connecting two lines with
miter style.
PDF graphics operator "M"
Parameters: miterLimit - The maximum ratio of MiterLength/LineWidth when connecting twolines with miter style. |
setNonStrokeColorCMYK | public void setNonStrokeColorCMYK(float c, float m, float y, float k)(Code) | | Set the non stroking color space to /DeviceCMYK and set the color values
c , m , y , K .
Parameters: c - A number between 0 (minimum) and 1 (maximum) Parameters: m - A number between 0 (minimum) and 1 (maximum) Parameters: y - A number between 0 (minimum) and 1 (maximum) Parameters: k - A number between 0 (minimum) and 1 (maximum) |
setNonStrokeColorGray | public void setNonStrokeColorGray(float gray)(Code) | | Set the non stroking color space to /DeviceGray and set the gray level to
gray .
Parameters: gray - A number between 0 (black) and 1 (white) |
setNonStrokeColorRGB | public void setNonStrokeColorRGB(float r, float g, float b)(Code) | | Set the non stroking color space to /DeviceRGB and set the color values
r , g , b .
Parameters: r - A number between 0 (minimum) and 1 (maximum) Parameters: g - A number between 0 (minimum) and 1 (maximum) Parameters: b - A number between 0 (minimum) and 1 (maximum) |
setNonStrokeColorSpace | public void setNonStrokeColorSpace(COSName resourceName, PDColorSpace colorSpace)(Code) | | Set color space for non-stroking.
PDF graphics operator "cs"
Parameters: resourceName - The logical name of the resource in the PDResources Parameters: colorSpace - The new PDColorSpace |
setNonStrokeColorValues | public void setNonStrokeColorValues(float[] values)(Code) | | Set the color used for non stroking operations, dependent on the
currently selected color spaces.
PDF graphics operator "sc" or "scn", dependen on the active color space.
Parameters: values - The color values |
setNonStrokeColorValues | public void setNonStrokeColorValues(float[] values, COSName resourceName, PDPattern pattern)(Code) | | Set the color used for non stroking operations, dependent on the
currently selected special color spaces.
PDF graphics operator "scn"
Parameters: values - The color values. Parameters: resourceName - An optional logical name of the resource in thePDResources Parameters: pattern - An optional PDPattern |
setRenderingIntent | public void setRenderingIntent(COSName intent)(Code) | | Set the color rendering intent.
PDF graphics operator "ri"
Parameters: intent - The name of the rendering intent. |
setStrokeColorCMYK | public void setStrokeColorCMYK(float c, float m, float y, float k)(Code) | | Set the stroking color space to /DeviceCMYK and set the color values
c , m , y , K .
Parameters: c - A number between 0 (minimum) and 1 (maximum) Parameters: m - A number between 0 (minimum) and 1 (maximum) Parameters: y - A number between 0 (minimum) and 1 (maximum) Parameters: k - A number between 0 (minimum) and 1 (maximum) |
setStrokeColorGray | public void setStrokeColorGray(float gray)(Code) | | Set the stroking color space to /DeviceGray and set the gray level to
gray .
Parameters: gray - A number between 0 (black) and 1 (white) |
setStrokeColorRGB | public void setStrokeColorRGB(float r, float g, float b)(Code) | | Set the stroking color space to /DeviceRGB and set the color values
r , g , b .
Parameters: r - A number between 0 (minimum) and 1 (maximum) Parameters: g - A number between 0 (minimum) and 1 (maximum) Parameters: b - A number between 0 (minimum) and 1 (maximum) |
setStrokeColorSpace | public void setStrokeColorSpace(COSName resourceName, PDColorSpace colorSpace)(Code) | | Set color space for stroking.
PDF graphics operator "CS"
Parameters: resourceName - The logical name of the resource in the PDResources Parameters: colorSpace - The new PDColorSpace |
setStrokeColorValues | public void setStrokeColorValues(float[] values)(Code) | | Set the color used for stroking operations, dependent on the currently
selected color spaces.
PDF graphics operator "SC" or "SCN", dependen on the active color space.
Parameters: values - The color values. |
setStrokeColorValues | public void setStrokeColorValues(float[] values, COSName resourceName, PDPattern pattern)(Code) | | Set the color used for stroking operations, dependent on the currently
selected special color spaces.
PDF graphics operator "SCN"
Parameters: values - The color values. Parameters: resourceName - An optional logical name of the resource in thePDResources Parameters: pattern - An optional PDPattern |
textBegin | public void textBegin()(Code) | | Begin text mode.
PDF graphics operator "BT"
textEnd | public void textEnd()(Code) | | End text mode.
PDF graphics operator "ET"
textLineMove | public void textLineMove(float dx, float dy)(Code) | | Move the current lext line by dx , dy .
PDF graphics operator "Td"
Parameters: dx - The x offset for the new glyph starting point from the lasttext line starting point. Parameters: dy - The y offset for the new glyph starting point from the lasttext line starting point. |
textLineNew | public void textLineNew()(Code) | | Move the current position to a new line. y .
PDF graphics operator "T*"
textMove | public void textMove(float dx, float dy)(Code) | | Move the current text cursor by dx , dy .
There is no graphics operator for this. It is implemented as a tool for
the ease of creating a content stream.
Parameters: dx - The x offset for the new glyph starting point from the currenttext cursor position. Parameters: dy - The x offset for the new glyph starting point from the currenttext cursor position. |
textMoveTo | public void textMoveTo(float x, float y)(Code) | | Move the current text cursor to x , y .
There is no graphics operator for this. It is implemented as a tool for
the ease of creating a content stream.
Parameters: x - The x coordinate for the next glyph starting point . Parameters: y - The y coordinate for the next glyph starting point . |
textSetCharSpacing | public void textSetCharSpacing(float charSpacing)(Code) | | Set the character spacing.
PDF graphics operator "Tc"
Parameters: charSpacing - The character spacing |
textSetFont | public void textSetFont(COSName resourceName, PDFont font, float size)(Code) | | Set the current font and size.
PDF graphics operator "Tf"
Parameters: resourceName - The logical name of the resource in the PDResources Parameters: font - The new PDFont Parameters: size - The new font size (scaling) |
textSetHorizontalScaling | public void textSetHorizontalScaling(float scale)(Code) | | Set the horizontal scling factor.
PDF graphics operator "Tz"
Parameters: scale - The new horizontal scaling factor. |
textSetLeading | public void textSetLeading(float leading)(Code) | | Set the text leading.
PDF graphics operator "TL"
Parameters: leading - The new leading |
textSetRenderingMode | public void textSetRenderingMode(int renderingMode)(Code) | | Set the text rendering mode.
PDF graphics operator "Tr"
Parameters: renderingMode - The new rendering mode. |
textSetRise | public void textSetRise(float rise)(Code) | | Set the text rise.
PDF graphics operator "Ts"
Parameters: rise - The new text rise (super/subscript) amount |
textSetTransform | public void textSetTransform(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f)(Code) | | Set the text transformation matrix. Both the text matrix anf the text
line matrix are set to the new values.
PDF graphics operator "Tm"
Parameters: a - operand 1,1 in the matrix Parameters: b - operand 1,2 in the matrix Parameters: c - operand 2,1 in the matrix Parameters: d - operand 2,2 in the matrix Parameters: e - operand 3,1 in the matrix Parameters: f - operand 3,2 in the matrix |
textSetWordSpacing | public void textSetWordSpacing(float wordSpacing)(Code) | | Set the word spacing.
PDF graphics operator "Tw"
Parameters: wordSpacing - The new word spacing. |
textShow | public void textShow(byte[] text, int offset, int length)(Code) | | Show a sequence of bytes as text.
PDF graphics operator "Tj"
Parameters: text - The bytes to be shown. Parameters: offset - Parameters: length - |
textShow | public void textShow(String text)(Code) | | Show a string value as text, using the current font encoding.
This is an optional operation from the viewpoint of an
ICSInterpreter . It is called only "manually" in content creation
devices. This method may throw an
UnsupportedOperationException .
PDF graphics operator "Tj"
Parameters: text - The text value to be shown using the current fonts encoding. |
textT3SetGlyphWidth | public void textT3SetGlyphWidth(float x, float y)(Code) | | Set the glyph width for a type 3 font.
PDF graphics operator "d0"
Parameters: x - The glyph width Parameters: y - must be 0 |
textT3SetGlyphWidthBB | public void textT3SetGlyphWidthBB(float x, float y, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury)(Code) | | Set the glyph width and bounding box for a type 3 font.
PDF graphics operator "d1"
Parameters: x - The glyph width. Parameters: y - must be 0 Parameters: llx - lower left x of bounding box Parameters: lly - lower left y of bounding box Parameters: urx - upper right x of bounding box Parameters: ury - upper right y of bounding box |
transform | public void transform(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f)(Code) | | Modify the current transformation matrix by concatenating the
PDF graphics operator "cm"
Parameters: a - operand 1,1 in the matrix Parameters: b - operand 1,2 in the matrix Parameters: c - operand 2,1 in the matrix Parameters: d - operand 2,2 in the matrix Parameters: e - operand 3,1 in the matrix Parameters: f - operand 3,2 in the matrix |