| com.sun.portal.admin.console.common.PortalBaseBean com.sun.portal.admin.console.desktop.EditPropertiesBean
LIST_PROPERTY_NAME | final public static String LIST_PROPERTY_NAME(Code) | | |
fqcn | protected String fqcn(Code) | | Fully Qualified Channel Name
mergedDNs | List mergedDNs(Code) | | The list of DNs that contributed in the merger of the DP document
for this node
properties | protected DataProvider properties(Code) | | A list of Property Objects
EditPropertiesBean | public EditPropertiesBean()(Code) | | |
changeClientLocale | public String changeClientLocale()(Code) | | called when locale is changed and OK button in the table
preferences is clicked
getCrumbs | public Hyperlink[] getCrumbs()(Code) | | |
getCurrentClientLocale | public String getCurrentClientLocale()(Code) | | |
getCurrentCollectionName | public String getCurrentCollectionName()(Code) | | Called by the create new property wizard
to display the collection name for which new property
is being created
getEncodedChannelName | public String getEncodedChannelName()(Code) | | |
getListCollectionName | public String getListCollectionName()(Code) | | |
getPreferenceValue | public String[] getPreferenceValue()(Code) | | |
getPreferences | public DataProvider getPreferences()(Code) | | |
getProperties | public DataProvider getProperties()(Code) | | |
isAlert | public boolean isAlert()(Code) | | |
isCollection | public boolean isCollection()(Code) | | |
isContainer | public boolean isContainer()(Code) | | |
isDefaultLocale | public boolean isDefaultLocale()(Code) | | |
isDisaster | public boolean isDisaster()(Code) | | |
isDpRoot | public boolean isDpRoot()(Code) | | |
isPortletChannel | public boolean isPortletChannel()(Code) | | |
isSuccessAlert | public boolean isSuccessAlert()(Code) | | |
isTabContainer | public boolean isTabContainer()(Code) | | |
providerChanged | public void providerChanged(DataProvider provider)(Code) | | |
removeCustomization | public String removeCustomization()(Code) | | |
reset | public String reset()(Code) | | reset action button for the table actions is clicked
rowAdded | public void rowAdded(TableDataProvider provider, RowKey row)(Code) | | |
rowRemoved | public void rowRemoved(TableDataProvider provider, RowKey row)(Code) | | |
save | public String save()(Code) | | save action button for the table actions is clicked
saveList | public String saveList()(Code) | | save action called from the pop-up to save un-named properties
savePreferenceValues | public String savePreferenceValues()(Code) | | save action called from the pop-up to save un-named properties
setAlertDetail | public void setAlertDetail(String detail)(Code) | | |
setAlertSummary | public void setAlertSummary(String summary)(Code) | | |
setListValue | public void setListValue(String[] strList)(Code) | | |
setPreferenceValue | public void setPreferenceValue(String[] strList)(Code) | | |
valueChanged | public void valueChanged(TableDataProvider provider, FieldKey fieldKey, RowKey row, Object oldValue, Object newValue)(Code) | | |
valueChanged | public void valueChanged(DataProvider provider, FieldKey fieldKey, Object oldValue, Object newValue)(Code) | | |