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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Parser » antlr 3.0.1 » org.antlr.runtime.tree 
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public class UnBufferedTreeNodeStream implements TreeNodeStream(Code)
A stream of tree nodes, accessing nodes from a tree of ANY kind. No new nodes should be created in tree during the walk. A small buffer of tokens is kept to efficiently and easily handle LT(i) calls, though the lookahead mechanism is fairly complicated. For tree rewriting during tree parsing, this must also be able to replace a set of children without "losing its place". That part is not yet implemented. Will permit a rule to return a different tree and have it stitched into the output tree probably.
See Also:   CommonTreeNodeStream

Inner Class :protected class TreeWalkState

Field Summary
final public static  intINITIAL_LOOKAHEAD_BUFFER_SIZE
protected  intabsoluteNodeIndex
     What node index did we just consume? i=0..n-1 for n node trees. is hence 1 + this value.
protected  intcurrentChildIndex
     Which child are we currently visiting? If -1 we have not visited this node yet; next consume() request will set currentIndex to 0.
protected  ObjectcurrentNode
protected  Objectdown
protected  Objecteof
protected  inthead
     lookahead[head] is the first symbol of lookahead, LT(1).
protected  StackindexStack
     Track which child index you are visiting for each node we push.
protected  intlastMarker
     Track the last mark() call result value for use in rewind().
protected  Object[]lookahead
     Buffer tree node stream for use with LT(i).
protected  intmarkDepth
protected  Listmarkers
     Calls to mark() may be nested so we have to track a stack of them.
protected  StacknodeStack
     As we walk down the nodes, we must track parent nodes so we know where to go after walking the last child of a node.
protected  ObjectpreviousNode
     Which node did we visit last? Used for LT(-1) calls.
protected  Objectroot
protected  inttail
     Add new lookahead at lookahead[tail].
protected  TokenStreamtokens
     IF this tree (root) was created from a token stream, track it.
protected  booleanuniqueNavigationNodes
protected  Objectup

Constructor Summary
public  UnBufferedTreeNodeStream(Object tree)
public  UnBufferedTreeNodeStream(TreeAdaptor adaptor, Object tree)

Method Summary
public  intLA(int i)
public  ObjectLT(int k)
     Get tree node at current input pointer + i ahead where i=1 is next node. i<0 indicates nodes in the past.
protected  voidaddLookahead(Object node)
     Add a node to the lookahead buffer.
protected  voidaddNavigationNode(int ttype)
     As we flatten the tree, we use UP, DOWN nodes to represent the tree structure.
public  voidconsume()
protected  voidfill(int k)
public  Objectget(int i)
protected  intgetLookaheadSize()
public  TokenStreamgetTokenStream()
public  TreeAdaptorgetTreeAdaptor()
public  ObjectgetTreeSource()
     Where is this stream pulling nodes from? This is not the name, but the object that provides node objects.
protected  ObjecthandleRootNode()
public  booleanhasUniqueNavigationNodes()
public  intindex()
public  intmark()
     Record the current state of the tree walk which includes the current node and stack state as well as the lookahead buffer.
public  Objectnext()
     Return the next node found during a depth-first walk of root. Also, add these nodes and DOWN/UP imaginary nodes into the lokoahead buffer as a side-effect.
public  voidrelease(int marker)
public  voidreset()
public  voidrewind(int marker)
     Rewind the current state of the tree walk to the state it was in when mark() was called and it returned marker.
public  voidrewind()
public  voidseek(int index)
     consume() ahead until we hit index.
public  voidsetTokenStream(TokenStream tokens)
public  voidsetUniqueNavigationNodes(boolean uniqueNavigationNodes)
public  intsize()
     Expensive to compute; recursively walk tree to find size; include navigation nodes and EOF.
public  StringtoString()
     Print out the entire tree including DOWN/UP nodes.
public  StringtoString(Object start, Object stop)
protected  voidtoStringWork(Object p, Object stop, StringBuffer buf)
protected  ObjectvisitChild(int child)
protected  voidwalkBackToMostRecentNodeWithUnvisitedChildren()
     Walk upwards looking for a node with more children to walk.

Field Detail
final public static int INITIAL_LOOKAHEAD_BUFFER_SIZE(Code)

protected int absoluteNodeIndex(Code)
What node index did we just consume? i=0..n-1 for n node trees. is hence 1 + this value. Size will be same.

TreeAdaptor adaptor(Code)
What tree adaptor was used to build these trees

protected int currentChildIndex(Code)
Which child are we currently visiting? If -1 we have not visited this node yet; next consume() request will set currentIndex to 0.

protected Object currentNode(Code)
Which node are we currently visiting?

protected Object down(Code)

protected Object eof(Code)

protected int head(Code)
lookahead[head] is the first symbol of lookahead, LT(1).

protected Stack indexStack(Code)
Track which child index you are visiting for each node we push. TODO: pretty inefficient...use int[] when you have time

protected int lastMarker(Code)
Track the last mark() call result value for use in rewind().

protected Object[] lookahead(Code)
Buffer tree node stream for use with LT(i). This list grows to fit new lookahead depths, but consume() wraps like a circular buffer.

protected int markDepth(Code)
tracks how deep mark() calls are nested

protected List markers(Code)
Calls to mark() may be nested so we have to track a stack of them. The marker is an index into this stack. This is a List. Indexed from 1..markDepth. A null is kept @ index 0. Create upon first call to mark().

protected Stack nodeStack(Code)
As we walk down the nodes, we must track parent nodes so we know where to go after walking the last child of a node. When visiting a child, push current node and current index.

protected Object previousNode(Code)
Which node did we visit last? Used for LT(-1) calls.

protected Object root(Code)
Pull nodes from which tree?

protected int tail(Code)
Add new lookahead at lookahead[tail]. tail wraps around at the end of the lookahead buffer so tail could be less than head.

protected TokenStream tokens(Code)
IF this tree (root) was created from a token stream, track it.

protected boolean uniqueNavigationNodes(Code)
Reuse same DOWN, UP navigation nodes unless this is true

protected Object up(Code)

Constructor Detail
public UnBufferedTreeNodeStream(Object tree)(Code)

public UnBufferedTreeNodeStream(TreeAdaptor adaptor, Object tree)(Code)

Method Detail
public int LA(int i)(Code)

public Object LT(int k)(Code)
Get tree node at current input pointer + i ahead where i=1 is next node. i<0 indicates nodes in the past. So -1 is previous node and -2 is two nodes ago. LT(0) is undefined. For i>=n, return null. Return null for LT(0) and any index that results in an absolute address that is negative. This is analogus to the LT() method of the TokenStream, but this returns a tree node instead of a token. Makes code gen identical for both parser and tree grammars. :)

protected void addLookahead(Object node)(Code)
Add a node to the lookahead buffer. Add at lookahead[tail]. If you tail+1 == head, then we must create a bigger buffer and copy all the nodes over plus reset head, tail. After this method, LT(1) will be lookahead[0].

protected void addNavigationNode(int ttype)(Code)
As we flatten the tree, we use UP, DOWN nodes to represent the tree structure. When debugging we need unique nodes so instantiate new ones when uniqueNavigationNodes is true.

public void consume()(Code)

protected void fill(int k)(Code)
Make sure we have at least k symbols in lookahead buffer

public Object get(int i)(Code)

protected int getLookaheadSize()(Code)

public TokenStream getTokenStream()(Code)

public TreeAdaptor getTreeAdaptor()(Code)

public Object getTreeSource()(Code)
Where is this stream pulling nodes from? This is not the name, but the object that provides node objects.

protected Object handleRootNode()(Code)

public boolean hasUniqueNavigationNodes()(Code)

public int index()(Code)

public int mark()(Code)
Record the current state of the tree walk which includes the current node and stack state as well as the lookahead buffer.

public Object next()(Code)
Return the next node found during a depth-first walk of root. Also, add these nodes and DOWN/UP imaginary nodes into the lokoahead buffer as a side-effect. Normally side-effects are bad, but because we can emit many tokens for every next() call, it's pretty hard to use a single return value for that. We must add these tokens to the lookahead buffer. This does *not* return the DOWN/UP nodes; those are only returned by the LT() method. Ugh. This mechanism is much more complicated than a recursive solution, but it's the only way to provide nodes on-demand instead of walking once completely through and buffering up the nodes. :(

public void release(int marker)(Code)

public void reset()(Code)

public void rewind(int marker)(Code)
Rewind the current state of the tree walk to the state it was in when mark() was called and it returned marker. Also, wipe out the lookahead which will force reloading a few nodes but it is better than making a copy of the lookahead buffer upon mark().

public void rewind()(Code)

public void seek(int index)(Code)
consume() ahead until we hit index. Can't just jump ahead--must spit out the navigation nodes.

public void setTokenStream(TokenStream tokens)(Code)

public void setUniqueNavigationNodes(boolean uniqueNavigationNodes)(Code)

public int size()(Code)
Expensive to compute; recursively walk tree to find size; include navigation nodes and EOF. Reuse functionality in CommonTreeNodeStream as we only really use this for testing.

public String toString()(Code)
Print out the entire tree including DOWN/UP nodes. Uses a recursive walk. Mostly useful for testing as it yields the token types not text.

public String toString(Object start, Object stop)(Code)

protected void toStringWork(Object p, Object stop, StringBuffer buf)(Code)

protected Object visitChild(int child)(Code)

protected void walkBackToMostRecentNodeWithUnvisitedChildren()(Code)
Walk upwards looking for a node with more children to walk.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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