Method Summary |
public void | append(byte[] a) Appends the given array to this buffer without copying (if possible). |
public void | append(byte[][] a) Appends all arrays to this buffer without copying (if possible). |
public void | reset() Resets this buffer. |
public long | size() Returns the number of bytes that have been written to this buffer so far. |
public byte[] | toByteArray() Allocates a new array and copies all data that has been written to this buffer to the newly allocated array. |
public byte[][] | toByteArrayArray() Returns the internal list of byte array buffers without copying the buffer contents. |
public String | toString() |
public void | write(int b) Copies the given byte to the internal buffer. |
public void | write(byte[] src) Copies the given array to the internal buffer. |
public void | write(byte[] src, int off, int len) Copies len bytes starting at position off from the array src to the internal buffer. |
public long | write(InputStream in) Writes all bytes available in the given inputstream to this buffer. |
public void | writeTo(OutputStream out) Writes all data that has been written to this buffer to the given output stream. |