| |
Package Name | Comment | antlr | | cryptix.jce.provider.asn | | cryptix.jce.provider.cipher | | cryptix.jce.provider.md | | java.security | | java.security.interfaces | | javax.crypto | | xtc |
xtc-wide constants.
| xtc.lang |
Language-specific support for C and Java.
| xtc.lang.antlr |
A Java parser generated by ANTLR.
The ANTLR Java grammar is based on the Java grammar distributed at the
ANTLR web site, but with all AST building annotations removed.
| xtc.lang.c |
Language-specific support for C.
| xtc.lang.c4 |
C4, an aspect-enhanced version of C.
| xtc.lang.javacc |
A Java parser generated by JavaCC.
| xtc.lang.javacc.syntaxtree |
The AST for the JavaCC-generated parser.
| xtc.lang.javacc.visitor |
Visitors for the JavaCC-generated Java AST.
| xtc.lang.jeannie |
A compiler contributed to xtc that integrates Java with C. Both
language and compiler are described in
an OOPSLA '07
paper by Martin Hirzel and Robert Grimm.
You need Java 1.5, gcc, and the usual GNU tooling (in particular, gcc
and make). We have tested Jeannie under Mac OS X with HotSpot, and
under Linux and Cygwin with IBM Java.
Environment variables
set this such that $JAVA_DEV_ROOT/xtc is the top-level xtc directory |
':' for MacOS or Linux, or ';' for Cygwin |
$JAVA_DEV_ROOT/classes$PATH_SEP$JAVA_DEV_ROOT/bin/junit.jar$PATH_SEP$JAVA_DEV_ROOT/bin/antlr.jar |
set this such that $JAVA_HOME/bin/java is the Java virtual machine |
should include the directory that contains jni.h, which is most likely $JAVA_HOME/include |
should include $JAVA_HOME/bin |
should be either cygwin, or have linux or darwin as a substring |
Testing using the Makefile
Try the following:
make -C $JAVA_DEV_ROOT/fonda/jeannie_testsuite test_000
If all goes well, that should produce the output:
==== integration test_000 ====
Processing tmp/000sugared/Main.jni ...
diff tmp/000mangled/output.txt tmp/000sugared/output.txt
What happened is that the Makefile compiled and ran the same test
written in Jeannie (fonda/jeannie_testsuite/input/000sugared_Main.jni)
and in JNI (fonda/jeannie_testsuite/input/000mangled_Main.{c,java}),
and compared the output.
You can also run all included integration tests in batch mode:
make -C $JAVA_DEV_ROOT/fonda/jeannie_testsuite test
To find out the individual compilation steps, uncomment the following
line in the Makefile:
# export VERBOSE_MAKE=true
Compiling your own programs
The easiest way is to follow the existing examples and use the
existing Makefiles. But if you prefer to compile by hand, the
following example compiles and runs foo/Bar.jni
- Run Jeannie preprocessor to inject "#include <jni.h>" at the start of the file.
java -ea xtc.lang.jeannie.PreJeannieParser foo/Main.jni > foo/Main.jni.pp
- Run C prepreocessor to resolve #includes, #ifdefs, and macros.
# Mac OS:
cc -DSPECIALIZE_RELPROD -DSPECIALIZE_AND -DSPECIALIZE_OR -DSMALL_NODES -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-common -I/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Headers -E -x c foo/Bar.jni.pp > foo/Bar.jni.i
# Linux:
gcc -E -x c foo/Bar.jni.pp > foo/Bar.jni.i
# Cygwin:
gcc -mno-cygwin -I$JAVA_HOME/include -E -x c foo/Bar.jni.pp > foo/Bar.jni.i
- Run Jeannie compiler.
# Mac OS or Linux:
java -ea -DJNICALL='' xtc.lang.jeannie.Jeannie -analyze -translate -in foo foo/Bar.jni.i
# Cygwin:
java -ea -DJNICALL='__attribute__((__stdcall__))' xtc.lang.jeannie.Jeannie -analyze -translate -in foo foo/Bar.jni.i
- Compile resulting C code into a shared object file (dynamically linked libary):
# Mac OS:
cc -DSPECIALIZE_RELPROD -DSPECIALIZE_AND -DSPECIALIZE_OR -DSMALL_NODES -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-common -I/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Headers -dynamiclib -framework JavaVM -o foo/libBar.jnilib foo/Bar.i
# Linux:
gcc -shared -o foo/libBar.so foo/Bar.i
# Cygwin:
gcc -mno-cygwin -I$JAVA_HOME/include -Wl,--add-stdcall-alias -shared -o foo/Bar.dll foo/Bar.i
- Compile resulting Java code into class files (bytecode):
javac -sourcepath foo -d foo foo/Bar.java
- Tell the dynamic linker where to find the shared object file.
export PATH=foo:"$PATH"
- Run the code with a Java virtual machine.
java -cp foo -Djava.library.path=foo Bar
| xtc.lang.p2 |
This package contains P2 related language parsers and analyzers.
| xtc.parser |
Rats!, a parser generator supporting extensible syntax.
Grammars for Rats! build on the Parsing Expression Grammar
(PEG) formalism described in Brian
Ford's Parsing
Expression Grammars paper. However, since Rats! produces
working parsers, the syntax of Rats! grammars is somewhat
different from and more expressive than the PEG syntax described in
the paper. Additionally, to make grammars more easily reusable and
extensible, Rats organizes grammar fragments into modules. A
good starting point for learning how to use Rats!, in addition
to this introduction, are Rats!' own grammar in
package xtc.parser and the C and Java grammars in
package xtc.lang .
The rest of this document covers the following topics:
Here is the syntax of Rats!' grammar modules, expressed in PEG
Module <- Spacing Intro Production* EOF
Intro <- ModuleDecl Dependency* Header? Body? Footer? Option?
ModuleDecl <- "module" FSpacing ModuleRef SEMICOLON
Dependency <- Modification / Instantiation / Import
Modification <- "modify" FSpacing ModuleRef ModuleTarget? SEMICOLON
Instantiation <- "instantiate" FSpacing ModuleRef ModuleTarget? SEMICOLON
Import <- "import" FSpacing ModuleRef ModuleTarget? SEMICOLON
ModuleRef <- QName ModuleParams?
ModuleParams <- OPEN ( QName (COMMA QName)* )? CLOSE
ModuleTarget <- "as" FSpacing QName
Header <- "header" Spacing Action
Body <- "body" Spacing Action
Footer <- "footer" Spacing Action
Option <- "option" FSpacing Attribute (COMMA Attribute)* SEMICOLON
Production <- Full / Addition / Removal / Override
Full <- PAttributes QName Identifier EQUAL Choice SEMICOLON
Addition <- QName Identifier PLUSEQUAL
Removal <- QName Identifier MINUSEQUAL
Override <- QName Identifier COLONEQUAL Choice SEMICOLON
PAttributes <- &(QName Identifier EQUAL) / Attribute PAttributes
Choice <- Sequence (SLASH Sequence)*
Sequence <- !(SName ELLIPSIS / ELLIPSIS) SName? Voided*
Voided <- ("void" Spacing COLON)? Prefix
Prefix <- (AND / NOT / CARET / Identifier COLON
/ StringLit Spacing COLON)? Suffix
Suffix <- Primary (QUESTION / STAR / PLUS)?
Primary <- NullLit / QName / Literal / NodeMarker / Action
NullLit <- "null" Spacing
NodeMarker <- '@' Id Spacing
Action <- '{' ActionBody* '}' Spacing
ActionBody <- Action / CharLit / StringLit / MLComment / SLComment / !'}' .
Attribute <- Identifier (OPEN AttValue CLOSE)?
AttValue <- Integer / QName / StringLit Spacing
QName <- Id ('.' Id)* Spacing
Identifier <- Id Spacing
Id <- [a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9]*
Literal <- ('_' / CharLit / StringLit / Class) Spacing
CharLit <- ['] (Escape / !['\\] .) [']
StringLit <- ["] (Escape / !["\\] .)* ["]
Class <- '[' (Char '-' Char / Char)* ']'
Char <- Escape / ![-\]\\] .
Escape <- '\\' [btnfr"'\[\\\]-] / '\\' 'u' HexQuad / OctalEscape
OctalEscape <- '\\' ([0-3] OctDigit OctDigit / OctDigit OctDigit / OctDigit)
Integer <- (HexNumber / OctNumber / Number) Spacing
HexNumber <- '0' [xX] HexDigit+
HexQuad <- HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit
HexDigit <- [0-9a-fA-F]
Number <- '0' / NZDigit Digit*
NZDigit <- [1-9]
Digit <- [0-9]
OctNumber <- '0' OctDigit+
OctDigit <- [0-7]
ELLIPSIS <- "..." Spacing
PLUSEQUAL <- "+=" Spacing
MINUSEQUAL <- "-=" Spacing
COLONEQUAL <- ":=" Spacing
COMMA <- ',' Spacing
EQUAL <- '=' Spacing
SLASH <- '/' ![/*] Spacing
AND <- '&' Spacing
NOT <- '!' Spacing
CARET <- '^' Spacing
COLON <- ':' Spacing
QUESTION <- '?' Spacing
STAR <- '*' Spacing
PLUS <- '+' Spacing
OPEN <- '(' Spacing
CLOSE <- ')' Spacing
SEMICOLON <- ';' Spacing
LESS <- '<'
GREATER >- '>' Spacing
Spacing <- (Space / SLComment / MLComment)*
FSpacing <- (Space / SLComment / MLComment)+
Space <- ' ' / '\t' / '\f' / EOL
SLComment <- "//" (![\n\r] .)* EOL
MLComment <- "/*" ('*' !'/' / !'*' .)* "*/"
EOL <- '\r' '\n' / '\r' / '\n'
EOF <- !.
Note that QName stands for "qualified
name," SName stands for "sequence
name," PAttributes for "production
attributes," AttValue for "attribute
value," NZDigit for "non-zero
digit," FSpacing for "forced
spacing," SLComment for "single-line comment,"
and MLComment for "multi-line comment."
Overview of Expressions and Operators
The biggest difference between parsing expression grammars and the
more familiar context-free grammars (CFGs) is the use
of ordered choices instead of symmetric choices. Hence, the
different options in a PEG choice (and also a Rats! choice) are
separated by a slash / instead of a vertical
bar | . Furthermore, to emphasize that PEGs define how
to parse a language instead of how to generate a language, PEGs
use a left arrow <- instead of the right
arrow -> used in CFGs. Note that Rats! uses an
equal sign instead.
Otherwise, PEGs have many of the same expressions and operators
as other syntax and grammar formalisms. For example, the any
character constant . (_ for Rats!)
matches any character in the input, and a character class, as defined
by the [] operator, matches any of the characters in the
class. The option operator ? makes an expression
optional, and the star * and plus +
operators indicate zero-or-more and one-or-more repetitions,
respectively. Somewhat less common are the and & and
not ! operators, which denote syntactic predicates.
Expressions in a syntactic predicate must match (for the
and & operator) or not match (for the not !
operator) the input, though the corresponding text in the input is
not consumed.
Rats! grammars differ from PEGs in that they have
additional expressions and operators necessary for generating actual
parsers. Most importantly, Rats! grammars include
actions that generate semantic values. Actions are surrounded
by curly brackets {} , just like blocks of code in C, C++,
or Java. To access such semantic values, Rats! grammars can
also include bindings. Bindings first specify the variable
name, followed by a colon : , and then the expression to
be bound. Additionally, Rats! grammars support semantic
predicates, which are denoted by the and
& operator directly followed by an action (which must be
an expression evaluating to a boolean value). Furthermore,
Rats! grammars support text matching expressions,
which first specify the text to be matched as a string literal,
followed by a colon : , and then the expression to be
matched. A text matching expression
" text": expr
is equivalent to the expression
fresh-variable: expr &{ " text".equals( fresh-variable) }
but implemented more efficiently.
Rats! grammars also support a voiding operator, which is
specified as "void: " followed by an expression, node
markers, which are specified as an at sign '@ '
immediately followed by an identifier, and parser actions,
which are actions prefixed by a caret '^ '. Voided
expressions and node markers help with the automatic generation of
abstract syntax trees and are explained here.
Parser actions provide a low-level interface for extending parsers
generated by Rats! and are
explained here.
Other differences between PEGs and Rats! grammars include
that, as already mentioned Rats! uses an underscore
'_ ' as the any character constant, while PEGs use a dot
'. '. Furthermore, Rats!, just like C/C++/Java,
requires that single-quoted literals specify exactly one character,
while double-quoted literals may specify an arbitrary number of
characters. Escape sequences include basic C/C++/Java escapes such as
'\n ' and '\\ ', Java Unicode escapes such as
'\u00ff ', and '\[ ', '\- ', and
'\] ' for character class specifications. Rats!
grammars also use standard C/C++/Java comments. Note that, while
Rats! supports Unicode, it only supports 16 bit characters in
the basic multilingual plane (i.e., with code points between U+0000
and U+FFFF). Expressions recognizing supplementary characters (i.e.,
with code points between U+10000 and U+10FFFF) need to
use Java's
encoding as a pair of char values in the surrogates
Grammar Modules
A Rats! grammar consists of one top-level module, which is the
module specified on the command line when invoking Rats!, and
zero or more dependent modules. Each module starts with several
declarations, whose syntax follows from Intro in
the Rats! syntax specification above:
- The
module declaration specifies the fully qualified
name of a grammar module. Optionally, the module may have one or more
parameters, which are treated as module names and are replaced with
the actual arguments throughout the module, notably in module
dependency declarations and in qualified nonterminals (a qualified
nonterminal consists of the module name, followed by a dot
'. ', followed by the unqualified nonterminal). Module
parameters are discussed in more
detail here.
- Zero or more module dependency declarations specify how the
current module depends on other modules. Rats! supports three
types of such dependency declarations. First, import dependencies
make another module's nonterminals referenceable from within the
current module. Second, modification dependencies make another
module's productions available for modification in the current module.
Each module can have at most one modification dependency. Finally,
instantiation dependencies instantiate other modules (typically,
modules that require arguments) and make their names available for use
in other dependencies. The effects of import and instantiation
declarations are discussed in more
detail here; module modifications are
discussed in detail here.
- The action code following an optional
declaration is copied into the parser just before the parser class
declaration. If a grammar spans several modules, all unique header
actions are copied into the parser class.
- The action code following an optional
declaration is copied into the body of the parser class. Again, if a
grammar spans several modules, all unique body actions are copied into
the parser class.
- The action code following an optional
declaration is copied just after the parser class declaration. As for
header and body declarations, if a grammar spans several modules, all
unique footer actions are copied into the parser class.
- An optional
option declaration specifies parser
options. Each option is expressed as an attribute, which is an
identifier specifying the attribute's name followed by an optional
integer literal, qualified name, or string within
parentheses () specifying the attribute's value. The
currently recognized options are
discussed here.
A grammar's top-level module (i.e., the module specified on the
command line when invoking Rats!) is treated somewhat
differently from its dependent modules:
- By default, the Java package and class names of the generated
parser are automatically deduced from the fully qualified name of the
top-level module. For example, the default package and class names
for module
xtc.parser.PGrammar would be
xtc.parser and PGrammar , respectively.
However, this default can be overriden through
the parser option (and
is, in fact, overriden by that module).
- Option declarations are outside the module system, and only the
top-level module's options are observed by the parser generator. The
exceptions are the following options. First,
stateful option
specifies a global state object and must have the same value across
all of a grammar's modules (if it appears at all). Second,
the setOfString option specifies a
global set of strings and has the corresponding field's name as its
value; each unique value results in its own global field. Finally
the flag option specifies a global
boolean field and has the corresponding field's name as its value;
each unique value results in its own global field.
- The top-level module must have at least one production that is
marked as
public , which
indicates that that production is a top-level production and thus
visible outside the parser class. Other modules' public productions
are not treated as top-level production for the grammar.
- Finally, because the top-level module is directly instantiated, it
cannot have any parameters. Only dependent modules may have
parameters; the corresponding arguments are specified when importing,
instantiating, or modifying the module.
Similar to the Java compiler automatically loading dependent Java
classes, Rats! automatically loads dependent modules from the
file system. For example, when looking for the dependent
module xtc.util.Spacing , Rats! searches for the
file xtc/util/Spacing.rats on Unix-like systems. One or
more root directories for this search can be specified through
the -in command line option.
A grammar's modules can be visualized by
using Rats!' -html command line option combined
with either the -instantiated , -applied ,
or -processed command line option to specify the stage
of Rats!' processing. In all three cases,
Rats! creates a hyperlinked version of the grammar at that
processing stage. Make sure that
the grammar.css
stylesheet is in the same directory as the generated HTML file(s).
The output directory can be controlled with the -out
command line option.
Productions and Semantic Values
After the module declarations follow the productions, with each
production defining how to parse a nonterminal. Regular modules may
only contain full productions, whose syntax follows from
Full in the Rats! syntax
specification above. Module modifications may
also contain alternative additions, alternative removals, and
production overrides, which are
discussed below.
Each full production first lists zero or more attributes, then
declares the type of the semantic value it returns, and then specifies
the name of the nonterminal it defines (which must be unqualified).
The definition follows after the equals sign = and is
terminated by a semicolon ; . Each full production can
either be public, protected, or private, as indicated by the
corresponding attribute of the same name. A public production is a
top-level production for the grammar if it appears in the top-level
module. Otherwise, it is treated as a protected production, which is
the default, can be omitted, and makes the production referenceable
from other modules. Finally, a private production can only be
referenced from within the same module. Note that the use of
the transient attribute is
explained here. All per-production
attributes supported by Rats! are discussed
here. Further note that types cannot be
primitive types, such as int ; though, as
discussed here, void is allowed.
A production's semantic value is usually defined in an action by
setting the yyValue variable (so named in deference to
the Yacc parser
generator) to the desired value. The action code can use characters
or strings matched by a literal as well as semantic values returned by
nested nonterminals through bindings. As specified above, each binding first declares the variable,
followed by a colon, and then the bound expression.
For example, this is the
production for the FullProduction nonterminal
from Rats!' own grammar:
FullProduction FullProduction =
type:Name nt:UnqualifiedNonTerminal "=":Symbol choice:Choice ";":Symbol
{ yyValue = new FullProduction(atts.list(), type, nt, choice); }
The production first declares the type of the semantic value it
returns to be FullProduction (which only coincidentally
has the same name as the production). In the definition, the semantic
value of recognizing the production's attributes is bound to the
variable atts , the semantic value returned by
the Name production is bound to the variable
type , the semantic value returned by the
UnqualifiedNonTerminal production is bound to the
variable nt , and the semantic value returned by the
Choice production is bound to the variable
choice . The action code then uses these variables to
create a new FullProduction object and assigns that
object to yyValue , thus making the newly created object
the production's semantic value.
In the generated parser, Rats! declares the types of
variables as following:
- Variables bound to the any character constant
_ , to a
character literal, or a character class are declared
as char .
- Variables bound to a string literal are declared
String .
- Variables bound to a nonterminal are declared to be of the type of
the corresponding production. For example, the declared type of
Name production from the above example
is String and, consequently, type is
declared to be a String as well.
- Similarly,
yyValue is declared to be of the type of
the corresponding production.
Passing the Semantic Value Through
Sometimes, the semantic value of a production is the same as the
semantic value of one of the expressions appearing in that production.
To avoid first binding that expression to some variable and then
assigning that variable to yyValue , it is possible to
directly bind yyValue .
For example, the production for the Header nonterminal
from Rats!' own grammar makes use of this feature:
Action Header = "header":Word yyValue:Action ;
An equivalent, but more verbose definition might look like this:
Action Header = "header":Word a:Action { yyValue = a; } ;
Options, Repetitions, and Nested Choices
In general, Rats! lifts options, repetitions, and nested
choices into their own, newly generated productions. It also desugars
options and repetitions into equivalent productions without the option
or repetition operators. Note that nested choices are not
lifted if they are the last element in a sequence. Further note that
repetitions are not desugared if they appear in
a transient production. Finally, options are
not desugared if they are not bound or if Rats can
automatically deduce the value of the bound optional expression.
This lifting and desugaring raises several questions:
- What is the semantic value of an expression before applying the
option or repetition operator? Similarly, what is the semantic value
of a nested choice?
- For options and repetitions, what is the semantic value after
applying the option or repetition operator?
- Finally, for each of these expressions, what is the type of the
newly generated production?
We now answer these questions in turn.
To determine the semantic value of an expression before applying
the option or repetition operator and that of a nested
choice, Rats! generally requires that each expression has
its own, embedded action that defines the corresponding value. As a
result, the definition of a production may contain several actions
that all assign values to yyValue , even in nested
However, for some expressions, Rats! is able to
automatically deduce their semantic values. Notably, if a nonterminal
is optional or repeated, the semantic value of the expression before
applying the option or repetition operator simply is the semantic
value of the nonterminal's production. Similarly, if a nonterminal is
the only expression appearing in an option, the semantic value for
that option simply is the semantic value of the nonterminal's
production. In these cases, no embedded actions are necessary.
For options, the semantic value after applying the option
operator is the semantic value of the expression, if that expression
can be matched in the input. Otherwise, the overall semantic value is
simply null . For repetitions, the semantic value after
applying the repetition operator is a {@link xtc.util.Pair}. Pairs
are used to implement singly-linked lists and contain the semantic
values of the repeated expressions. In the case of zero matches, the
pair is the special {@link xtc.util.Pair#EMPTY empty pair}, which is
also accessible through the type-safe {@link xtc.util.Pair#empty()}
method. Rats! uses pairs as they allow for efficient addition
of an element to the front of a sequence of pairs. Note that pairs
can easily be converted into a Java Collections Framework list by
calling {@link xtc.util.Pair#list()} (as illustrated in the production
for Rats! productions
shown above).
The type of a newly generated production representing a desugared
option generally is Object . However,
if Rats! can automatically determine the semantic value of
an optional expression, it uses the more specific type (which, in the
case of desugared optional nonterminals, is the type of the
corresponding production). The type of a newly generated production
representing a desugared repetition always
is xtc.util.Pair . Finally, the type of a newly generated
production representing a lifted choice always is Object .
To illustrate the general case of repetitions and nested choices,
consider the following snippet from Rats!' own grammar,
which is taken from the Terminal production and parses
character class specifications:
/ '['
l:( c1:ClassChar '-' c2:ClassChar
yyValue = new CharRange(Utilities.unescape(c1).charAt(0),
/ c1:ClassChar
yyValue = new CharRange(Utilities.unescape(c1).charAt(0));
']' Spacing
{ yyValue = new CharClass(l.list()); }
The nested choice has its own actions, which create character ranges
as their semantic values. The parser collects these character ranges
into a sequence of pairs, which is then bound to the l
variable. The outer action uses this sequence of pairs to create a
new character class as the overall semantic value (converting the
sequence of pairs into a Java Collections Framework list along the
To illustrate the automatic
deduction of a semantic value, consider the production for sequences
from Rats!' own grammar:
Sequence Sequence =
!Ellipsis n:SequenceName? l:Voided*
{ yyValue = new Sequence(n, l.list()); }
A sequence essentially consists of zero or more repetitions of the
Voided nonterminal; no embedded action is necessary for
the repetition. Rats! automatically collects the individual
semantic values into a sequence of pairs. The optional sequence name
preceding the repeated Voided nonterminal simply is an
identifier between less-than < and
greater-than > signs and is used
when modifying productions. It can also
be used for documentation, as Rats! tries to preserve it
throughout its internal processing, so that it will be included in the
generated parser (within a comment). The corresponding optional
expression does not need an embedded action either. The syntactic
predicate !Ellipsis excludes sequence names followed by
an ellipsis ... or an ellipsis by itself from sequences,
as they are used to modify productions.
Void and Text-Only Productions
Adding actions to create a production's semantic value can seem
tedious and may make grammars unnecessarily verbose. To reduce the
need for explicit actions, Rats! supports special types of
productions, which need no semantic actions at all. We now
discuss void and text-only productions, which are especially useful
for recognizing lexical syntax (such as identifiers, punctuation,
numbers, and so on).
A void production is a production that declares the type
of its semantic value to be void . Such a production does
not require any actions, but it may not be bound to an identifier
either. A void production is typically used for ignored spacing or
punctuation elements. Void productions also improve the accuracy of
Rats!' deduction of a compound expression's semantic
value. If the compound expression only contains a single non-void
nonterminal, that nonterminal's semantic value is used as the semantic
value of the entire expression.
Here is an example void production from Rats!' own
transient void Spacing =
(Space / LineTerminator / TraditionalComment/ EndOfLineComment)*
This production matches space characters, line terminators, and
comments. Note that the transient keyword is explained
The fact the Spacing is declared
as void is then used in the production
for Symbol :
String Symbol = SymbolCharacters Spacing ;
No action is necessary because only the SymbolCharacters
nonterminal produces a semantic value. Rats! automatically
detects this case and passes the value
of SymbolCharacters through.
In general, Rats! tries to deduce a compound expression's
value, even if it is nested within another expression, ignoring
nonterminals referencing a void production or explicitly voided
expressions. Furthermore, for repetitions, options, and nested
choices that do not appear as the last expression in a sequence, it
treats the entire repetition, option, or nested choice as
void, if all component expressions are nonterminals referencing void
productions, explicitly voided expressions, or predicates. For
example, if nt references a void production, then the
expression "nt* " is equivalent to
"void:(nt*) " (note that the parentheses are not strictly
A text-only production is a production that declares the
type of its semantic value to be a String , does not
contain any bindings to yyValue nor actions that
reference yyValue and references only other text-only
productions (if any). The semantic value of a text-only production is
the text matched in the input, represented as a String .
Note that the above Symbol production is not text-only
because it references a void production. Also note that bindings
(besides to yyValue ) and semantic predicates may appear
in text-only productions.
To illustrate text-only
productions, consider the following productions from Rats!' own
String StringLiteral = ["] ( EscapeSequence / !["\\] _ )* ["] ;
transient String EscapeSequence =
'\\' ( [btnfr\"\'\-\[\\\]] / 'u' HexNumber ) ;
transient String HexNumber = HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit ;
transient String HexDigit = [0-9a-fA-F] ;
The StringLiteral production only references terminals
and other productions that are also text-only. As a result, its
semantic value is the text matched in the input, exactly what we
expect from a production that matches string literals. Note that the
transient keyword is explained here.
A note on bindings within text-only productions: When
binding to a character terminal (the any character constant, a
character class, or a character literal), the bound variable is a
char (just as for all other productions). However, for
all other expressions (including options, repetitions, and
nested choices), the value of the bound variable always is a string
representing the text matched by that expression in the input. For
options that cannot be matched in the input, the value is the empty
string (and not null ).
Generic Productions
Void and text-only productions typically help with recognizing lexical
syntax; though, they are of limited use for productions that recognize
hierarchical syntax, such as the productions for
FullProduction , Header ,
or Sequence shown above. Generic productions help
simplify productions for hierarchical syntax. Just as for void and
text-only productions, no explicit semantic actions are required.
A generic production is a production that declares
generic as its type and returns a semantic value that is
a {@link xtc.tree.GNode generic node}. Rats!
automatically creates the production's semantic value: its name is the
name of the production, and its children are the semantic values of
the component expressions in the recognized sequence, with the
exception of any voided expressions (using the void:
operator), void nonterminals, and character terminals, which are
For example, we could rewrite the production
for FullProduction as a
generic production:
generic FullProduction =
Name UnqualifiedNonTerminal void:"=":Symbol Choice void:";":Symbol ;
The rewritten production has a generic node as its semantic value; the
grammar author thus does not need to define
a FullProduction class to represent the semantic value.
Furthermore, the rewritten production is equivalent to the following
production with an explicit semantic action:
Node FullProduction =
v2:Name v3:UnqualifiedNonTerminal "=":Symbol v4:Choice ";":Symbol
{ yyValue = GNode.create("Production", v1, v2, v3, v4); }
The two symbol references are not bound because they are explicitly
Options, repetitions, and nested choices in generic productions
are treated just like the corresponding expressions in regular
productions. In other words, they may be desugared and lifted into
their own productions. As a result, they require explicit actions to
create their semantic values, unless, of course, Rats! can
automatically determine the corresponding values.
List-Valued Productions
If a grammar has the flatten attribute, pairs
resulting from a repeated expression are treated somewhat differently
in generic productions: the values on the list are added to the
production's generic node as individual children. For example,
consider this production for recognizing parameter lists in C:
generic ParameterList =
ParameterDeclaration (void:",":Symbol ParameterDeclaration)* ;
Because the semantic values of the embedded repetition are added as
invidividual children to the production's generic node, that node's
children are all parameter declarations, which is exactly the desired
Alternatively, Rats! can automatically deduce the semantic
value of productions with a Pair type. The production's
value is a list of all of a sequence's component expressions. For
example, consider this rewritten production for recognizing parameter
Pair<Node> ParameterList =
ParameterDeclaration (void:",":Symbol ParameterDeclaration)* ;
Beacuse the declared type
is Pair<Node> , Rats! automatically deduces
the semantic value of the production. It is a list containing the
value of the first parameter declaration followed by the value of the
repetition. The production is equivalent to the following production
using an explicit semantic action:
Pair<Node> ParameterList =
head:ParamterDeclaration tail:(void:",":Symbol ParameterDeclaration)*
{ yyValue = new Pair<Node>(head, tail); } ;
As illustrated by this version, Rats! recognizes when the last
component expression in a list-valued production already has a list
value and turns that value into the overall list's tail. If the last
component expression does not have a list value, the overall list's
tail is the empty list.
Whether to (1) use the flatten attribute so that
list elements are added as individual children to generic nodes or (2)
use list-valued productions to create lists and preserve them as
generic nodes' children is a trade-off. With the flatten
attribute, ASTs are more uniform, typically consisting of only generic
nodes and strings. In contrast, without the flatten
attribute, generic nodes may also contain lists of, say, nodes or
strings. However, flattening lists may result in the loss of
information. For example, consider this production for Java
compilation units:
public generic CompilationUnit =
PackageDeclaration? ImportDeclaration* Declaration*
EndOfFile ;
When lists are flattened, there is no way to distinguish import
declarations from regular declarations without looking at the
actual children. In contrast, when lists are not flattened, the
generic node for compilation units has exactly three children,
corresponding to package, import, and regular declarations
respectively. Additionally, the preservation of lists in generic
nodes enables more exact typing of ASTs
through Rats!' -ast option. Consequently, the
recommended practice is not to use the flatten
Left-Recursive Productions
To simplify the specification of productions that recognize
expressions at different precedence levels, void, text-only, and
generic productions may contain direct left-recursions; though
arbitrary left-recursions are illegal in Rats! grammars just
as for PEGs. Directly left-recursive productions are automatically
transformed into equivalent right-iterative productions, while
preserving the left-recursive structure of the original production's
semantic value. As an example, consider the following generic
production for recognizing logical and expressions in C:
generic LogicalAndExpression =
LogicalAndExpression void:"&&":Symbol BitwiseOrExpression
/ BitwiseOrExpression
This directly left-recursive production is equivalent to the following
two productions, which leverage so-called actions (i.e., promises) to
create the semantic values:
Node LogicalAndExpression =
seed:BitwiseOrExpression actions:LogicalAndExpressionTail*
{ yyValue = apply(actions, seed); }
Action<Node> LogicalAndExpressionTail =
"&&":Symbol right:BitwiseOrExpression
yyValue = new Action<Node>() {
public Node run(Node left) {
Node result = GNode.create("LogicalAndExpression", left, right);
return result;
The LogicalAndExpressionTail* expression creates a list
of {@link xtc.util.Action actions}, with each action on the list
creating a generic node that is annotated with the source location
corresponding to the start of the production.
The LogicalAndExpression production uses {@link
xtc.parser.ParserBase#apply(Pair,Object)} to apply each action in the
list onto the result of the previous action, starting with
the seed value for the first action. If the list is
empty, the seed value is simply passed through, which is the desired
behavior. By using actions and thus delaying the creation of generic
nodes, the rewritten productions ensure that the resulting abstract
syntax tree preserves left-associativity. Note that actions can also
be used outside of generic productions to create left-associative
abstract syntax trees.
In the previous example, the use of a list of actions results in
the correct treatment of the base case: no new generic node is
created, rather the semantic value of the bitwise or expression is
simply passed through. When specifying productions that do not use
actions, grammar writers can achieve similar results by explicitly
binding yyValue . For alternatives in a generic
production that assign yyValue either through a binding
or a semantic action, Rats! does not create a new generic node
but rather uses the explicitly specified semantic value.
Node Markers in Generic Productions
Also in the previous example, there is only one recursive
alternative; consequently, the production's name, i.e.,
"LogicalAndExpression ", provides a meaningful name for
the newly created generic node. However, languages such as C contain
more than one left-recursive operator at the same precedence level.
Using the features described so far, grammar developers can either
write one directly left-recursive generic production for all
operators, thus using the same name for all operators' generic nodes,
or they can write several right-iterative productions that create the
generic nodes through explicit semantic actions. Neither option is
particularly attractive and node markers provide a more elegant
solution. They are written as an at sign '@ '
immediately followed by an identifier and specify a generic node's
name for nodes generated by the sequence they appear in.
As an example, consider the following generic production for
recognizing postfix expressions in C:
generic PostfixExpression =
<Subscript> PostfixExpression void:"[":Symbol Expression
/ <DirectSelection> PostfixExpression void:".":Symbol Identifier
/ <IndirectSelection> PostfixExpression void:"->":Symbol Identifier
/ <FunctionCall> PostfixExpression void:"(":Symbol ExpressionList?
/ <Increment> PostfixExpression void:"++":Symbol
/ <Decrement> PostfixExpression void:"--":Symbol
/ <Compound> CompoundLiteral
/ <Primary> PrimaryExpression
In a single directly left-recursive production, the example specifies
all of C's postfix expressions. Yet, each recursive alternative
contains a distinct node marker, thus resulting in a differently named
generic node. Internally (and as described above), Rats!
converts the directly left-recursive production into the corresponding
right-iterative version, which uses actions to create left-recursive
AST nodes. Note that the last two alternatives do not require node
markers (nor bindings to yyValue ) because they provide
the base cases for the recursion.
Modules, Name Spaces, and Parameters
The intent behind Rats!' module system is to facilitate the
re-use and extensibility of grammar specifications. Even without
parameters and modifications, basic modules help, as they allow a
grammar writer to break up a grammar into several units. All modules
exist in the same global name space. Without parameters and
modifications, this name space consists simply of the module names as
specified by the corresponding module declarations. With
parameters and modifications, this name space consists of the module
names of all instantiated modules (with instantiation being
the process of providing arguments to parameterized modules).
In contrast to module names, nonterminals are only meaningful in
relation to a specific module. Without any import
or modify declarations, a module can only reference the
nonterminals defined in that module. In the presence
of import or modify declarations, a module
can also reference the public and protected nonterminals defined by
imported modules and all nonterminals defined by modified modules.
Nonterminals may be ambiguous, e.g., the same nonterminal may be
defined within a module and an imported module or in several imported
modules. Rats! gives precedence to nonterminals defined in the
same module as the nonterminal reference. For example, if
module Foo defines nonterminal Name and
imports module Bar , which also defines nonterminal
Name , then a reference to Name appearing in
one of Foo 's productions is interpreted to
mean Foo 's Name . Bar 's
Name can still be referenced by using the qualified
notation Bar.Name . Furthermore, if
module Foo does not define Name but
imports Bar and Baz , which both
define Name , any reference to Name
in Foo must be qualified, writing Bar.Name and
Baz.Name respectively. Note that, while qualified
nonterminals are globally unique and thus always unambiguous, a
nonterminal, whether qualified or not, can only be used if the
corresponding production's module is the same module, imported by the
referencing module, or modified by the referencing module.
Parameterized modules improve re-use when compared to basic
modules, as the same parameterized module can be used with different
actual dependencies. For example, module xtc.util.Symbol
takes one parameter for a module defining spacing:
module xtc.util.Symbol(Spacing);
import Spacing;
String Symbol = SymbolCharacters Spacing ;
transient String SymbolCharacters = ..elided.. ;
As a result, this module can be instantiated with different forms of
spacing, without changing xtc.util.Symbol . At the same
time, an instantiation must provide a module that specifies a void
nonterminal Spacing for the resulting module to be
A parameterized module is instantiated by specifying the
corresponding arguments in the corresponding import
import xtc.util.Symbol(xtc.util.Spacing);
This import declaration without a target name is
equivalent to the following declaration with a target name:
import xtc.util.Symbol(xtc.util.Spacing) as xtc.util.Symbol;
In either case, all occurrences of the parameter module name
Spacing are replaced by the specified argument module
name xtc.util.Spacing . Furthermore, all occurrences of
the module name itself are replaced by the specified target name
(which, in this example, is the same as the module name). Finally,
the instantiated module becomes the sole module of that name in the
global module name space. No other instantiation with the same target
name is possible, unless it instantiates exactly the same module with
the same arguments.
Note that the nonterminal Spacing in the production
for Symbol is not renamed during instantiation, as it
denotes a nonterminal and not a module. However, if the nonterminal
was written as Spacing.Spacing , it would be renamed
to xtc.util.Spacing.Spacing . Further note
that xtc.util.Symbol could be instantiated with a
different argument within the same grammar, as long as that
instantiation's target name is different. Finally, note that once
instantiated, other modules can reference the instantiated module
through its target name. For example, after
module xtc.util.Symbol has been instantiated through
either of the above import declarations, it can also be
imported as following:
import xtc.util.Symbol;
This import declaration, when appearing in a dependent module,
references the same instantiated module.
While module parameters and arguments can only be module names
and never more complex expressions, sometimes more complex arguments
are desirable. For example, a grammar writer may want to
instantiate xtc.util.Symbol with a more complex
module my.Spacing , which requires its own
argument my.Argument . In this case, the grammar writer
can use an instantiate declaration, which instantiates a
module but does not make its nonterminals accessible from within the
instantiating module. In the example, the grammar writer would use
the following declarations:
instantiate my.Spacing(my.Argument) as Spacing;
import xtc.util.Symbol(Spacing);
Module dependencies are resolved through a breadth-first search
starting with the top-level module. In other words, a dependent
module's dependencies are only processed after all the
dependencies of the depending module have been resolved. As a result,
the order of import , instantiate , and
modify declarations in a module does not matter and
mutually dependent modules can be instantiated within the same module.
For example, xtc.lang.CSpacing has a parameter for a
constant module and xtc.lang.CConstant has a parameter
for a spacing module, with each module importing the parameterized
module. To instantiate these two mutually dependent modules,
module xtc.lang.C simply declares (with some intermediate
declarations omitted and ignoring the
additional xtc.lang.CState argument):
instantiate xtc.lang.CConstant(xtc.lang.CSpacing);
instantiate xtc.lang.CSpacing(xtc.lang.CState, xtc.lang.CConstant);
Because it uses breadth-first search, Rats! processes these
two instantiate declarations before processing the
import declarations in xtc.lang.CConstant
and xtc.lang.CSpacing . By the time Rats reaches
the import declarations in the dependent modules, the
modules have been instantiated and no arguments are necessary.
Module Modifications
To further facilitate re-use and extensibility, Rats! supports
module modifications, which concisely express extensions to a grammar
and, in addition to full productions, can also contain alternative
additions, which add new alternatives to a production's top-level
choice, alternative removals, which remove alternatives from
a production's top-level choice, and production overrides,
which can override an entire production, specific alternatives, or a
production's attributes. All three types of partial production, whose
syntax is specified above and illustrated below,
depend on the different alternatives in a production's top-level
choice having sequence names. Consequently, it is good practice to
always name your sequences!
A module modification must contain a single modify
declaration, which specifies the module to be modified. For example,
the following declaration specifies that
module xtc.lang.JavaSymbol modifies
module Symbol :
module xtc.lang.JavaSymbol(Symbol);
modify Symbol;
The example uses a module parameter to ensure that
module xtc.lang.JavaSymbol can be applied to different
versions of Symbol . The resulting module contains all
full productions appearing in both the modifying and modified modules
(in the example, xtc.lang.JavaSymbol
and Symbol , respectively). Furthermore, all productions
in the resulting module are modified as specified by the alternative
additions, alternative removals, and production overrides in the
modifying module. Modifications are applied in the same order as they
appear in the modifying module (in the
example, xtc.lang.JavaSymbol ). The resulting productions
are the only versions; i.e., all nonterminals, whether they originally
appear in the modifying module or the modified module reference the
modified productions.
The resulting module's options are the options of the modifying
module, with exception of
any stateful , setOfString ,
and flag options, which are preserved
if they appear in the modified module's options. Furthermore, the
modifying module's header, body, and footer actions are combined with
the modified module's actions (if they exist).
An alternative addition adds an expression before or after an
existing sequence. For example, the following addition adds
sequence s after sequence <Bar>
in production Foo :
Type Foo += <Bar> ... / <NewSequence> s ;
Similarly, the following addition adds the new sequence before
sequence <Bar> :
Type Foo += <NewSequence> s / <Bar> ... ;
Note that the new expression may actually consist of several sequences
and not only one as suggested by the examples. Further note that the
type and nonterminal must both be specified and match an existing full
An alternative removal removes one or more sequences from a
production. For example, the following removal eliminates sequences
<Bar> and <Baz> from production
Foo :
Type Foo -= <Bar>, <Baz> ;
As before, the type and nonterminal must both be specified and match
an existing full production.
A production override can replace all alternatives, only specific
alternatives, or a production's attributes. For example, the
following override replaces all alternatives of
production Foo with expression e :
Type Foo := e ;
In contrast, this override only replaces
alternatives <Bar> and <Baz< :
Type Foo := ... / <Bar> s1 / <Baz> s2 ;
Finally, this override replaces Foo 's attributes with
the public attribute:
public Type Foo := ... ;
Note that the list of attributes may be empty, thus removing all
attributes from the full production.
Memoization and Transient Productions
Packrat parsers process their input in time linear to the size of the
input, even if they need to backtrack. The reason they can do this is
that they store, or memoize, the result of trying each
nonterminal at every input position hence the name "packrat"
The benefits of memoization are best illustrated with a production
from Rats!' own grammar:
Element Suffix =
( p:Primary "?":Symbol { yyValue = new Option(p); }
/ p:Primary "*":Symbol { yyValue = new Repetition(false, p); }
/ p:Primary "+":Symbol { yyValue = new Repetition(true, p); }
/ Primary
The Suffix production matches possible suffix expressions
in the input, with each of the four alternatives in the choice first
trying to parse a primary expression. Assume that the current input
contains a primary expression without a suffix (i.e., the
fourth alternative is the alternative that will succeed). If the
parser did not memoize its results, the primary expression
would be parsed four times, once for each alternative,
resulting in suboptimal performance. However, because parsers
generated by Rats! memoize their results, the primary
expression is parsed exactly once. Each subsequent alternative simply
looks up the result of the first parse.
Note that it is possible to rewrite the production
for Suffix to not require backtracking. An alternative
expression, without semantic actions, might look like this:
Primary ( Question / Star / Plus / /* Empty */ )
Further note that other top-down parsers, such as JavaCC and ANTLR,
may not require backtracking, even with a comparable production to the
one used in Rats!' own grammar as they support (limited)
lookahead. However, the original form clearly and concisely expresses
the intent behind this production and, because parsers generated
by Rats! memoize their results, does not require any
fiddling with lookahead (as would be necessary for other top-down
In theory, packrat parsers create a two-dimensional array, with
characters in the input stream along the x-axis and nonterminals along
the y-axis. In practice, not all values in this array are calculated
(many of them represent mismatched nonterminals anyway) and the array
is sparse. To avoid allocating memory for the entire array, parsers
generated by Rats! break each column into several chunks.
Memory for the different chunks is allocated independently and on
demand (i.e., if a parsing result needs to be stored). Furthermore,
for productions that are only referenced once in the entire grammar
the corresponding row is never allocated.
Grammar writers have further control over memory allocation by
declaring productions to be transient : if a production is
transient, the corresponding row is not allocated either. The
transient keyword can thus reduce a parser's memory footprint and also
improve its performance. However, it is also dangerous
because, if overused, the resulting parser may need to reparse the
same input for the same nonterminal several times and thus perform in
time superlinear to the size of the input.
So, which productions should be declared transient? In other
parsers, the parser processes tokens generated by a separate
lexer instead of accessing the character stream directly. Packrat
parser grammars thus need to include productions that build up tokens.
Examples include the Escape , HexNumber , and
HexDigit productions in Rats!' own grammar
(shown above). Such productions can
be declared transient, as the parser typically does not backtrack at
the level of individual characters. Furthermore, productions that
cover ignored input characters, notably all productions that cover
white space and comments, can be declared transient as well. However,
when in doubt, it is best to not declare a production as
transient, or to perform performance studies on several inputs to see
how such declarations impact the parser's memory footprint and
Grammar and Production Attributes
Rats! supports a number of options, which are either specified
as a grammar-wide option in the top-level module's introduction or as
per-production attributes:
public , protected ,
and private instruct Rats! to make a production a
top-level production, referenceable from other modules, and
referenceable only from the same module, respectively. These
attributes do not have values. Furthermore, these attributes can only
be specified as per-production attributes. The default
is protected and can be omitted from productions.
transient instructs Rats! not to memoize the
corresponding production. The attribute does not have a value and can
only be specified as a per-production attribute.
memoized instructs Rats! to always memoize the
corresponding production. The attribute does not have a value and can
only be specified as a per-production attribute.
inline instructs Rats! not to memoize the
corresponding production. For productions that are neither void nor
text-only, it also instructs Rats! to inline the production if
the corresponding nonterminal appears as the only element in an
ordered choice's alternative. The attribute does not have a value and
can only be specified as a per-production attribute.
noinline instructs Rats! not to inline the
production, even if it is (recognized as) transient. The attribute
does not have a value and can only be specified as a per-production
constant instructs Rats! to make all bindings
constant and thus unmodifiable. The attribute does not have a value.
This attribute can be specified either as a grammar-wide attribute or
as a per-production attribute.
withLocation instructs Rats! to annotate all
semantic values that are instances of {@link xtc.tree.Node} with their
locations in the source file. The attribute does not have a value.
This attribute can be specified either as a grammar-wide attribute or
as a per-production attribute.
instructs Rats! to include code for managing global parsing
state through a {@link xtc.util.State state object}. This attribute
is used both as a grammar-wide attribute and a per-production
attribute. The grammar-wide attribute value specifies the class
managing the global state (which must have a no-argument
constructor). Rats! includes a static final
field yyState , which references an instance of that
class, in the generated parser. For a production with this attribute,
the attribute does not have a value and Rats! includes the
appropriate calls to {@link xtc.util.State#start()}, {@link
xtc.util.State#commit()}, and {@link xtc.util.State#abort()}. Note
that the state object must be reset explicitly with the
per-production resetting attribute. Further note that,
if a grammar spans several modules, all the module's stateful options
must specify the same class name.
resetting instructs Rats! to include code to
{@link xtc.util.State#reset(String) reset} the global state object.
The attribut does not have a value. This attribute can only be
specified as a per-production attribute and requires a grammar-wide
stateful attribute.
ignoringCase instructs Rats! to perform
comparisons for string matches in a case-insensitive manner. The
attribute does not have a value. This attribute can be specified
either as a grammar-wide attribute or as a per-production
flatten instructs Rats! to add the elements of
list values (i.e., instances of {@link xtc.util.Pair}) to generic
nodes instead of adding the list values themselves. This attribute
does not have a value and can only be specified as a grammar-wide
variant instructs Rats! that all generic nodes
returned by the production as a semantic value are variants of the
same type. This attribute does not have a value and can only be
specified as a per-production attribute.
withParseTree instructs Rats! to generate a
parse tree instead of an abstract syntax tree. This attribute is
specified as a grammar-wide attribute and does not have a value. For
a grammar with this attribute, Rats! rewrites all generic,
text-only, and void productions as well as productions that pass the
semantic value through to preserve the input in the form of {@link
xtc.tree.Formatting} annotations. The embedded AST generally has the
same structure as for the grammr without the attribute. The exception
are strings, which are represented as instances of {@link
xtc.tree.Token}. Furthermore, generic nodes include additional
children consisting of Formatting
annotating null values if voided expressions or void
nonterminals appear between two non-void repetitions.
verbose instructs Rats! to print debugging
information to the console for each parser method invocation. The
attribute does not have a value. This attribute can be specified
either as a grammar-wide attribute or as a per-production
nowarn instructs Rats! to suppress warnings
during parser generation. The attribute does not have a value; it can
be specified either as a grammar-wide attribute or as a per-production
instructs Rats! to use the fully qualified class name specified
by the attribute's value as the Java class name for the generated
parser, instead of deducing that name from the module's name. This
attribute can only be specified as a grammar-wide attribute.
factory instructs Rats! to use the (optionally
qualified) class name specified by the attribute's value as the
factory for creating generic nodes instead of
using xtc.tree.GNode . This attribute can only be
specified as a grammar-wide attribute.
visibility instructs Rats! to make the
generated parser class either public or package private, depending on
the attribute's value (public
or packagePrivate ). This attribute can only be specified
as a grammar-wide attribute. The default for modules without this
attribute is public.
rawTypes instructs Rats! to use raw types
instead of generic types. Besides a
"@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") " annotation for the
parser class, the generated code is compatible with Java 1.4. The
attribute does not have a value and can only be specified as a
grammar-wide attribute.
main instructs Rats! to include a static main
method that parses one or more input files and prints the
corresponding results. The value of this attribute must be the name
of the top-level nonterminal to parse. This attribute can only be
specified as a grammar-wide attribute.
printer instructs Rats! to use the visitor
specified by the attribute's value for printing the semantic value
returned by a successful parse. This attribute can only be specified
as a grammar-wide attribute and requires that the grammar also has the
main attribute.
setOfString instructs Rats!
to include a static final set of strings with the attribute's value as
its name. Rats! also includes a convience method for filling
sets add(Set,T[]) . This attribute can only be
specified as a grammar-wide attribute.
flag instructs Rats! to
include a public static final boolean field with the attribute's value
as its name. The field's value is true . This attribute
can only be specified as a grammar-wide attribute.
genericAsVoid instructs Rats! to treat generic
productions as void productions. The attribute does not have a value
and can only be specified as a grammar-wide attribute.
dump instructs Rats! to include a method for
dumping a plain-text representation of the parser's memoization table
to a printer: dump({@link xtc.tree.Printer}) . The
attribute does not have a value and can only be specified as a
grammar-wide attribute.
A note on licensing: Parsers generated with the
main , printer , and dump
attributes link with code licensed under the GNU GPL version 2. As a
result, parsers generated with these attributes may not be
used in software that is not compatible with the GPL version 2. To
generate parsers that are not restricted by the GPL, use
the -lgpl option when running Rats!.
Parser Actions
Some languages cannot be expressed by PEGs or Rats! grammars.
For example, the on-the-wire format
represents byte strings as one or more digits, followed by a colon,
followed by the number of characters specified by the sequence of
digits (when interpreted as a decimal integer); but parsing a specific
number of characters cannot be expressed by PEGs. Parser actions
allow grammar writers to still use Rats! for such languages by
providing a low-level extensibility mechanism.
Parser actions work as follows. Before executing the code in a
parser action, the variable yyBase is assigned the index
of the current parser position. The parser action can then use this
index together with the parser's methods to further consume the input,
parsing the expression not expressible by PEGs. When finished, it
assigns the corresponding result to yyResult , which must
either be a {@link xtc.parser.SemanticValue} object indicating a
successful parse or a {@link xtc.parser.ParseError} object indicating
a parse error. In the case of a semantic value object, that object's
semantic value becomes the semantic value of the production, unless
another action after the parser action changes it.
The following grammar illustrates the use of a parser action for
parsing byte strings as used by SPKI/SDSI. Note that
the yyStart reference in the parser action is the parser
position at the beginning of the production and is used for indicating
the position of an error.
module ByteString;
body {
Result parseChars(String number, int start, int base) throws IOException {
int n;
try {
n = Integer.parseInt(number);
} catch (NumberFormatException x) {
return new ParseError("Malformed length", start);
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(n);
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
int c = character(base + i);
if (c != -1) {
} else {
return new ParseError("Unexpected end of bytestring", base + i);
return new SemanticValue(buf.toString(), base + n);
option main(ByteString);
public String ByteString =
n:Integer ':' ^{ yyResult = parseChars(n, yyStart, yyBase); } ;
String Integer = [0-9]+ ;
| xtc.tree |
xtc's support for abstract syntax trees and for traversing them with
visitors. This package defines the {@link xtc.tree.Node base class}
for all abstract syntax tree nodes and the {@link xtc.tree.Visitor
base class} for all visitors. It also defines a {@link xtc.tree.GNode
generic node class}.
In contrast to the original visitor pattern, node visitors do not
implement a fixed interface. Rather, the appropriate method is
selected through reflection-based dynamic dispatch, based on the type
of a node. On invocation of {@link xtc.tree.Visitor#dispatch}, the
dynamic dispatch mechanism tries to find a method
name visit() that takes either the specified node, any of
its interfaces, or any of its superclaseses as its only argument. The
search starts with the class of the node, then checks for all
implemented interfaces, then for the superclass, then for all
interfaces of the superclass, and so on until it
reaches java.lang.Object , which is not considered.
For {@link xtc.tree.GNode generic nodes} the appropriate
visit() method is selected based on the name of the
generic node. For example, if the target name is Node, then
the dynamic dispatch mechanism tries to locate a method
visitNode(GNode) . If no such method exists, the dynamic
dispatch mechanism also tries to locate a visit(GNode)
and visit(Node) method (in that order).
Note that to improve the performance of dynamic dispatch, our
implementation uses a static method lookup cache that is not
thread-safe. Source-to-source transformers thus cannot be
| xtc.type |
xtc's representation of types. This package defines a hierarchy of
type classes, representing types of the C, Java, and ML programming
languages as well as pseudo-types to help with type-checking programs.
In particular:
- {@link xtc.type.Type} is the superclass of all type classes and
defines the common interface.
- {@link xtc.type.VoidT} represents the void type.
- {@link xtc.type.UnitT} represents the unit type.
- {@link xtc.type.BooleanT} represents the boolean type.
- {@link xtc.type.IntegerT} and {@link xtc.type.FloatT} represent
integer and floating point {@link xtc.type.NumberT numbers},
- {@link xtc.type.InternalT} represents compiler-internal types,
such as the
__builtin_va_list type used by gcc for
variable argument lists.
- {@link xtc.type.LabelT} and {@link xtc.type.PackageT} represent
labels and packages, respectively.
- {@link xtc.type.PointerT}, {@link xtc.type.ArrayT}, {@link
xtc.type.StructT}, {@link xtc.type.UnionT}, {@link
xtc.type.FunctionT}, {@link xtc.type.MethodT}, {@link
xtc.type.ClassT}, {@link xtc.type.InterfaceT}, {@link
xtc.type.TupleT}, and {@link xtc.type.VariantT} represent {@link
xtc.type.DerivedT derived types}.
- {@link xtc.type.WrappedT} is the superclass of pseudo-types adding
symbolic information to any of the previous types. {@link
xtc.type.AliasT} represents type aliases; {@link xtc.type.AnnotatedT}
provides annotations for another type; {@link xtc.type.EnumeratorT}
and {@link xtc.type.EnumT} represent C enums; {@link
xtc.type.VariableT} represents globals, locals, fields, and bitfields;
{@link xtc.type.ParameterizedT} represents parameterized types; and
{@link xtc.type.InstantiatedT} represents instantiations of
parameterized types.
- {@link xtc.type.Parameter} represents a type parameter and {@link
xtc.type.Wildcard} represents a wildcard. Types containing instances
of these classes are parameterized. They should be wrapped in a
{@link xtc.type.ParameterizedT} and instantiated through a {@link
- Finally, {@link xtc.type.ErrorT} represents typing errors.
These type classes are complemented by a common interface for all
{@link xtc.type.Tagged tagged types} (structs, unions, and enums) and
for all {@link xtc.type.Constant constant-valued types} (enumerators
and the ConstantT pseudo-type).
To model the memory shape of lvalues, this package also defines a
separate hierarchy of references:
- {@link xtc.type.Reference} is the superclass of all reference
classes and defines the common interface. All references have a type
specifying the referenced memory's shape or layout.
- {@link xtc.type.NullReference#NULL} represents the zero location
in memory. It has
void as its type.
- {@link xtc.type.StaticReference} and {@link
xtc.type.DynamicReference} represent statically and dynamically
allocated variables, respectively. Both reference classes are
symbolic representations of memory; they do not have a known
- {@link xtc.type.RelativeReference} is the superclass of all
relative references, with each relative reference having another
reference as its base.
- {@link xtc.type.CastReference} represents a differently typed
view on the same memory region.
- {@link xtc.type.IndirectReference} represents an indirection
through a memory region, i.e., pointer.
- {@link xtc.type.IndexReference} represents an integer offset from
another reference, while {@link xtc.type.FieldReference} represents a
symbolic offset.
| xtc.typical |
The Typical type checker generator.
This package implements Typical, a language and compiler for specification and
generation of type checkers. Typical is a domain specific language based on ML,
and currently supports Java as a target language. The compiler's main class is
{@link xtc.typical.Typical}.
The rest of this document covers the following topics:
ML Ancestry
Typical is a domain specific language built on the functional core of the
O'Caml dialect of ML. Notably; Typical has the following syntactic differences
from O'Caml:
";" instead of ";;" for terminators
- "," instead of ";" for list separators
- "mltype" instead of "type"
- "mlvalue" instead of "value"
- no global "rec" since recursion is automatically detected
Typical also provides the following built-in constructs, types, and features
specifically for expressing type checker specifications.
- Type Representation
Typical represents source language types using the variant type
raw_type . For example, the type system for an implementation of
the Simply Typed Lambda Calculus with Integer and String values can be
expressed as:
mltype raw_type = IntegerT | StringT | FunctionT of type * type ;
The raw_type variant is sufficient to represent the type system of some
languages such as the Simply Typed Lambda Calculus, ML and Typical
itself. For other languages, however, we need to capture information about
attributes; for example, C's qualifiers and storage classes.
For representing attributed type systems, Typical provides the
attribute and eqattribute constructs. For example,
C's type system could be expressed as
mltype raw_type = VoidT | IntT | PointerT of type | ... ;
mltype storage_class = Auto | Extern | Register | Static | Typedef ;
mltype qualifier = Const | Volatile | Restrict ;
attribute storage : storage_class ;
attribute qualifiers : qualifier list;
The Typical compiler collects all attributes and combines them with the
raw_type variant to create a record representation of types which
will be used by the typechecker.
mltype type = { type : raw_type; storage : storage_class; qualifiers = qualifer list; ... } ;
By default, Typical evaluates type equality as structural equality ignoring
attributes introduced with attribute as opposed to
eqattribute . This default behavior may be overridden for variant
types by using the equality construct which specifies which
constructor arguments to compare. For example, consider the following
definition of C’s structure type:
mltype raw_type = ... | StructT of int * string * member list ;
Consistent with the C standard, it uses its integer argument as
a nonce that distinguishes between structures that have the same
name and members but are declared in different scopes. The corresponding
equality declaration (meaning two StructT s compare equal if they
have equal
first arguments) reads:
equality raw_type = ... | StructT (n, _, _) ;
- Name Management Features
Typical supports name management by providing (1) a symbol table that is
implicitly available to all programs, (2) the scope construct to
declare which AST nodes introduce which scopes, and (3) the
namespace construct to declare individual namespaces, the types
of their values, and which AST nodes specify which names.
Typical provides the following constructs for symbol table operations:
define , redefine , lookup , and lookup_locally . The constructs have the structures shown:
define no type [error|warn "error message"] [at loc]
redefine no type
lookup no [error|warn "error message"] [at loc]
lookup_locally no [error|warn "error message"] [at loc]
Both define and redefine take a node argument (no), a value argument (type), and optional error messages and source location nodes.
The snippet below illustrates
the use of define and lookup .
| Abstraction (id, type, body) ->
let param = analyze type in
let _ = define id param in
let res = analyze body in
{ type = FunctionT (param, res) }
| Identifier _ as id -> let t = lookup id in t
In this snippet, define adds the name derived from the node
id to the symbol table with the value type. lookup
looks up the name derived from the node id. The symbol table operations have
built in error management. If a name is previously defined (in the case of
define) or not defined (in the case of lookup) the operations report default
error messages and return an error. The source location for the error is also automatically derived from the current position in the ast. The default source location can be overridden by using the at loc construct where loc is the name of an ast node. The default error messages can be
overridden by explicitly adding an error clause to the operations; for example:
| Abstraction (id, type, body) ->
let param = analyze type in
let _ = define id param error "previously defined identifier" in
let res = analyze body in
{ type = FunctionT (param, res) }
| Identifier _ as id -> let t = lookup id error "identifier undefined" in t
The redefine operator is used for overriding previously defined
symbol table entries without reporting errors. lookup_locally is
used to retrieve entries that are only visibly within the current scope.
The symbol table operations depend on Typical's namespace construct to
introduce new namespaces and their types and also how to extract names from
AST nodes. The namespace construct hast the structure shown:
namespace "default"|identifier : value = PatternMatching [and "default"|identifier : value = PatternMatching]*
Here, "default" and identifier identify the namespace, value indicates the type
of values stored in this namespace, and PatternMatching is a matching from AST nodes to a Name constructor.
For example the namespace declaration:
namespace default : type = Identifier (id) -> SimpleName(id);
indicates that there's a single default namespace, where all values have type
type. Identifiers are matched to names by extracting the string
child from an Identifier node and using it to create a new SimpleName. Names
can be simple, omitting the scope, or qualified, explicitly specifying a scope
according the built-in variant type declaration:
mltype name =
| SimpleName of string
| QualifiedName of string list ;
The symbol table operations also depend on the scope construct to manage
scopes while traversing the AST. The scope construct (non-exhaustively) maps
AST nodes to scopes; each right-hand side must evaluate to a Scope constructor
value defined by the built-in variant declarations:
mltype scope_kind =
| Named of name
| Anonymous of string
| Temporary of string ;
mltype scope =
| Scope of scope_kind * node list ;
A scope spans the specified list of nodes. It can be one of three kinds.
First, a named scope is introduced by a function or class. Second, an anonymous
scope is introduced by a block or compound statement. Third, a temporary
scope, unlike a named or anonymous scope, is deleted after the AST traversal
has left the scope’s AST nodes. It is necessary for typing C or C++ function
declarations, which may contain parameter names different from the corresponding
definitions. Named scopes assume the specified name, while anonymous and
temporary scopes receive a fresh name based on the specified string. An
implementation of the scope construct depends on the ability to accurately
trace a Typical program’s AST traversal. To this end, we restrict AST node
patterns: they may specify several (recursively) nested nodes but only use
variable or alias patterns for arguments of a single node constructor. With
this restriction in place, each right-hand side of a pattern match has a
unique parent. As a result, we can easily model the path representing the
AST traversal’s dynamic state through a stack:
traversal_path : node list
Typical’s runtime updates the stack with the parent and any matched ancestors
before evaluating a pattern match’s right-hand side and restores the stack
before returning the right-hand side’s value. Whenever the runtime pushes
nodes on the stack, it evaluates the scope construct’s pattern match against
each node being added to the stack. On a match, it updates the current scope
as specified by the corresponding Scope constructor value. Independent of a
match, it annotates the node with the result. It uses the annotations to
restore previous scopes when popping nodes of the stack. It also uses the
annotations to avoid re-evaluation of the scope construct’s pattern match
for repeated passes over the same AST.
- Error Management, Detection, and Reporting.
For error management, Typical provides a system-wide no-information monad.
All types are automatically injected into this monad and implicitly represent
the union with the bottom type; that type’s only value is
bottom . Typical's bottom value can be compared with
Java's null value. In fact, in the generated Java code,
bottom is represented by null . Built-in constructs
and primitives generally return bottom if any of their arguments
are bottom . Furthermore, all pattern matches return
bottom due to an implicit clause mapping bottom to
itself; this default can be overridden by explicitly matching
bottom . However, type constructors such as those for tuples,
lists, and variants treat bottom just like any other value. It
allows for marking, say, a type attribute as having no information without
forcing the entire type record to bottom . Finally,
the is_bottom primitive enables the detection of
bottom values, since the = and !=
operators yield bottom when either operand is
bottom .
To actually detect and report error conditions,
Typical uses require and guard .
The require construct enforces one or more boolean constraints on an
expression. For example, consider :
require param = tr error "argument type mismatch" in res
If the constraints, here "param = tr", evaluate to true, require
evaluates the expression, here "res" and returns the corresponding value. If
the constraints evaluate to false, it reports an error, here "argument type mismatch", and returns bottom . Unless explicitly specified, the
traversal_path’s top node supplies the error’s source location. However, if
the constraints evaluate to bottom , reduce silently returns
bottom . This feature avoids cascading errors since constraints
that evaluate to bottom means that an error was previously
generated (and reported).
- List Reduction.
C-like languages rely on lists of specifiers or modifiers to express
the properties of declarations, including types and their attributes. When
processing such lists, a type checker needs to (1) map AST nodes to the
corresponding internal representation, (2) enforce semantic constraints on the
number and combination of specifiers, and (3) provide comprehensive error
reporting. Typical addresses these needs using the reduce
construct. The reduce construct has the following structure:
reduce to ["singleton" | "list" | "set" | "optional" | "required"] tag with PatternMatching
As illustrated in Figure 1 using C’s type specifiers as an example,
the reduce construct selects values from a list, while also mapping
them to different values and enforcing constraints on their number
and combination. It uses an extension of ML’s pattern syntax,
the set pattern { ... } , to denote that the elements may
appear in any order in the list; alternatively, a regular list pattern
can be used to indicate that the elements must appear in the specified
order. While mapping the (non-exhaustive) pattern match over
a list, reduce ignores elements that do not match any patterns;
we assume that lists, in particular those generated by the parser,
only contain legal elements. While mapping, reduce also enforces
the reduction constraints. The singleton constraint in the example
indicates that the pattern match may be triggered at most
once, while set and list constraints allow for multiple triggers
(with duplicate triggers being ignored for set constraints). A further
optional constraint specifies that the pattern match need not
match any elements.
The design of the reduce construct reflects our analysis of how
to type check C specifiers or Java modifiers and supports a generalization
of the corresponding requirements. For example, a list of C
specifiers must include a single type specifier such as int, reducing
the list to a "singleton". It may optionally include one storage
class specifier such as register, reducing to an "optional
singleton". It may also include one or more qualifiers such as
const, which may be duplicated and thus reduce to an "optional
set". Furthermore, Figure 5 illustrates how reduce combines several
type specifiers into one internal value; as an added benefit, the
code directly reflects the constraints specified in the C99 standard.
Like require and guard, reduce integrates
error checking and reporting, basing any message on a string tag
that describes the kind of values being selected such as "type" or
"access modifier". For example, if processing the C declaration long int
float foo = 5; , the reduce construct shown below would generate a
"multiple types detected" error and indicate the source location.
(** Reduce a list of declaration specifiers to a type. *)
mlvalue extractType = reduce to required singleton "type" with
[Unsigned _, Long _, Long _, Int _] -> {type = ULongLongT}
| [Unsigned _, Long _, Long _] -> {type = ULongLongT}
| [Signed _, Long _, Long _, Int _] -> {type = LongLongT}
| [Signed _, Long _, Long _] -> {type = LongLongT}
| [Unsigned _, Long _, Int _] -> {type = ULongT}
| [Signed _, Long _, Int _] -> {type = LongT}
| [Signed _, Short _, Int _] -> {type = ShortT}
| [Unsigned _, Short _, Int _] -> {type = UShortT}
| [Long _, Double _, Complex _] -> {type = LongDoubleComplexT}
| [Long _, Long _, Int _] -> {type = LongLongT}
| [Unsigned _, Long _ ] -> {type = ULongT}
| [Signed _, Short _] -> {type = ShortT}
| [Short _, Int _] -> {type = ShortT}
| [Unsigned _, Short _] -> {type = UShortT}
| [Signed _, Char _] -> {type = SCharT}
| [Unsigned _, Char _] -> {type = UCharT}
| [Float _, Complex _] -> {type = FloatComplexT}
| [Double _, Complex _] -> {type = DoubleComplexT}
| [Signed _, Long _] -> {type = LongT}
| [Long _, Int _] -> {type = LongT}
| [Long _, Double _] -> {type = LongDoubleT}
| [Long _, Long _] -> {type = LongLongT}
| [Unsigned _, Int _] -> {type = UIntT}
| [Signed _, Int _] -> {type = IntT}
| [Unsigned _] -> {type = UIntT}
| [Signed _] -> {type = IntT}
| [Long _] -> {type = LongT}
| [Int _] -> {type = IntT}
| [VoidTypeSpecifier _] -> {type = VoidT}
| [Char _] -> {type = CharT}
| [Float _] -> {type = FloatT}
| [Double _] -> {type = DoubleT}
| [Short _] -> {type = ShortT}
| [Bool _] -> {type = IntT}
| [VarArgListSpecifier _] -> {type = VarArgT}
| [(StructureTypeDefinition _ ) as me] -> analyze me
| _ (*Similar for enum, union and typedef *)
Figure 1. reduce pattern to process C declaration specifiers
- Module System.
Typical provides a library of primitive operations. The Java implementations
of these operations can be found in Primitives.java.
The operations, their signatures and descriptions are listed below:
Map operations
get : 'a -> 'b
put : 'a -> 'b
Prelude operations:
abs_float : float -> float Affirm a float
abs_int : int -> int Affirm an int
and_bits : int -> int -> int Perform logical and on two integers
ancestor : 'a -> node Get the ancestor of the top node of the traversal path if it matches a specified pattern
annotate : node -> string -> 'a -> 'a Annotate a node with a named value
annotate_list node list -> string -> 'a -> 'a Annotate a list of nodes
ftoi : float -> int Convert a float to an int
get_annotation : node -> string -> 'a Get the named annotation from a node
has_annotation : node -> string -> bool Test if a node has an annotation with the specified name
is_bottom : 'a -> bool Test a value for bottom
is_empty : 'a list -> bool Test a list for emptiness
is_not_bottom : 'a -> bool Test if a value is not bottom
negate_bits : int -> int Compute the bitwise negation of an integer
negate_float : float -> float Negate a float value
negate_int : int -> int Negate an int value
node_name : node -> string Get the name of a node
nth : 'a list -> int -> 'a Get a list's nth element
or_bits : int -> int Compute the bitwise or of an int
parent : 'a -> node Get the parent of the top node on the traversal path if it matches a specified pattern
shift_left : int -> int -> int Left shift and int by the specified number of bits
shift_right : int -> int -> int Right shift and int by the specified number of bits
trace : 'a -> 'a Debugging function to print a value to the standard output
trace2 : 'a -> string -> 'a Debugging function to print a prefied value to the standard output
xor_bits : int -> int -> int Compute the exclusive or of two integers
List operations
append : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list Append a list to another
cons : 'a -> 'a list Cons a new list from an value and an existing list
contains : 'a -> 'a list -> bool Test if a list contains an element
exists : (fn : 'a -> bool) -> 'a list Test if a list element satisfies a predicate
foldl : (fn: 'a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a list Fold a list
head : 'a list -> 'a Get the head of a list
intersection : 'a list -> 'a list 'a list Compute the intersection of two lists
iter : (fn: 'a -> 'b) -> 'a list Iterate a function over a list
length : 'a list -> int Compute the length of a list
subtraction : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list Get the set subtraction of two lists
tail : 'a list -> 'a list Get the tail of a list
union : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list Compute the set union of two lists
String operations
concat : string -> string -> string Concatenate two strings
ends_with : string -> string -> bool Test if a string ends with a substring
ends_withi : string -> string -> bool Test if a string ends with a substring - case insensitive
join_strings : string list -> string Combine a list of strings into a single string
ssize : string -> int Compute the size of a string
starts_with : string -> string -> bool Test if a string begins with a specified substring
starts_withi : string -> string -> bool Test if a string begins with a specified substring - case insensitive
stof : string -> float Convert a string to a float
stoi : string -> int Convert a string to an integer
substring : string -> int Get the substring starting at the specified index
substring2 : string -> int -> int Get the substring starting at the specified range
Usage and Example
The Typical system encompasses three different programming languages and their
compilers. The source language, the meta-language, and the bootstrap language.
The source language is the language whose type-checker is being implemented.
The meta-language is the language in which the type checker specification is
written; i.e. Typical. The Typical compiler will generate code in the bootstrap
language, which in the current implementation is Java.
As an introduction to Typical the following example presents the implementation
of a complete type checker using the Simply Typed Lambda Calculus as the
source language. In this example, the calculus is treated not as a formal
system, but as a programming language whose front end we wish to implement.
Below we have the calculus' syntax. The corresponding grammar (found in lang/TypedLambda.rats)
is written for the Rats! parser generator
and largely follows the syntactic specification shown.
Expression <- Application EOF
Application <- Application BasicExpression / BasicExpression
Abstraction <- LAMBDA Identifier COLON FunctionType DOT Application
BasicExpression <- Abstraction / Identifier / IntegerConstant / StringConstant / OPEN Application CLOSE
Identifier <- [a-zA-Z]+
IntegerConstant <- [1-9] [0-9]*
StringConstant <- ["] (!["] _)* ["]"
FunctionType <- BasicType ARROW FunctionType / BasicType
BasicType <- IntegerType / StringType / OPEN FunctionType CLOSE
IntegerType <- "int"
StringType <- "string"
LAMBDA <- "\\"
COLON <- ":"
DOT <- "."
ARROW <- "->"
OPEN <- "("
CLOSE <- ")"
Figure 2.
Next, we use the Typical compiler and the complete
TypedLambda.tpcl specification below
in Figure 3 to create the type checker.
1. (**
2. * Typing rules for the simply typed lambda calculus.
3. *
4. * @author Robert Grimm
5. * @version $Revision: 1.14 $
6. *)
7. module xtc.lang.TypedLambda;
9. mltype node =
10. | Application of node * node
11. | Abstraction of node * node * node
12. | Identifier of string
13. | IntegerConstant of string
14. | StringConstant of string
15. | FunctionType of node * node
16. | IntegerType
17. | StringType
18. ;
20. mltype raw_type = IntegerT | StringT | FunctionT of type * type ;
22. scope Abstraction (id, _, body) -> Scope(Anonymous("lambda"), [id, body]) ;
24. namespace default : type = Identifier (id) -> SimpleName(id) ;
26. mlvalue analyze = function
27. | Application (lambda, expr) ->
28. let tl = analyze lambda
29. and tr = analyze expr in
30. require (predicate FunctionT _) tl.type
31. error "application of non-function" in begin
32. match tl.type, tr with
33. | FunctionT (param, res), param -> res
34. | _ -> error "argument/parameter type mismatch"
35. end
36. | Abstraction (id, type, body) ->
37. let param = analyze type in
38. let _ = define id param in
39. let res = analyze body in
40. { type = FunctionT (param, res) }
41. | Identifier _ as id ->
42. let t = lookup id in
43. require t != bottom error (get_name id) ^ " undefined" in t
44. | IntegerConstant _ ->
45. { type = IntegerT }
46. | StringConstant _ ->
47. { type = StringT }
48. | FunctionType (parameter, result) ->
49. { type = FunctionT (analyze parameter, analyze result) }
50. | IntegerType ->
51. { type = IntegerT }
52. | StringType ->
53. { type = StringT }
54. ;
56. mlvalue get_name = function
57. | Identifier (name) -> name
58. | _ -> bottom
59. ;
Figure 3. Type checker specification for the Simply Typed Lambda Calculus
The specification begins with the module declaration on line 7.
Lines 9-17 declare the variant type node to represent the STLC's abstract
syntax tree structure. The variants of the node type indicate the names and
the type of the children of all the nodes that may appear in the STLC AST to
be type checked. Note that this specification need not be written by hand, but
can automatically generated from a Rats! grammar specification using
the -ast option.
Line 20 declares the variant type raw_type to represent the type
structure of
our STLC. In this case we have three types: an integer type, a string type, and
a function type.
Line 22 uses Typical's scope construct to declaratively specify scope management
for the STLC type checker. The declaration can be interpreted as follows: If an
Abstraction node is encountered while traversing the AST the type
checker will
enter a new Anonymous scope with a name derived from "lambda", and the first
and third children of the Abstraction node will belong to the
new scope.
Line 24 uses Typical's scope construct to declaratively specify the STLC's
namespace management. The declaration can be interpreted as follows: All STLC
names belong to a single default namespace and have value 'type'. Symbol table
names are obtained by extracting the string value from an
Identifier node, and
using this string to create a new SimpleName.
Lines 26-55 define the type rules of our STLC as pattern matches from nodes to
type. Lines 27-34 typecheck an Application node by first
typechecking each child of the application, then using the
require construct to enforce that the first
child has function type, and the error construct to report failure.
Finally the error construct is used to report an error on type/argument mismatch. Lines
36-40 process an abstraction node by analysing the second and third children,
and adding an symbol table entry using the define construct. Since
the define construct has built in error management, an error will be reported
if the identifier was previously defined. Successful processing of the
Abstraction node returns the appropriate FunctionType. Line 41
types an Identifier via
a symbol table lookup on the node. Lines 44-54 are straightforward mapping of
the IntegerConstant, StringConstant, FunctionType, IntegerType, and
StringType nodes to their corresponding types.
Finally the specification can be compiled using the command java
xtc.typical.Typical TypedLambda.tpcl . This generates three files:
TypedLambdaTypes.java which
contains definitions for all the types used by the STCL type checker,
which contains general supporting infrastructure, and
TypedLambdaAnalyzer.java which
is the STLC typechecker itself. TypedLambdaAnalyzer can be incorporated into
a Compiler or Driver (for example,
TypedLambda.java) for processing
STLC programs.
| xtc.util |
Utility classes for xtc.
| xtc.xform |
The XForm query and transformation language.
This package provides a querying and transformation facility for abstract syntax
trees (ASTs). The language, XForm, loosely follows the syntax and semantics
of the XPath 2.0 XML query language, but with added support for AST transformations.
However, there are some key differences between the XForm language and XPath,
so a careful reading of this document is essential.
Also note that example XForm queries can be found here.
Additional examples can be found in the xform/samples subdirectory.
The Language
Program Structure
XForm is a declarative language that can be used to query or transform an AST.
An XForm script, or query, is composed of a series of one or more comma-separated
expressions, each returning a sequence of tree items. If the query is composed
of a single expression, its result is the value of the expression. However,
if a query is composed of more than one expression, its result will be a list
of the values of each expression (a list of lists). Note that internally, the
query engine implicitly flattens all lists of lists.
It is also important to note that the result of each expression in a list
of expressions provides the focus (discussed below) for the expression that
follows it
Path Expressions
All XForm expressions generate ordered sets of tree items, called sequences
A tree item may be a node within the AST, a string, or null . Nested
sequences are not permitted.
The most basic expression in XForm is the path expression. A path expression
produces a sequence of all items in an AST that conform to a specified template.
The format of a path expression template is:
Path expression<- "/" RelativePathExpression?
/ "inside_out"? "//" RelativePathExpression
/ RelativePathExpression
RelativePathExpression <- RelativePathExpression ("/" / "//") StepExpression
/ StepExpression
StepExpression <- ItemTest PredicateList / ".."
ItemTest <- PrimaryExpression / Identifier / "*"
PredicateList <- Predicate*
Predicate <- "[" (IntegerLiteral / Expression / FunctionCall ) "]"
PrimaryExpression <- "." / StringLiteral / VariableReference / FunctionCall
/ ParenthesizedExpression
The template begins with an optional path specifier - the initial focus of
an expression. The focus of an expression can be thought of as the environment
that an expression is evaluated in - it represents the context for each step
of an expression. So in E1/E2 or E1 [E2] , the value
of E1 is computed, which then acts as the focus for computing the
value of E2 .
If the specifier is / , then the search will take place relative
to the AST root. For example, the template/FOO/BAR will return
all BAR nodes whose parent is a FOO node and whose
grandparent is the AST root node. If the specifier is // , then
all items that satisfy the template will be considered (so //FOO
will collect all FOO nodes in the AST). If the keyword inside_out
is prepended to a path expression using // , items will be chosen
based on a bottom-up, breadth-first traversal of the AST. If the path specifier
is omitted, then the nodes collected will have to be relative to the first step
expression in the template (so $x/FOO will collect all FOO
children of the nodes in the sequence $x ). If a step expressions
are separated by// , the latter expression will be matched against
all descendents of the former, rather than just its children. (So, //FOO//BAR
will collect all FOO descendents of all BAR nodes).
The individual steps of a path expression are known as step expressions. There
are two different kinds of step expressions -forward and reverse. A forward
step expression filters the children or the descendents of the current focus,
whereas the reverse step expression, .. , moves back up the tree,
to the level of the focus' parents. (E.g.. //FOO/.. would collect
the parents of every FOO node in the AST).
Of the forward step expressions, tests include matching against the names of
an item (as in /FOO/BAR or/FOO/"j" ), matching all
nodes (/FOO/* ), or matching against a primary expression.
A primary expression represents a value. There are five kinds.
- The context item,
. , which represents the current tree item
being processed (so //FOO/. would resolve to all FOO
nodes in the tree).
- A string literal, such as
"baz" .
- A variable reference, such as
$stat . Variable references begin
with a dollar-sign, and represent a previously bound sequence of items.
- A function call, such as
test($a,$b) , which can be used to
call an external function, and whose value and parameters are all sequences.
Instructions on how to add external functions programmed in Java are described
- A parenthesized expression, such as
(//CompoundStatement) whose
value is that of the expressions it contains, concatenated together.
A step expression may contain one or more predicates. A predicate takes the
form of [ Expression ] , and represents a sequence. Each predicate
will intersect its sequence with the current focus, producing a new focus for
the evaluation of any subsequent predicates. The value of the final intersection
is the value of the step expression.
A predicate containing an integer literal (beginning at one) represents an
index into the current focus. So //FOO [1] would return the first
FOO node in the AST.
When using predicates, it is important to note that within a predicate, the
focus becomes that of the current step expression. So, for example, the
value of //FOO/BAR [BAZ] , is a sequence containing all BAR
nodes with FOO parents and BAZ children.
Also note that tree traversals are done in a depth-first, in-order manner.
If you would like to do an "inner" traversal, that is, traverse the tree in
a bottom-up manner, you may use the inner keyword. For example,
replace inner //ForStatement with FOO<>
will replace all ForStatement nodes in the AST with FOO
nodes, but the order of replacement will be inside-out.
In addition to searching an AST, XForm provides facilities for manipulating
sequences. These facilities include binding variables, looping through sequences,
conditionals, creating new items and evaluating logical operations over sequences.
Binding Variables
To bind a sequence to a variable for later use, one can use a let
expression. The syntax of a let expression is as follows:
LetExpression <- "let" VariableBindingList "return" SingleExpression
VariableBindingList <- VariableBinding ("," VariableBinding)*
VariableBinding <- VariableReference "be" SingleExpression
A let expression binds one or more sequences to variables for the duration
of its single expression. For example,
let $f be //ForStatement, $cs be //CompoundStatement return ($f, $cs)
would return a sequence composed of all the for statements and all the compound
statements in an AST (a parenthesized expression concatenates the results of the
expressions within).
Two options exist to iterate through sequences - for and cfor .
Their formats are:
ForExpression <- "for" IterativeBindingList "return" SingleExpression
CForExpression <- "cfor" IterativeBindingList "return" SingleExpression
IterativeBindingList <- IterativeBinding ("," IterativeBinding)*
IterativeBinding <- VariableReference "in" SingleExpression
A for statement iterates through one or more sequences, binding the resultant
singletons to the specified variables (the bindings hold for the duration of
the expression's single expression) and evaluating its single expression. If
more than one sequence is specified to iterate through, the iterations will
be implicitly nested. So,
for $x in //FOO, $y in //BAR return $x union $y
is equivalent to
for $x in //FOO return for $y in //BAR return $x union $y
A cfor statement acts like a for statement, except that it iterates each of
its bound variables concurrently, halting when one of them reaches its end.
In either case, the resulting sequence of a looping expression is the concatenation
of each sequence that it returns.
Conditional expressions in XForm take the following form:
IfExpression <- "if" SingleExpression "then" SingleExpression "else" SingleExpression
Conditional expressions evaluate the first single expression. If that expression
is a non-empty sequence, the second single expression is evaluated and its value
is returned. Otherwise, the third single expression is evaluated and its value
is returned.
Set Operations
Set operations XForm take the following form:
UnionExpression <- UnionExpression "union" IntersectionExpression
IntersectionExpression <- IntersectionExpression "intersect" PathExpression
DifferExpression <- DifferExpression "differ" LogicalExpression
A union expression returns the union of two sequences, whereas an intersection
expression returns their intersection and the differ expression returns their
difference. Note that these operations are based on identity (so union is not
a concatenation). If you wish to concatenate two single expressions, wrap them
in a parenthesized expression
Logical Operations
There are two supported logical operation expressions, or and .
An or expression allows you to group together a series of pathexpressions
and select the value of the first path expression that returns a non-null sequence.
For example, the query:
//Foo or //Bar
will select the sequence returned by //Foo if that sequence is non-null.
Should the sequence be null, the results of //Bar will be used.
An and expression also lets you group together a series of pathexpressions.
If the value of each path expression in the series is non-null, all of the values
are concatenated together into a single sequence and then returned. Otherwise,
a null value is returned. For example, the query:
//Foo and //Bar
will return each Foo and Bar node in the tree, should the tree contain both Foo and Bar nodes. Otherwise,
it will return a null value.
Note that these logical operations can be embedded inside of a pathexpression
by way of parenthesized expressions. For example,
//Foo/(Bar or Zoo)
will return all Bar children of Foo nodes, should any
exist. Otherwise, it will attempt to return any Zoo children of Foo
nodes. Whereas,
//Foo/(Bar and Zoo)
will return any Bar nodes with Foo parents and Zoo
siblings, and any Zoo nodes with Foo parents and Bar
siblings, should both sequences be non-null.
Generating New Items
New tree items may be generated with a new item expression. A newitem expression
creates a singleton sequence containing a new tree item. It takes the following
NewItemExpression <- "null" / StringLiteral / NewNodeExpression
NewNodeExpression <- Identifier "<" Children ">"
Children <- Child ("," Child)*
Child <- "null" / NewNodeExpression / SingleExpression / /* empty */
Note that the last type of child is blank, which means that the newly created
node will have no children (which is not the same as having a null child).
So FOO<> would create a FOO node with no children,
whereas FOO<null> would create a FOO node with
a single null child.
Transforming ASTs
Modifications to abstract syntax trees are done using replacement expressions,
removal expressions, addition expressions, or insertion expressions.
Users transform ASTs in one of
two ways. The first is to query the AST for items to replace and then replacing
them with new or existing items. The second way is to query the AST for insertion
position markers and then inserting new or existing items.
The format of a replacement expression is:
ReplacementExpression <- "replace" SingleExpression "with" SingleExpression
The value of a replacement expression is a sequence containing the items that
have been inserted (or moved) within the tree, otherwise, if no replacements
have been made, it's an empty sequence. For example,
for $f in //ForStatement replace $f with CompoundStatement<>
would replace all of the for statements in an AST with new compoundstatements,
for $f in //ForStatement replace $f with //CompoundStatement [1]
would replace each for statement in the tree with one the tree's first compound
statement. Note that a sequence need not be bound to a variable for its items
to be replaced, so
replace //BAR with FOO<>
would replace any BAR nodes in the AST with FOO nodes.
Note that in the case of a replacement expression, in the context of a for
expression, you can omit the "return".
The format of a remove Expression is:
"remove" SingleExpression
For example, remove //IfStatement removes all IfStatements from
the AST.
The format of an add Expression is:
"add" SingleExpression "to" SingleExpression
For example, add Foo<> to //Bar adds a Foo node (as the last child)
to all Bar nodes.
The format of an insert expression is:
insert SingleExpression before SingleExpression
insert SingleExpression after SingleExpression
For example, insert Foo<> before //Bar<> would create
and insert new Foo<> items before every Bar node in the AST.
The value of an insertion operation is a sequence containing the items inserted,
or an empty sequence if no insertions are made. insert expression operate only on
none empty sequences. To illustrate, insert Foo<> before //Block/*[1]
adds a Foo<> node before the first child in a Block node. It will not, however, add
a Foo<> node to a an empty Block. This behaviour, if desired, can be implemented with
addtional commands; for example, replace empty(//Block<>) with Block< Foo<> >
Extending XForm
A user may add functionality to XForm by way of external functions. To add
an external function to XForm, one must do the following:
Example Queries
Example0: Using Xform queries to find empty IfStatements
1. //example0.java
2. class example1{
3. public void bar(){
4. Boolean foo = true;
5. if( foo ){
6. //empty!
7. }
8. int i = 0;
9. if( foo ) //no braces!
10. i++; //not empty
11. if( !foo ); //empty!!
12. }
13. }
In example0.java above, the IfStatements on lines 5 and
6 are empty. To find them using xform, we must first identify the AST structure
of empty IfStatement s. Using the xform driver's -preAST
function, we deduce that empty IfStatements come in two flavours:
either an IfStatement item with an empty Block child or an
IfStatement item with an EmptyStatement child. The query
1. #find all the emptyIfStatements
2. empty(//IfStatement/Block)/.. union //IfStatement[ EmptyStatement ]
will return all emptyIfStatement . The XForm library function empty
returns sequence items that have no children so empty(//IfStatement/Block)
will return all empty blocks belong to IfStatement . Adding /..
will return the parents of those blocks. //IfStatement[ EmptyStatement
] returns all IfStatement items that have an EmptyStatement
child. The union of the two expressions gives all Statements in the program.
For additional feedback, the library function lines() can be used to report
the line and column information of the items identified. Executing the with
1. #example0.xform
2. #find all the emptyIfStatements
3. lines( empty(//IfStatement/Block)/.. union //IfStatement[ EmptyStatement ] )
with java xtc.xform.Driver -java example0.xform example0.java would display:
example0.java: 5:7
example0.java: 11:7
Example1: Using XForm transformations to ensure that all IfStatements in a Java program have braces.
1. //example1.java
2. class example1{
3. public void bar(){
4. Boolean foo = true;
5 if( foo ){
6. //this one is good
7. }
8. int i = 0;
9. if( foo ) //no braces!
10. i++;
11. }
12. }
In example1.java above the IfStatement on line 8 violates the coding
convention that states all if statements should have curly braces. To correct
this using xform transformations, we must first query the program's AST to find
all braceless IfStatement . Using the xform Driver's preAST command
line option (or alternately figuring it out from the grammar), we realize that
the AST representation of a braceless if Statement does not have a Block enclosing
it's body.
The IfStatement on line 5 is represented as
while the one on line 8 is represented as
We can find braceless IfStatements with the XForm query
//IfStatement differ IfStatement[ Block ]
The complete query to add missing braces is
1. #example1.xform
2 #add missing braces toIfStatement
3. for $i in //IfStatement differ //IfStatement[ Block ] return
4. replace $i with IfStatement< $i/*[1], Block< $i/*[2] > >
Line 3 in the addifbrace.xform iterates over each Blockless if statement
in the AST Line 4 creates a new IfStatement item with two children and replaces
the original. The first child in the new item is the same as the first child
of the original IfStatement - meaning the if( foo ) part of the
statement is rewritten/preserved as if( foo ) . The second child
is a new Block item containing the second child of the original IfStatement.
The command java xtc.xform.Driver -java -printJava example1.xform
example1.java produces the output
1. class example1{
2. public void bar(){
3. Boolean foo = true;
4 if ( foo ){
5. }
6. int i = 0;
7. if ( foo ){
8. i++;
9. }
10. }
11. }
Example2: Transforming for loops to enforce 'Must Have Braces' rule.
The procedure for transforming ForStatement s similar to the IfStatement
transformation in Example1. The difference, however, is that the first 3 children
of each Blockless ForStatement must be preserved in the rewrite.
This can be done with the query
1. #add missing forStatement braces
2. for $f in //ForStatement differ //ForStatement[ Block ] return
3. replace $f with ForStatement< $f/*[1], $f/*[2], $f/*[3], Block< $f/*[4]> >
or by using XForms subsequence() library function in the query
1. #example2.xform
2. for $f in //ForStatement differ //ForStatement[ Block ] return
3. replace $f with ForStatement< subsequence( $f/*, 1, 3 ), Block< $f/*[4] > >
1. //example2.java
2. class example2{3. public void bar(){
4. int j = 0;
5. for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
6. j++;
8. for(;;)
9. j--;
10. }
On the file example2.java (shown above), the query example2.xform
produces the following transformation.
1. class example2{
2. public void bar(){
3. int j = 0;
4. for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ){
5. j++;
6. }
7. for (;;){
8. j--;
9. }
10. }
Example3: Using XTC and Xform to create an simple extension to Java
(JavaProperty), that adds C# like properties. Note that this example does not
have the full set of C# property features. Note also that all code in this example
can be found in xform/samples/javaproperty
In our extension, we wish to write property declarations in the form "property
int foo". A desugaring transformation convert the JavaProperty code to
Java code that contains generate accessors methods for this variable in this
declaration. For example the JavaProperty code:
1. //sample.jprop2. class sample{3. property int foo;4. }
should desugared to the following Java code
1. //sample.java2. class sample{
3. private int foo;
4. public void setfoo( int val ){
5. foo = val;
6. }
7. public int getfoo(){
8. return foo;
9. }
10. }
First we use xtc to define a grammar for the extension. This involves adding
"property" as a keyword and as a Modifer.
The JavaPropertyKW.Rats file below adds 'property' as a keyword to the existing
list of Java keywords.
1. //JavaPropertyKW.rats
2. module xtc.xform.samples.javaproperty.JavaPropertyKW;
3. import xtc.lang.JavaIdentifier(xtc.lang.JavaSymbol, xtc.util.Spacing);
5. body {
6. static{
7. add(JAVA_KEYWORDS, new Object[] { "property" });
8. }
9. }
The JavaProperty.Rats file below modifies the existing Java core grammar (JavaCore)
to add 'property' as a Modifier. For more details on grammar modification see:
1. //JavaProperty.Rats
2. module xtc.xform.samples.javaproperty.JavaProperty;
3. instantiate xtc.lang.JavaType(xtc.lang.JavaIdentifier, xtc.lang.JavaSymbol);
4. instantiate xtc.lang.JavaConstant(xtc.lang.JavaIdentifier, xtc.util.Spacing);
5. instantiate xtc.lang.JavaIdentifier(xtc.lang.JavaSymbol, xtc.util.Spacing);
6. instantiate xtc.util.Symbol(xtc.util.Spacing);
7. instantiate xtc.lang.JavaSymbol(xtc.util.Symbol);
8. instantiate xtc.util.Spacing;
9. import xtc.xform.samples.javaproperty.JavaPropertyKW;
11. modify xtc.lang.JavaCore(xtc.lang.JavaType, xtc.lang.JavaConstant, xtc.lang.JavaIdentifier, xtc.lang.JavaSymbol,xtc.util.Spacing, xtc.util.Null );
12. option withLocation, constant, parser(xtc.xform.JavaPropertyParser);
14. String Modifier += <Strictfp> ... / "property":Word;
We can now generate a parser for our JavaProperty grammar by typing 'make'
in xform/samples/javaproperty to execute the following commands:
java xtc.parser.Rats -in ~/java/src JavaProperty.rats
javac -source 1.4 -d ~/java/classes -sourcepath ~java/src JavaPropertyParser.java
Finally, using the Xform query JPTrans.xform shown below, we can transform
JavaProperty code to Java code with the command:
java xtc.xform.Driver -printJava -parser xtc.xform.samples.javaproperty.JavaPropertyParser
JPTrans.xform sample.jprop
This command line instructs the XForm engine to 1. parse sample.jprop
using the JavaPropertyParser 2. Execute the query JPTrans.xform
3. Pretty print the resulting code using xtc's Java PrettyPrinter
JPTrans.xform is explained as follows: Line 5 finds all property declarations.
Lines 6-18 inserts getter methods after each property declaration. Line 7 makes
the method public. Line 8 sets the methods return type to be the same as the
field type. Line 9 sets the method name as the concatenation of "get"
and the field's name. Lines 14-16 add a return statement with the field name
as an identifier. Lines 21-45 add a setter method after each property declaration.
This is similar to the xform code for adding getter methods, the main differences
are the return types and an assignment statement instead of a Return statement.
Last, lines 49-55 rewrite all property declarations to private field declarations
with the same name and type.
1. #JPTrans.xform
2. #XFrom desugaring from JavaProperty to pure Java.
4. #add a getter method for the field
5. for $i in //FieldDeclaration/Modifiers/"property"/../.. return
6. insert MethodDeclaration<7. Modifiers<"public">,
8. $i/*[2],
9. concat( "get", $i/Declarators/Declarator/*[1] ),
10. FormalParameters<>,
11. null,
12. null,
13. Block<
14. ReturnStatement<
15. PrimaryIdentifier<$i/Declarators/Declarator/*[1]>
16. >
17. >
18. > after $i,
20. #add a setter method for the field
21. for $i in //FieldDeclaration/Modifiers/"property"/../.. return
22. insert MethodDeclaration<
23. Modifiers<"public">,
24. VoidTypeSpecifier<>,
25. concat( "set", $i/Declarators/Declarator/*[1] ) ,
26. FormalParameters<
27. FormalParameter<
28. null,
29. $i/*[2],
30. "val",
31. null
32. >
33. >,
34. null,
35. null,
36. Block<
37. ExpressionStatement<
38. Expression<
39. PrimaryIdentifier<$i/Declarators/Declarator/*[1]>,
40. "=",
41. PrimaryIdentifier<"val">
42. >
43. >
44. >
45. > after $i,
47. #replace the property declaration with a private field declaration
48. for $i in //FieldDeclaration/Modifiers/"property"/../.. return
49. replace $i with FieldDeclaration<
50. Modifiers<"private">,
51. $i/*[2],
52. Declarators<
53. Declarator< $i/Declarators/Declarator/*[1], null, null >
54. >
55. >
| xtc.xform.samples.javaproperty | |