Java Doc for in » PDF » jPod » de » intarsys » pdf » cos » Java Source Code / Java DocumentationJava Source Code and Java Documentation
This is a COS level representation of a pdf document. A COS document is made
up of a collection of
COSObject instances. These objects are arranged
according to the PDF file format specification.
save(ILocator locator, Map options) Save the document to an optional new
ILocator using the
options to control specific serializing behavior such as
"incremental writing".
Make a deep copy of the receiver. The newly created document has the same
content as this, but does not share any object. The structure of the ST
level is built from scratch.
A deep copy of this.
Create a COSDocument based on a Locator.
Parameters: locator - The ILocater referencing the documents data stream. A new COSDocument. throws: COSLoadException - throws: IOException -
If a document contains a permissions dictionary, it is "pushed" to this
by the parser. Otherwise the document will have full permissions set.
The document access permissions
The write mode to be used when the document is written the next time. If
defined this overrides any hint that is used when saving the document.
The write mode is reset after each "save".
The write mode to be used when the document is written.
Answer true if the document is read only. To save the
document and its changes you have to define another
ILocator when
Answer true if the document is read only.
An iterator on all COSObject instances of this that are managed as
indirect objects in the storage layer.
ATTENTION: This iterator may (and on incremental documents most often
will) return objects that are no longer used (referenced) in the
An iterator on all COSObject instances od this that are managedas indirect objects in the storage layer.
Restore this from a locator. The
ILocator must reference a data
stream that was previously used to parse the document.
Parameters: locator - The ILocator defining the new physical content. throws: IOException - throws: COSLoadException -
Save the document to an optional new
ILocator using the
options to control specific serializing behavior such as
"incremental writing".
Parameters: locator - Parameters: options - throws: IOException -
The write mode to be used when the document is written the next time. If
defined this overrides any hint that is used when saving the document.
The write mode is reset after each "save".
Parameters: writeMode - The write mode to be used when the document is written.