0001: /**
0002: * $Id: IBMWAS5Impl.java,v 1.37 2006/09/27 08:06:43 pr150268 Exp $
0003: * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All
0004: * rights reserved. Use of this product is subject
0005: * to license terms. Federal Acquisitions:
0006: * Commercial Software -- Government Users
0007: * Subject to Standard License Terms and
0008: * Conditions.
0009: *
0010: * Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, and Sun ONE
0011: * are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems,
0012: * Inc. in the United States and other countries.
0013: */package com.sun.portal.fabric.tasks;
0015: import java.io.File;
0016: import java.util.Map;
0017: import java.util.logging.Level;
0018: import java.util.logging.Logger;
0019: import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
0021: import org.jdom.Element;
0023: import com.sun.portal.admin.common.context.PSConfigContext;
0024: import com.sun.portal.fabric.util.FileUtil;
0025: import java.io.IOException;
0026: import java.io.FileWriter;
0027: import com.sun.portal.fabric.util.os.OSTasks;
0028: import com.sun.portal.fabric.util.os.OSTasksFactory;
0029: import com.sun.portal.log.common.PortalLogger;
0031: public class IBMWAS5Impl extends WebContainerBase {
0033: private String wcTargetInstance = null;
0034: private String wcHomeDir = null;
0035: private String wcDeployNode = null;
0036: private String wcDeployCell = null;
0037: private String wcAdminUser = null;
0038: private String wcAdminPassword = null;
0039: private String wcConfigdir = null;
0040: private String wcJDKDir = null;
0041: private String wcDocRootDir = null;
0042: private static File wcConfigfile = null;
0043: private static File setupFile = null;
0044: private String amconfigScript = null;
0045: private String wcDefaultHost;
0046: private static Logger logger = PortalLogger
0047: .getLogger(IBMWAS5Impl.class);
0049: /**
0050: * Constructor
0051: *
0052: * @param wcAttributes WebContainer Information as a Map
0053: * @param logger Logger
0054: */
0055: public IBMWAS5Impl(Map wcAttributes) {
0057: super (wcAttributes);
0059: wcHomeDir = (String) wcAttributes
0061: wcTargetInstance = (String) wcAttributes
0063: wcDocRootDir = (String) wcAttributes
0065: wcJDKDir = (String) wcAttributes.get(WEB_CONTAINER_JDK_DIR);
0066: // This one should be in webcontainer.properties.
0067: wcAdminUser = (String) wcAttributes
0069: wcAdminPassword = (String) wcAttributes
0072: //wcDefaultHost = (String) wcAttributes.get(WEB_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_HOST);
0074: wcDeployNode = (String) wcAttributes
0076: wcDeployCell = (String) wcAttributes
0078: }
0080: public void postValidationInit() throws ConfigurationException {
0082: wcConfigdir = wcHomeDir + fs + "config" + fs + "cells" + fs
0083: + wcDeployCell + fs + "nodes" + fs + wcDeployNode + fs
0084: + "servers" + fs + wcTargetInstance;
0086: wcConfigfile = new File(wcConfigdir + fs + "server.xml");
0087: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFT0050", new String[] {
0088: "Config Dir", wcConfigdir });
0090: setupFile = new File(wcHomeDir + fs + "bin" + fs
0091: + "setupCmdLine.sh");
0093: wcPrintableInstanceName = wcDeployCell + "." + wcDeployNode
0094: + "." + wcTargetInstance;
0095: }
0097: /**
0098: * Deploys the WAR file on to the webcontainer instance
0099: *
0100: * @param warFile WAR file including full path
0101: * @param uri Deployment URI
0102: */
0103: public void deploy(String warFile, String uri)
0104: throws ConfigurationException {
0106: File tmpFile = null;
0107: try {
0108: tmpFile = File.createTempFile("deploy", ".jacl");
0109: //if (uri.startsWith("/")) {
0110: // uri = FileUtil.replaceToken(uri, "/", "");
0111: //}
0112: StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer();
0113: command.append("$AdminApp install ");
0114: command.append(FileUtil.decoratePath(warFile));
0115: command
0116: .append(" {-contextroot "
0117: + uri
0118: + " -usedefaultbindings -nopreCompileJSPs -distributeApp -nouseMetaDataFromBinary ");
0119: command.append(" -node ");
0120: command.append(wcDeployNode);
0121: command.append(" -cell ");
0122: command.append(wcDeployCell);
0123: command.append(" -server ");
0124: command.append(wcTargetInstance);
0125: command
0126: .append(" -appname "
0127: + uri.substring(1)
0128: + " -createMBeansForResources -noreloadEnabled -reloadInterval 0 -nodeployws} ");
0129: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0130: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFT0050", new String[] {
0131: "War deploy command", command.toString() });
0133: command = new StringBuffer();
0134: command.append("$AdminConfig save");
0135: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0136: } catch (Exception ex) {
0137: throw new ConfigurationException(ex.toString());
0138: }
0140: String command = wcHomeDir + fs + "bin" + fs + "wsadmin.sh";
0142: String[] serviceArgs = new String[2];
0143: serviceArgs[0] = "-f";
0144: serviceArgs[1] = FileUtil.decoratePath(tmpFile
0145: .getAbsolutePath());
0147: try {
0148: int iRetCode = execUtil.exec(command, serviceArgs);
0149: tmpFile.delete();
0150: if (iRetCode != 0) {
0152: // 'deploy' failed for some reason
0153: String sError = execUtil.getError();
0154: if ((sError == null) || sError.trim().equals("")) {
0156: sError = "Deploy Failed";
0157: }
0159: // Throw configuration Exception
0160: throw new ConfigurationException(sError);
0161: }
0162: } catch (Exception e) {
0163: throw new ConfigurationException(e.toString());
0164: }
0165: }
0167: /**
0168: * Undeploys the WAR file from the webcontainer instance
0169: *
0170: * @param uri Deployment URI
0171: */
0172: public void undeploy(String uri) throws ConfigurationException {
0173: File tmpFile = null;
0174: try {
0175: tmpFile = File.createTempFile("undeploy", ".jacl");
0177: StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer();
0178: command.append("$AdminApp uninstall ");
0179: //The uri is assumed to be of the type '/something'.
0180: command.append(uri.substring(1));
0181: command.append(" {-node ");
0182: command.append(wcDeployNode);
0183: command.append(" -cell ");
0184: command.append(wcDeployCell);
0185: command.append(" -server ");
0186: command.append(wcTargetInstance);
0187: command.append("}");
0188: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0189: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFT0050", new String[] {
0190: "War undeploy command", command.toString() });
0192: command = new StringBuffer();
0193: command.append("$AdminConfig save");
0194: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0196: } catch (Exception ex) {
0197: throw new ConfigurationException(ex.toString());
0198: }
0200: String command = wcHomeDir + fs + "bin" + fs + "wsadmin.sh";
0202: String[] serviceArgs = new String[2];
0203: serviceArgs[0] = "-f";
0204: serviceArgs[1] = FileUtil.decoratePath(tmpFile
0205: .getAbsolutePath());
0207: try {
0208: execUtil.exec(command, serviceArgs);
0209: tmpFile.delete();
0210: } catch (Exception e) {
0211: throw new ConfigurationException(e.toString());
0212: }
0213: }
0215: private final boolean isIdentityServerSDKConfigured(
0216: final PSConfigContext configContext)
0217: throws ConfigurationException {
0218: boolean amConfigured = false;
0220: String amSDKJar = FileUtil.findTextInFile(wcConfigfile,
0221: "am_sdk.jar");
0222: if (amSDKJar != null && amSDKJar.trim().length() > 0) {
0223: amConfigured = true;
0224: }
0225: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFT0051", new String[] {
0226: "am_sdk.jar", wcConfigfile.getAbsolutePath() });
0227: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFT0052",
0228: new String[] { amConfigured ? "true" : "false" });
0229: return amConfigured;
0230: }
0232: /**
0233: * Configures the WebContainer with the classpath
0234: * settings, JVM options and other settings needed
0235: * for Identity Server SDK
0236: */
0237: public void doIdentitySDKConfig(final PSConfigContext configContext)
0238: throws ConfigurationException {
0240: if (isIdentityServerSDKConfigured(configContext)) {
0241: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFT0014",
0242: new String[] { wcPrintableInstanceName });
0243: return;
0244: }
0245: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFT0053",
0246: new String[] { wcPrintableInstanceName });
0248: String protocol = (String) wcAttributes.get(SCHEME);
0249: String host = (String) wcAttributes.get(HOST);
0250: String port = (String) wcAttributes.get(PORT);
0252: String amProductLoc = configContext.getISBaseDir();
0253: String amConfigDir = configContext.getISConfigDir();
0254: String psDataDir = configContext.getPSDataDir();
0256: int index = amProductLoc.lastIndexOf(fs);
0257: String amProductDir = amProductLoc.substring(index + 1);
0258: String amBaseDir = amProductLoc.substring(0, index);
0260: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFT0015",
0261: new String[] { wcPrintableInstanceName });
0263: String amSilentName = psDataDir + fs + "tmp" + fs
0264: + "amsilent_ps." + FileUtil.getRandomDirName();
0266: StringBuffer fileData = new StringBuffer();
0267: fileData.append("BASEDIR=" + amBaseDir + nl);
0268: fileData.append("PRODUCT_DIR=" + amProductDir + nl);
0269: fileData.append("CONFIG_DIR=" + amConfigDir + nl);
0271: fileData.append("WAS51_HOME=" + wcHomeDir + nl);
0272: fileData.append("WAS51_JDK_HOME=" + wcJDKDir + nl);
0273: fileData.append("WAS51_NODE=" + wcDeployNode + nl);
0274: fileData.append("WAS51_CELL=" + wcDeployCell + nl);
0275: fileData.append("WAS51_INSTANCE=" + wcTargetInstance + nl);
0276: fileData.append("WAS51_PROTOCOL=" + protocol + nl);
0277: fileData.append("WAS51_HOST=" + host + nl);
0278: fileData.append("WAS51_PORT=" + port + nl);
0279: fileData.append("WAS51_ADMIN=" + wcAdminUser + nl);
0280: fileData.append("WAS51_PASSWORD=" + wcAdminPassword + nl);
0281: /**
0282: * If AM version is 6.x then use container configuration scripts
0283: * else use amconfig script for container configuration
0284: * See 6284663 for more info.
0285: */
0286: if (configContext.getAMVersion().equals("6")) {
0287: fileData.append("DEPLOY_LEVEL=4" + nl);
0288: amconfigScript = "amwas51config";
0289: } else {
0290: fileData.append("DEPLOY_LEVEL=7" + nl).append(
0291: "JAVA_HOME=" + configContext.getJavaHome() + nl)
0292: .append("WEB_CONTAINER=WAS5" + nl);
0293: amconfigScript = "amconfig";
0294: }
0296: File amSilentFile = new File(amSilentName);
0297: try {
0298: FileWriter fwriter = new FileWriter(amSilentFile);
0299: fwriter.write(fileData.toString());
0300: fwriter.close();
0301: } catch (IOException ioe) {
0302: if (logger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
0303: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "PSFB_CSPFT0016");
0304: LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.SEVERE,
0305: "PSFB_CSPFT0017");
0306: record
0307: .setParameters(new String[] { wcPrintableInstanceName });
0308: record.setThrown(ioe);
0309: record.setLoggerName(logger.getName());
0310: logger.log(record);
0311: }
0312: amSilentFile.delete();
0313: return;
0314: }
0316: String amwas51config = amProductLoc + fs + "bin" + fs
0317: + amconfigScript;
0318: String args[] = { "-s", amSilentName };
0320: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFT0018",
0321: new String[] { amwas51config });
0322: if (execUtil.exec(amwas51config, args) != 0) {
0323: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "PSFB_CSPFT0019", new String[] {
0324: wcType, wcPrintableInstanceName });
0325: } else {
0326: logger.log(Level.INFO, "PSFB_CSPFT0020", new String[] {
0327: wcType, wcPrintableInstanceName });
0328: }
0330: amSilentFile.delete();
0331: }
0333: /**
0334: * Add string to JAVA_OPTIONS
0335: */
0336: public boolean addJVMOption(String option, String value) {
0337: File tmpFile = null;
0338: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFT0054", new String[] {
0339: "addJVMOption", "Option Value Pair",
0340: option + "=" + value });
0341: try {
0342: tmpFile = File.createTempFile("setjvmOptions", ".jacl");
0344: String jvmOptionsAttrXPath = "/Server/processDefinition/jvmEntries";
0345: String presentAttrValue = FileUtil.getAttributeValue(
0346: wcConfigfile, jvmOptionsAttrXPath,
0347: "genericJvmArguments");
0348: String optionValuePair = getJVMOptionString(option, value);
0349: //The separator between JVM options is a blank space
0350: String attrSeparator = " ";
0352: StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer();
0353: command.append("set dummyID [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:"
0354: + wcDeployCell + "/Node:" + wcDeployNode
0355: + "/Server:" + wcTargetInstance + "/] ");
0356: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0357: command = new StringBuffer();
0358: command
0359: .append("set jvm [$AdminConfig list JavaVirtualMachine $dummyID]");
0360: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0361: command = new StringBuffer();
0362: command
0363: .append("$AdminConfig modify $jvm {{genericJvmArguments \""
0364: + presentAttrValue
0365: + " "
0366: + optionValuePair
0367: + "\"}}");
0368: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0369: command = new StringBuffer();
0370: command.append("$AdminConfig save");
0371: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0373: String execCommand = wcHomeDir + fs + "bin" + fs
0374: + "wsadmin.sh";
0375: String[] serviceArgs = new String[2];
0376: serviceArgs[0] = "-f";
0377: serviceArgs[1] = FileUtil.decoratePath(tmpFile
0378: .getAbsolutePath());
0380: execUtil.exec(execCommand, serviceArgs);
0381: tmpFile.delete();
0382: } catch (Exception e) {
0383: if (logger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
0384: LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.SEVERE,
0385: "PSFB_CSPFT0069");
0386: record.setThrown(e);
0387: record.setLoggerName(logger.getName());
0388: logger.log(record);
0389: }
0390: return false;
0391: }
0392: return true;
0393: }
0395: private String getJVMOptionString(String key, String value) {
0396: StringBuffer option = new StringBuffer();
0397: if (key.startsWith("-")) {
0398: if (value == null || value.trim().equals("")) {
0399: //If no value specified
0400: return key;
0401: } else {
0402: //Any option other than user defined option (-D)
0403: option.append(key).append("=").append(value);
0404: }
0405: } else {
0406: //user defined options
0407: option.append("-D").append(key).append("=").append(value);
0408: }
0409: return option.toString();
0410: }
0412: public boolean setNativeLibraryPath(String path) {
0413: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFT0054", new String[] {
0414: "setNativeLibraryPath", "path", path });
0415: try {
0416: path = path + cps + "/usr/lib/lwp";
0417: String retStr = FileUtil.findTextInFile(setupFile, path);
0418: if (retStr != null && retStr.equals("")) {
0419: FileUtil.appendToFile(setupFile, "LD_LIBRARY_PATH="
0420: + path + ":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH", false);
0421: FileUtil.appendLineInFile(setupFile,
0422: "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=", " export LD_LIBRARY_PATH");
0423: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFT0068",
0424: new String[] { path,
0425: setupFile.getAbsolutePath() });
0426: } else {
0427: return false;
0428: }
0429: } catch (Exception e) {
0430: if (logger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
0431: LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.SEVERE,
0432: "PSFB_CSPFT0027");
0433: record.setThrown(e);
0434: record.setLoggerName(logger.getName());
0435: logger.log(record);
0436: }
0437: return false;
0438: }
0439: return true;
0440: }
0442: public boolean isPortalConfigured() {
0443: // TODO: Make this check better
0444: String str = FileUtil.findTextInFile(wcConfigfile,
0446: if (str != null && !str.equals("")
0447: && str.indexOf(PORTAL_TEST_JAR) >= 0) {
0448: logger.log(Level.INFO, "PSFB_CSPFT0041");
0449: return true;
0450: } else {
0451: return false;
0452: }
0453: }
0455: public boolean appendClasspath(String classPath) {
0456: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFT0054", new String[] {
0457: "appendClasspath", "jars", classPath });
0458: String cpTkn = FileUtil.findTextInFile(wcConfigfile,
0459: "<classpath>");
0460: if (cpTkn != null || cpTkn.equals("")) {
0461: //filter out entries in classPath that already occour in serverCP
0462: String filteredClassPath = getFilteredClassPath(classPath,
0463: cpTkn);
0464: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(wcConfigfile, "<classpath>",
0465: "<classpath>" + filteredClassPath
0466: + File.pathSeparator);
0467: } else {
0468: //If classpath tag is found, it means AM SDK is not configured.
0469: return false;
0470: }
0471: return true;
0472: }
0474: public void createSymbolicLinks(final PSConfigContext configContext) {
0475: // Copying the MA voice files to the document root directory.
0476: String installTimeDeployDocroot = configContext.getPSBaseDir()
0477: + fs + "export" + fs + "voice";
0479: String deployDocroot = wcDocRootDir;
0480: if (installTimeDeployDocroot != null
0481: && installTimeDeployDocroot.equals(deployDocroot)) {
0482: FileUtil.copyFile(installTimeDeployDocroot + fs + "voice",
0483: deployDocroot + fs + "voice");
0484: }
0485: //Creating links for help, voice to webcontainer docs
0487: String appDir = wcHomeDir + fs + "installedApps" + fs
0488: + wcDeployCell + fs + "DefaultApplication.ear";
0489: String defWebApp = "DefaultWebApplication.war";
0490: String docsDir = appDir + fs + defWebApp;
0491: String helpDirStr = docsDir + fs + "online_help" + fs
0492: + "docs_en_US";
0493: File helpDir = new File(helpDirStr);
0494: if (!helpDir.exists())
0495: helpDir.mkdirs();
0497: String psHelpDir = configContext.getPSBaseDir() + fs + "docs"
0498: + fs + "public_html" + fs + "online_help" + fs
0499: + "docs_en_US";
0500: String voiceDir = configContext.getPSBaseDir() + fs + "export"
0501: + fs + "voice";
0503: OSTasks osTasks = OSTasksFactory.getOSTasks(configContext);
0504: osTasks.createSymbolicLink(voiceDir, docsDir);
0505: osTasks.createSymbolicLink(psHelpDir + fs + "ps", helpDirStr);
0506: osTasks.createSymbolicLink(psHelpDir + fs + "ma", helpDirStr);
0507: }
0509: public void doMiscTasks(PSConfigContext configContext) {
0510: try {
0511: doJVMMemorySettings();
0512: tuneMinMaxHeap();
0514: //Partial fix for WSRP bug #6362385
0515: // adding jaxp-api.jar and sax.jar for wsrp to work on WebSphere
0516: String jaxpClasspath = configContext.getPSBaseDir() + fs
0517: + "lib" + fs + "endorsed" + fs + "jaxp-api.jar"
0518: + ":" + configContext.getPSBaseDir() + fs + "lib"
0519: + fs + "endorsed" + fs + "sax.jar" + ":"
0520: + configContext.getPSBaseDir() + fs + "lib" + fs
0521: + "endorsed" + fs + "xalan.jar";
0523: appendClasspath(jaxpClasspath);
0524: String jaxbClasspath = configContext.getSharedLibsDir()
0525: + fs + "jaxb-api.jar:"
0526: + configContext.getSharedLibsDir() + fs
0527: + "jaxb-impl.jar";
0528: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(wcConfigfile, "<classpath>",
0529: "<classpath>" + jaxbClasspath + File.pathSeparator);
0531: } catch (Exception e) {
0532: if (logger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
0533: LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.SEVERE,
0534: "PSFB_CSPFT0028");
0535: record.setThrown(e);
0536: record.setLoggerName(logger.getName());
0537: logger.log(record);
0538: }
0539: }
0541: }
0543: public void configResource(Element root, String derbyHost,
0544: String derbyPort, String databaseName, String poolName) {
0546: createResource(root, poolName, databaseName, derbyHost,
0547: derbyPort);
0548: createConnectionPool(root, poolName);
0549: }
0551: public void createConnectionPool(Element root, String poolName) {
0552: try {
0553: int endIndx = poolName.indexOf("Pool");
0554: String resourceName = poolName.substring(0, endIndx);
0555: String provider = resourceName + "Provider";
0556: File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("createconnectionpool",
0557: ".jacl");
0558: StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer();
0559: command.append("set newds [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:"
0560: + wcDeployCell + "/Node:" + wcDeployNode
0561: + "/JDBCProvider:" + provider + "/DataSource:"
0562: + resourceName + "/] ");
0563: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0564: command = new StringBuffer();
0565: command
0566: .append("$AdminConfig create ConnectionPool $newds {{maxConnections "
0567: + root.getAttributeValue("maxActive")
0568: + "}}");
0569: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0570: command = new StringBuffer();
0571: command.append("$AdminConfig save");
0572: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0574: String execCommand = wcHomeDir + fs + "bin" + fs
0575: + "wsadmin.sh";
0576: String[] serviceArgs = new String[2];
0577: serviceArgs[0] = "-f";
0578: serviceArgs[1] = FileUtil.decoratePath(tmpFile
0579: .getAbsolutePath());
0581: execUtil.exec(execCommand, serviceArgs);
0582: tmpFile.delete();
0583: } catch (Exception e) {
0584: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "PSFB_CSPFT0098", poolName);
0585: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "PSFB_CSPFT0099", e);
0586: }
0587: }
0589: public void createResource(Element root, String poolName,
0590: String databaseName, String derbyHost, String derbyPort) {
0592: int endIndx = poolName.indexOf("Pool");
0593: String resourceName = poolName.substring(0, endIndx);
0594: String provider = resourceName + "Provider";
0595: try {
0596: File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("createresource",
0597: ".jacl");
0598: StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer();
0599: command.append("set node [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:"
0600: + wcDeployCell + "/Node:" + wcDeployNode + "/] ");
0601: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0602: command = new StringBuffer();
0603: command.append("$AdminConfig required JDBCProvider");
0604: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0605: command = new StringBuffer();
0606: command.append("set n1 [list name " + provider + "]");
0607: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0608: command = new StringBuffer();
0609: String dataSourceClassName = root
0610: .getAttributeValue("dataSourceClassName.IBMWAS5");
0611: if (dataSourceClassName != null
0612: && !dataSourceClassName.equals("")
0613: && dataSourceClassName.length() > 0) {
0614: command.append("set c1 [list implementationClassName "
0615: + dataSourceClassName + "]");
0616: } else {
0617: command.append("set c1 [list implementationClassName "
0618: + root.getAttributeValue("dataSourceClassName")
0619: + "]");
0620: }
0621: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0622: command = new StringBuffer();
0623: command.append("set jdbcAttrs [list $n1 $c1]");
0624: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0625: command = new StringBuffer();
0626: command
0627: .append("$AdminConfig create JDBCProvider $node $jdbcAttrs");
0628: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0629: command = new StringBuffer();
0630: command.append("set newjdbc [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:"
0631: + wcDeployCell + "/Node:" + wcDeployNode
0632: + "/JDBCProvider:" + provider + "/] ");
0633: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0634: command = new StringBuffer();
0635: command.append("$AdminConfig required DataSource");
0636: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0637: command = new StringBuffer();
0638: command.append("set name [list name " + resourceName + "]");
0639: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0640: command = new StringBuffer();
0641: command.append("set dsAttrs [list $name]");
0642: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0643: command = new StringBuffer();
0644: command
0645: .append("set newds [$AdminConfig create DataSource $newjdbc $dsAttrs]");
0646: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0647: command = new StringBuffer();
0648: command
0649: .append("set propSet [$AdminConfig create J2EEResourcePropertySet $newds {}]");
0650: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0651: command = new StringBuffer();
0652: command
0653: .append("set attrs1 [subst {{name databaseName} {type java.lang.String} "
0654: + "{value " + databaseName + "}}]");
0655: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0656: command = new StringBuffer();
0657: command
0658: .append("set attrs2 [subst {{name user} {type java.lang.String} "
0659: + "{value "
0660: + root.getAttributeValue("username")
0661: + "}}]");
0662: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0663: command = new StringBuffer();
0664: command
0665: .append("set attrs3 [subst {{name password} {type java.lang.String} "
0666: + "{value "
0667: + root.getAttributeValue("password")
0668: + "}}]");
0669: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0670: command = new StringBuffer();
0671: command
0672: .append("set attrs4 [subst {{name serverName} {type java.lang.String} "
0673: + "{value " + derbyHost + "}}]");
0674: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0675: command = new StringBuffer();
0676: command
0677: .append("set attrs5 [subst {{name driverType} {type java.lang.String} "
0678: + "{value "
0679: + root.getAttributeValue("type") + "}}]");
0680: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0681: command = new StringBuffer();
0682: command
0683: .append("set attrs6 [subst {{name portNumber} {type java.lang.Integer} "
0684: + "{value " + derbyPort + "}}]");
0685: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0686: command = new StringBuffer();
0687: command
0688: .append("set attrs7 [subst {{name driverClassName} {type java.lang.String} "
0689: + "{value "
0690: + root.getAttributeValue("driverClassName")
0691: + "}}]");
0692: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0693: command = new StringBuffer();
0694: command
0695: .append("$AdminConfig create J2EEResourceProperty $propSet $attrs1");
0696: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0697: command = new StringBuffer();
0698: command
0699: .append("$AdminConfig create J2EEResourceProperty $propSet $attrs2");
0700: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0701: command = new StringBuffer();
0702: command
0703: .append("$AdminConfig create J2EEResourceProperty $propSet $attrs3");
0704: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0705: command = new StringBuffer();
0706: command
0707: .append("$AdminConfig create J2EEResourceProperty $propSet $attrs4");
0708: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0709: command = new StringBuffer();
0710: command
0711: .append("$AdminConfig create J2EEResourceProperty $propSet $attrs5");
0712: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0713: command = new StringBuffer();
0714: command
0715: .append("$AdminConfig create J2EEResourceProperty $propSet $attrs6");
0716: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0717: command = new StringBuffer();
0718: command
0719: .append("$AdminConfig create J2EEResourceProperty $propSet $attrs7");
0720: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0721: command = new StringBuffer();
0722: command.append("set attrs8 [subst {{jndiName "
0723: + root.getAttributeValue("name") + "}}]");
0724: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0725: command = new StringBuffer();
0726: command.append("$AdminConfig modify $newds $attrs8");
0727: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0728: command = new StringBuffer();
0729: command.append("$AdminConfig save");
0730: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0732: String execCommand = wcHomeDir + fs + "bin" + fs
0733: + "wsadmin.sh";
0734: String[] serviceArgs = new String[2];
0735: serviceArgs[0] = "-f";
0736: serviceArgs[1] = FileUtil.decoratePath(tmpFile
0737: .getAbsolutePath());
0739: execUtil.exec(execCommand, serviceArgs);
0740: tmpFile.delete();
0741: } catch (Exception e) {
0742: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "PSFB_CSPFT0097", resourceName);
0743: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "PSFB_CSPFT0099", e);
0744: }
0746: }
0748: public void unConfigResource(String jndiName, String poolName) {
0750: }
0752: /**
0753: * Starts the webcontainer instance
0754: *
0755: */
0756: public void start() {
0757: String[] args = new String[1];
0758: args[0] = wcTargetInstance;
0759: String startWebshphereSh = wcHomeDir + fs + "bin" + fs
0760: + "startServer.sh";
0761: execUtil.exec(startWebshphereSh, args);
0762: }
0764: /**
0765: * Stops the webcontainer instance
0766: *
0767: */
0768: public void stop() {
0769: String[] args = new String[1];
0770: args[0] = wcTargetInstance;
0771: String stopWebshphereSh = wcHomeDir + fs + "bin" + fs
0772: + "stopServer.sh";
0773: execUtil.exec(stopWebshphereSh, args);
0774: }
0776: /**
0777: * Validate web container parameters provided to configurator.
0778: */
0779: public void validate() throws ValidationException {
0781: // validate data before calling the constructor
0782: if (!checkNotNullOrEmpty(WEB_CONTAINER_INSTANCE,
0783: wcTargetInstance)) {
0785: throw new ValidationException("Invalid Instance Name");
0786: }
0788: if (!checkNotNull(WEB_CONTAINER_ADMIN_UID, wcAdminUser)) {
0790: throw new ValidationException("Invalid Admin User");
0791: }
0794: wcAdminPassword, true)) {
0796: throw new ValidationException("Invalid Admin Password");
0797: }
0799: /*??if (!checkNotNullOrEmpty(WEB_CONTAINER_ADMIN_SCHEME, wcAdminProtocol)) {
0801: throw new ValidationException("Invalid Admin Scheme");
0802: }
0804: if (!checkNotNullOrEmpty(WEB_CONTAINER_ADMIN_HOST, wcAdminHost)) {
0806: throw new ValidationException("Invalid Admin Host");
0807: }
0809: if (!checkNotNullOrEmpty(WEB_CONTAINER_ADMIN_PORT, wcAdminPort)) {
0811: throw new ValidationException("Invalid Admin Port");
0812: }??*/
0814: if (!checkNotNullOrEmpty(WEB_CONTAINER_DEPLOY_NODE,
0815: wcDeployNode)) {
0817: throw new ValidationException("Invalid Deploy Node");
0818: }
0820: if (!checkNotNullOrEmpty(WEB_CONTAINER_DEPLOY_CELL,
0821: wcDeployCell)) {
0823: throw new ValidationException("Invalid Deploy Cell");
0824: }
0826: if (!checkDirExists(WEB_CONTAINER_INSTALL_DIR, wcHomeDir)) {
0828: throw new ValidationException(
0829: "Invalid Install Directory = " + wcHomeDir);
0830: }
0832: if (!checkDirExists(WEB_CONTAINER_JDK_DIR, wcJDKDir)) {
0834: throw new ValidationException("Invalid JDK Directory = "
0835: + wcJDKDir);
0836: }
0838: // Validate Instant host & port
0839: String host = (String) wcAttributes.get(HOST);
0840: String port = (String) wcAttributes.get(PORT);
0841: boolean bIsValidHostNamePort = validateInstanceHostNamePort(
0842: host, port);
0844: if (!bIsValidHostNamePort) {
0846: throw new ValidationException("Invalid Instance Host/Port");
0847: }
0849: // Validate Admin host & port
0850: /*??bIsValidHostNamePort = validateAdminHostNamePort(wcAdminHost, wcAdminPort);
0852: if (!bIsValidHostNamePort) {
0854: throw new ValidationException("Invalid Admin Host/Port");
0855: }??*/
0857: // TODO: Check if the Server is running by checking the Port Connection
0858: // TODO: Validate instance uid/password
0859: // TODO: Validate Admin uid/password/Port/Host
0860: }
0862: public static void main(String s[]) {
0863: }
0865: public boolean removeClasspath(String classpath) {
0866: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFT0082");
0867: String[] classpathEntries = classpath.split(cps);
0868: String retStr = null;
0869: String currClasspathJar = null;
0870: for (int i = 0; i < classpathEntries.length; i++) {
0871: currClasspathJar = classpathEntries[i] + cps;
0872: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFT0243",
0873: classpathEntries[i]);
0874: retStr = FileUtil.findTextInFile(wcConfigfile,
0875: currClasspathJar);
0876: if (retStr != null && !retStr.equals("")
0877: && retStr.trim().startsWith("<classpath>")) {
0878: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(wcConfigfile,
0879: currClasspathJar, "");
0880: }
0881: }
0882: return true;
0883: }
0885: public boolean removeJVMOption(String option, String value) {
0886: File tmpFile = null;
0887: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFT0054", new String[] {
0888: "removeJVMOption", "Option Value Pair",
0889: option + "=" + value });
0891: try {
0892: tmpFile = File.createTempFile("removejvmOptions", ".jacl");
0894: String jvmOptionsAttrXPath = "/Server/processDefinition/jvmEntries";
0895: String presentAttrValue = FileUtil.getAttributeValue(
0896: wcConfigfile, jvmOptionsAttrXPath,
0897: "genericJvmArguments");
0898: String optionValuePair = "-D" + option + "=" + value;
0899: String modifiedAttrValue = presentAttrValue.replaceAll(
0900: optionValuePair, "");
0901: //The separator between JVM options is a blank space
0902: String attrSeparator = " ";
0904: StringBuffer command = new StringBuffer();
0905: command.append("set dummyID [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:"
0906: + wcDeployCell + "/Node:" + wcDeployNode
0907: + "/Server:" + wcTargetInstance + "/] ");
0908: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0909: command = new StringBuffer();
0910: command
0911: .append("set jvm [$AdminConfig list JavaVirtualMachine $dummyID]");
0912: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0913: command = new StringBuffer();
0914: command
0915: .append("$AdminConfig modify $jvm {{genericJvmArguments \""
0916: + modifiedAttrValue + "\"}}");
0917: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0918: command = new StringBuffer();
0919: command.append("$AdminConfig save");
0920: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, command.toString(), false);
0922: String execCommand = wcHomeDir + fs + "bin" + fs
0923: + "wsadmin.sh";
0924: String[] serviceArgs = new String[2];
0925: serviceArgs[0] = "-f";
0926: serviceArgs[1] = FileUtil.decoratePath(tmpFile
0927: .getAbsolutePath());
0929: execUtil.exec(execCommand, serviceArgs);
0930: tmpFile.delete();
0931: } catch (Exception e) {
0932: if (logger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
0933: LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.SEVERE,
0934: "PSFB_CSPFT0056");
0935: record.setThrown(e);
0936: record.setLoggerName(logger.getName());
0937: logger.log(record);
0938: }
0939: return false;
0940: }
0942: return true;
0943: }
0945: // TODO: need to implement this method
0946: public boolean removeNativeLibraryPath(String path) {
0947: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFT0054", new String[] {
0948: "removeNativeLibraryPath", "path", path });
0950: try {
0951: String pathToDelete = "/usr/lib/lwp";
0952: String retStr = FileUtil.findTextInFile(setupFile,
0953: "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=");
0955: if (retStr != null && !retStr.equals("")
0956: && retStr.trim().startsWith("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=")) {
0957: FileUtil
0958: .replaceTokenInFile(setupFile, pathToDelete, "");
0959: } else {
0960: return false;
0961: }
0962: } catch (Exception e) {
0963: if (logger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
0964: LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.SEVERE,
0965: "PSFB_CSPFT0030");
0966: record.setThrown(e);
0967: record.setLoggerName(logger.getName());
0968: logger.log(record);
0969: }
0970: return false;
0971: }
0973: return true;
0974: }
0976: // TODO: need to implement this method
0977: public void deleteSymbolicLinks(final PSConfigContext configContext) {
0978: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFT0055");
0980: try {
0981: String appDir = wcHomeDir + fs + "installedApps" + fs
0982: + wcDeployCell + fs + "DefaultApplication.ear";
0983: String defWebApp = "DefaultWebApplication.war";
0984: String docsDir = appDir + fs + defWebApp;
0985: String helpDir = docsDir + fs + "online_help" + fs
0986: + "docs_en_US";
0987: OSTasks osTasks = OSTasksFactory.getOSTasks(configContext);
0988: osTasks.removeSymbolicLink(docsDir + fs + "voice");
0989: osTasks.removeSymbolicLink(helpDir + fs + "ps");
0990: osTasks.removeSymbolicLink(helpDir + fs + "ma");
0991: } catch (Exception e) {
0992: if (logger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
0993: LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.SEVERE,
0994: "PSFB_CSPFT0038");
0995: record.setThrown(e);
0996: record.setLoggerName(logger.getName());
0997: logger.log(record);
0998: }
0999: }
1000: }
1002: // TODO: need to implement this method
1003: public void undoMiscTasks(PSConfigContext configContext) {
1004: String jaxpClasspath = configContext.getPSBaseDir() + fs
1005: + "lib" + fs + "endorsed" + fs + "jaxp-api.jar" + ":"
1006: + configContext.getPSBaseDir() + fs + "lib" + fs
1007: + "endorsed" + fs + "sax.jar" + ":"
1008: + configContext.getPSBaseDir() + fs + "lib" + fs
1009: + "endorsed" + fs + "xalan.jar";
1011: removeClasspath(jaxpClasspath);
1012: String jaxbClasspath = configContext.getSharedLibsDir() + fs
1013: + "jaxb-api.jar:" + configContext.getSharedLibsDir()
1014: + fs + "jaxb-impl.jar";
1015: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(wcConfigfile, jaxbClasspath
1016: + File.pathSeparator, "");
1017: undoJVMMemorySettings();
1018: }
1020: public boolean doJVMMemorySettings() {
1021: try {
1022: String jvmOptionsAttrXPath = "/Server/processDefinition/jvmEntries";
1023: String presentAttrValue = FileUtil.getAttributeValue(
1024: wcConfigfile, jvmOptionsAttrXPath,
1025: "genericJvmArguments");
1027: //If no Xss settings are found
1028: if (presentAttrValue.indexOf("-Xss") < 0) {
1029: addJVMOption("-Xss128k " + "-XX:NewSize=168M "
1030: + "-XX:MaxNewSize=168M " + "-XX:PermSize=192M "
1031: + "-XX:MaxPermSize=192M "
1032: + "-XX:+DisableExplicitGC "
1033: + "-XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=0 "
1034: + "-XX:+PrintHeapAtGC "
1035: + "-XX:+PrintClassHistogram", "");
1037: return true;
1038: }
1039: } catch (Exception e) {
1041: if (logger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
1042: LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.SEVERE,
1043: "PSFB_CSPFT0101");
1044: record.setThrown(e);
1045: record.setLoggerName(logger.getName());
1046: logger.log(record);
1047: }
1048: }
1050: return false;
1051: }
1053: public boolean undoJVMMemorySettings() {
1054: try {
1055: String jvmOptionsAttrXPath = "/Server/processDefinition/jvmEntries";
1056: String presentAttrValue = FileUtil.getAttributeValue(
1057: wcConfigfile, jvmOptionsAttrXPath,
1058: "genericJvmArguments");
1060: //If no Xss settings are found
1061: if (presentAttrValue.indexOf("-Xss") > 0) {
1062: removeJVMOption("-Xss128k " + "-XX:NewSize=168M "
1063: + "-XX:MaxNewSize=168M " + "-XX:PermSize=192M "
1064: + "-XX:MaxPermSize=192M "
1065: + "-XX:+DisableExplicitGC "
1066: + "-XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=0 "
1067: + "-XX:+PrintHeapAtGC "
1068: + "-XX:+PrintClassHistogram", "");
1070: return true;
1071: }
1072: } catch (Exception e) {
1074: if (logger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
1075: LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.SEVERE,
1076: "PSFB_CSPFT0101");
1077: record.setThrown(e);
1078: record.setLoggerName(logger.getName());
1079: logger.log(record);
1080: }
1081: }
1083: return false;
1084: }
1086: private void wcReconfig() {
1087: stop();
1088: start();
1089: logger.log(Level.INFO, "PSFB_CSPFT0104");
1090: }
1092: public boolean tuneMinMaxHeap() {
1093: File tmpFile;
1094: try {
1095: tmpFile = File.createTempFile("setheapsize", ".jacl");
1096: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile,
1097: "set dummyID [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:"
1098: + wcDeployCell + "/Node:" + wcDeployNode
1099: + "/Server:" + wcTargetInstance + "/] ",
1100: false);
1101: FileUtil
1102: .appendToFile(
1103: tmpFile,
1104: "set jvm [$AdminConfig list JavaVirtualMachine $dummyID]",
1105: false);
1106: FileUtil
1107: .appendToFile(
1108: tmpFile,
1109: "$AdminConfig modify $jvm {{initialHeapSize \"512\"}}",
1110: false);
1111: FileUtil
1112: .appendToFile(
1113: tmpFile,
1114: "$AdminConfig modify $jvm {{maximumHeapSize \"1024\"}}",
1115: false);
1116: FileUtil.appendToFile(tmpFile, "$AdminConfig save", false);
1118: String execCommand = wcHomeDir + fs + "bin" + fs
1119: + "wsadmin.sh";
1120: String[] serviceArgs = new String[2];
1121: serviceArgs[0] = "-f";
1122: serviceArgs[1] = FileUtil.decoratePath(tmpFile
1123: .getAbsolutePath());
1124: execUtil.exec(execCommand, serviceArgs);
1125: tmpFile.delete();
1126: } catch (Exception e) {
1127: if (logger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
1128: LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.SEVERE,
1129: "PSFB_CSPFT0101");
1130: record.setThrown(e);
1131: record.setLoggerName(logger.getName());
1132: logger.log(record);
1133: }
1134: return false;
1135: }
1136: return true;
1137: }
1139: }