001: /**
002: * $Id: JESWS7Impl.java,v 2007/05/04 21:27:10 nh119428 Exp $
003: * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All
004: * rights reserved. Use of this product is subject
005: * to license terms. Federal Acquisitions:
006: * Commercial Software -- Government Users
007: * Subject to Standard License Terms and
008: * Conditions.
009: *
010: * Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, and Sun ONE
011: * are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems,
012: * Inc. in the United States and other countries.
013: */package com.sun.portal.fabric.tasks;
015: import java.io.File;
016: import java.io.FileWriter;
017: import java.io.IOException;
018: import java.io.BufferedReader;
019: import java.io.FileReader;
020: import java.net.*;
021: import java.io.*;
023: import java.util.Map;
024: import java.util.StringTokenizer;
025: import java.util.logging.Level;
026: import java.util.logging.Logger;
027: import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
029: import org.jdom.Element;
031: import com.sun.portal.admin.common.context.PSConfigContext;
032: import com.sun.portal.fabric.util.FileUtil;
033: import com.sun.portal.fabric.util.os.OSTasks;
034: import com.sun.portal.fabric.util.os.OSTasksFactory;
035: import com.sun.portal.log.common.PortalLogger;
036: import com.sun.portal.util.Platform;
038: public class JESWS7Impl extends WebContainerBase {
040: // WS 7 Instance related variables
041: private String wcHomeDir = null;
042: private String wcInstance = null;
043: private String wcScheme = null;
045: // WS 7 Config Name is the attribute wcConfigName
046: private String wcConfigName = null;
048: // WS 7 Admin Server related variables
049: private String wcAdminSecure = null;
050: private String wcAdminHost = null;
051: private String wcAdminPort = null;
052: private String wcAdminUser = null;
053: private String wcAdminPassword = null;
054: private String wcPlatform = null;
055: private String wcDocRoot = null;
056: private String passFilePath = null;
057: private String wadm = null;
058: private static Logger logger = PortalLogger
059: .getLogger(JESWS7Impl.class);
061: private static boolean isWinOS() {
062: return Platform.name.equals("windows");
063: }
065: /**
066: * Constructor
067: *
068: * @param wcAttributes WebContainer Information as a Map
069: * @param logger Logger
070: */
071: public JESWS7Impl(final Map wcAttributes) {
073: super (wcAttributes);
074: execUtil.storeOutput(true);
075: execUtil.storeError(true);
077: // Fetch the attributes form the input map and initialize the vars
078: wcHomeDir = (String) wcAttributes
080: wcInstance = (String) wcAttributes.get(WEB_CONTAINER_INSTANCE);
081: wcDocRoot = (String) wcAttributes.get(WEB_CONTAINER_DOC_ROOT);
082: wcScheme = (String) wcAttributes.get(SCHEME);
084: wcConfigName = (String) wcAttributes.get(WEB_CONTAINER_DOMAIN);
086: wcAdminSecure = (String) wcAttributes
088: wcAdminHost = (String) wcAttributes
090: wcAdminPort = (String) wcAttributes
092: wcAdminUser = (String) wcAttributes
094: wcAdminPassword = (String) wcAttributes
097: if (wcAdminSecure.equalsIgnoreCase("https")) {
098: wcAdminSecure = "true";
099: } else {
100: wcAdminSecure = "false";
101: }
103: // Set the path to the wadm command
104: wadm = wcHomeDir + fs + "bin" + fs
105: + Platform.getCommand("wadm");
106: // create password file
107: createPasswordFile();
109: }
111: // args should never be a null
112: private void runwadm(String[] args) throws ConfigurationException {
114: // Execute wadm CLI with the args
115: int iRetCode = execUtil.exec(wadm, args);
116: // The command failed
117: if (iRetCode != 0) {
118: // Get the error from the Runtime
119: String sError = execUtil.getError();
120: if ((sError == null) || sError.trim().equals("")) {
121: StringBuffer err = new StringBuffer("Command Failed: ");
122: err.append(wadm);
124: // Assuming args is never null get the wadm command thats being
125: // executed to put into the Exception message
126: for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
127: err.append(" ").append(args[i]);
128: }
130: sError = err.toString();
131: } else if (sError.indexOf("ADMIN3306") != -1) {
132: logger
133: .log(Level.SEVERE, "PSFB_CSPFT0012",
134: new String[] { getCommand(wadm, args),
135: sError });
136: return;
137: }
138: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "PSFB_CSPFT0012", new String[] {
139: getCommand(wadm, args), sError });
140: // Throw configuration Exception
141: throw new ConfigurationException(sError);
142: }
143: }
145: private void createPasswordFile() {
147: try {
148: File passwdFile = File.createTempFile(FileUtil
149: .getRandomDirName(), "");
150: // Initialize the value of the variable to be used in other methods
151: passFilePath = passwdFile.getAbsolutePath();
152: FileWriter fwriter = new FileWriter(passFilePath);
153: String content = "wadm_password=" + wcAdminPassword + nl;
154: fwriter.write(content);
155: fwriter.close();
156: execUtil
157: .exec("chmod", new String[] { "600", passFilePath });
158: } catch (IOException ioe) {
159: if (logger.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
160: LogRecord record = new LogRecord(Level.SEVERE,
161: "PSFB_CSPFT0025");
162: record.setThrown(ioe);
163: record.setLoggerName(logger.getName());
164: logger.log(record);
165: }
166: }
167: }
169: private String getClasspathSuffix() {
170: String[] args = { "get-jvm-prop", "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
171: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
172: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
173: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure, "--config=" + wcConfigName,
174: "class-path-suffix" };
175: execUtil.storeOutput(true);
176: execUtil.exec(wadm, args);
177: String cp = execUtil.getOutput();
178: if (cp != null) {
179: cp.trim();
180: cp = cp.replaceAll("\n", "");
181: }
182: return cp;
183: }
185: private String getNativeLibPath() {
186: String[] args = { "get-jvm-prop", "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
187: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
188: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
189: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure, "--config=" + wcConfigName,
190: "native-library-path-prefix" };
191: execUtil.storeOutput(true);
192: execUtil.exec(wadm, args);
193: String np = execUtil.getOutput();
194: if (np != null) {
195: np.trim();
196: np = np.replaceAll("\n", "");
197: }
198: return np;
199: }
201: public void postDeploy() throws ConfigurationException {
203: // Just deploy the modified config onto the instance using the
204: // wadm deploy-config command.
205: String[] args = { "deploy-config", "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
206: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
207: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
208: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure, wcConfigName };
209: int iRetCode = execUtil.exec(wadm, args);
210: // The command failed. Check if command failed because of manual config chamges.
211: if (iRetCode != 0) {
212: // Get the error from the Runtime
213: String sError = execUtil.getError();
214: if ((sError != null) && sError.indexOf("ADMIN3658") != -1) {
215: logger
216: .log(Level.SEVERE, "PSFB_CSPFT0012",
217: new String[] { getCommand(wadm, args),
218: sError });
219: // Throw configuration Exception
220: throw new ConfigurationException(sError);
221: }
222: }
223: return;
224: }
226: public void start() throws ConfigurationException {
228: logger.log(Level.INFO, "PSFB_CSPFT0103");
230: // Set force=true to ensure that manual edits to the config on the
231: // instance do not cause a failure for the deploy-config operation
232: String[] deployConfigArgs = { "deploy-config",
233: "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
234: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
235: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
236: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure, "--force=true", wcConfigName };
237: execUtil.exec(wadm, deployConfigArgs);
239: // Invoke the start operation on the server instance
240: String[] args = { "start-instance", "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
241: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
242: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
243: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure, "--config=" + wcConfigName };
244: //runwadm(args);
245: execUtil.exec(wadm, args);
246: return;
247: }
249: public void stop() throws ConfigurationException {
251: logger.log(Level.INFO, "PSFB_CSPFT0102");
252: String[] args = { "stop-instance", "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
253: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
254: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
255: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure, "--config=" + wcConfigName };
256: runwadm(args);
257: }
259: /**
260: * Deploys the WAR file on to the webcontainer instance
261: *
262: * @param warFile WAR file including full path
263: * @param uri Deployment URI
264: */
265: public void deploy(String warFile, String uri)
266: throws ConfigurationException {
268: justDeploy(warFile, uri);
269: // Apply config changes to ws instance
270: postDeploy();
271: }
273: public void justDeploy(String warFile, String uri)
274: throws ConfigurationException {
276: String[] args = { "add-webapp", "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
277: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
278: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
279: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure, "--config=" + wcConfigName,
280: "--vs=" + wcInstance, "--uri=" + uri, warFile };
282: runwadm(args);
283: }
285: /**
286: * Undeploys the WAR file from the webcontainer instance
287: *
288: * @param uri Deployment URI
289: */
290: public void undeploy(String uri) throws ConfigurationException {
292: String[] args = { "remove-webapp", "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
293: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
294: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
295: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure, "--config=" + wcConfigName,
296: "--vs=" + wcInstance, "--uri=" + uri };
297: runwadm(args);
298: // Apply config changes to ws instance
299: postDeploy();
300: }
302: public boolean appendClasspath(String classpath) {
304: String cp = getClasspathSuffix();
305: if (classpath != null) {
306: // Append the classpath entries given in the params to the server
307: // classpath suffix
308: if (cp == null || cp.equals("")) {
309: // If emtpy or null set what is passed
310: cp = classpath;
311: } else {
312: // Else append
313: cp = getMergedClassPath(classpath, cp);
314: }
316: String[] args = { "set-jvm-prop", "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
317: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
318: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
319: "--config=" + wcConfigName,
320: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure, "class-path-suffix=" + cp };
321: args[args.length - 1] = "class-path-suffix=" + cp;
322: File wsClspthFile = null;
323: try {
324: File tmpFile = new File("tmp.cls");
325: String s1;
326: StringBuffer tsb = new StringBuffer();
327: FileWriter tfw = new FileWriter(tmpFile);
328: tfw.write(args[args.length - 1]);
329: tfw.close();
330: BufferedReader tbr = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(
331: tmpFile));
332: while ((s1 = tbr.readLine()) != null) {
333: tsb.append(s1);
334: }
335: tbr.close();
336: tmpFile.delete();
337: args[args.length - 1] = tsb.toString().trim()
338: .replaceAll(";", "\\\\;");
339: wsClspthFile = File.createTempFile("wsclasspath",
340: ".cls");
341: String wsClspthName = wsClspthFile.getAbsolutePath();
342: FileWriter fwriter = new FileWriter(wsClspthFile);
343: System.out.println(wsClspthName);
344: for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
345: fwriter.write(args[i] + " ");
346: }
347: fwriter.close();
349: String[] args1 = { "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
350: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
351: "--host=" + wcAdminHost,
352: "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
353: "--commands-file=" + wsClspthFile };
354: if (execUtil.exec(wadm, args1) == 0) {
355: wsClspthFile.delete();
356: return true;
357: } else {
358: return false;
359: }
360: } catch (IOException e) {
361: return false;
362: }
363: }
365: return false;
367: }
369: public void DeployConfigforUpgrade() {
370: //For upgrade we need to use --force and --restart also.
371: // Just deploy the modified config onto the instance using the
372: // wadm deploy-config command.
373: String[] args = { "deploy-config", "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
374: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
375: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
376: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure, "--force", "--restart",
377: wcConfigName };
378: execUtil.exec(wadm, args);
379: return;
380: }
382: public void deployConfigRestart() {
383: //For upgrade we need to use --force and --restart also.
384: // Just deploy the modified config onto the instance using the
385: // wadm deploy-config command.
386: String[] args = { "deploy-config", "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
387: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
388: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
389: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure, "--restart", wcConfigName };
391: execUtil.exec(wadm, args);
392: return;
393: }
395: public boolean removeClasspath(String classpath) {
397: boolean bRet = false;
398: String cp = getClasspathSuffix();
399: if (cp != null && !cp.equals("")) {
400: // Remove the classpath entries given in the params from the
401: // Server classpath suffix if they exist
402: int startIndex1 = cp.indexOf(classpath);
403: if (startIndex1 >= 0) {
404: cp = cp.replaceAll(classpath, "");
405: bRet = true;
406: } else if (isPortalConfigured()) {
407: String[] sPaths = classpath.split(File.pathSeparator);
408: for (int i = 0; i < sPaths.length; i++) {
409: cp = cp.replaceAll(File.pathSeparator + sPaths[i]
410: + File.pathSeparator, File.pathSeparator);
411: }
412: bRet = true;
413: }
414: if (bRet) {
415: String sCpsPattern = File.pathSeparator + "["
416: + File.pathSeparator + "]*";
417: cp = cp.replaceAll(sCpsPattern, File.pathSeparator);
419: String[] args = { "set-jvm-prop",
420: "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
421: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
422: "--host=" + wcAdminHost,
423: "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
424: "--config=" + wcConfigName,
425: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure,
426: "class-path-suffix=" + cp };
427: if (execUtil.exec(wadm, args) == 0) {
428: return true;
429: }
430: }
431: }
432: return false;
433: }
435: public boolean addJVMOption(String option, String value) {
436: if (option != null) {
437: StringBuffer optArg = new StringBuffer();
438: if (!option.startsWith("-")) {
439: optArg.append("-D" + option);
440: } else {
441: optArg.append(option);
442: }
443: // If the value param is not null that means the JVM option is of
444: // type -Dabc=xyz or -Xabc=xyz
445: if (value != null && !value.equals("")) {
446: optArg.append("=").append(value);
447: }
448: String[] args = { "create-jvm-options",
449: "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
450: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
451: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
452: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure,
453: "--config=" + wcConfigName, "--", optArg.toString() };
454: if (execUtil.exec(wadm, args) != 0) {
455: return false;
456: }
457: }
458: return true;
459: }
461: public boolean removeJVMOption(String option, String value) {
463: if (option != null) {
464: StringBuffer optArg = new StringBuffer();
465: if (!option.startsWith("-")) {
466: optArg.append("-D" + option);
467: } else {
468: optArg.append(option);
469: }
470: // If the value param is not null that means the JVM option is of
471: // type -Dabc=xyz or -Xabc=xyz
472: if (value != null && !value.equals("")) {
473: optArg.append("=").append(value);
474: }
475: String[] args = { "delete-jvm-options",
476: "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
477: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
478: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
479: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure,
480: "--config=" + wcConfigName, optArg.toString() };
481: if (execUtil.exec(wadm, args) != 0) {
482: return false;
483: }
484: }
485: return true;
486: }
488: public boolean doesJVMOptionExist(String option) {
489: // Init return code
490: boolean exists = false;
491: String[] args = { "list-jvm-options", "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
492: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
493: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
494: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure, "--config=" + wcConfigName, };
495: // Set exec util to store the output
496: execUtil.storeOutput(true);
497: execUtil.exec(wadm, args);
498: String output = execUtil.getOutput();
499: // If output string contains the param then return true
500: if (output != null && output.indexOf(option) > 0) {
501: exists = true;
502: }
504: return exists;
505: }
507: public void configResource(Element root, String derbyHost,
508: String derbyPort, String databaseName, String poolName) {
510: String[] args = {
511: "create-jdbc-resource",
512: "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
513: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
514: "--host=" + wcAdminHost,
515: "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
516: "--config=" + wcConfigName,
517: "--datasource-class=org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientConnectionPoolDataSource",
518: "--min-connections=8", "--max-connections=32",
519: "--idle-timeout=300", "--wait-timeout=10",
520: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure,
521: root.getAttributeValue("name") };
522: execUtil.exec(wadm, args);
524: String[] args1 = { "create-jdbc-resource-userprop",
525: "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
526: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
527: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
528: "--config=" + wcConfigName, "--jndi-name",
529: root.getAttributeValue("name"),
530: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure, "serverName=" + derbyHost,
531: "portNumber=" + derbyPort,
532: "User=" + root.getAttributeValue("username"),
533: "Password=" + root.getAttributeValue("password"),
534: "databaseName=" + databaseName };
535: execUtil.exec(wadm, args1);
537: }
539: public void unConfigResource(String jndiName, String poolName) {
541: String[] args = { "delete-jdbc-resource",
542: "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
543: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
544: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
545: "--config=" + wcConfigName, "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure,
546: jndiName };
547: execUtil.exec(wadm, args);
548: }
550: /* This method returns the platform config property from WS7.
551: This property is used to determine if WS7 instance is running in 64 bit mode or
552: 32 bit mode.
553: */
554: public String getPlatform() {
556: String[] args = { "get-config-prop", "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
557: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
558: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
559: "--config=" + wcConfigName, "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure,
560: "platform" };
561: execUtil.storeOutput(true);
562: execUtil.exec(wadm, args);
563: return execUtil.getOutput();
564: }
566: public boolean setNativeLibraryPath(String path) {
568: String np = getNativeLibPath();
569: if (path != null) {
571: //Check if WS instance is 64 bit
572: if (wcPlatform == null) {
573: wcPlatform = getPlatform();
574: }
575: if (wcPlatform != null && wcPlatform.indexOf("64") != -1) {
576: if (FileUtil.directoryExists(path + "/sparcv9")) {
577: path = path + "/sparcv9";
578: } else if (FileUtil.directoryExists(path + "/amd64")) {
579: path = path + "/amd64";
580: }
581: }
582: if (np == null || np.equals("")) {
583: // If emtpy or null set what is passed
584: np = path;
585: } else {
586: // Else append
587: np = np + File.pathSeparator + path;
588: }
589: String[] args = { "set-jvm-prop", "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
590: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
591: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
592: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure,
593: "--config=" + wcConfigName,
594: "native-library-path-prefix=" + np };
595: if (execUtil.exec(wadm, args) != 0) {
596: return false;
597: }
598: }
600: return true;
601: }
603: public boolean removeNativeLibraryPath(String path) {
604: String curLibPath = getNativeLibPath();
605: if (curLibPath != null) {
606: curLibPath = curLibPath.replaceAll(path, "");
607: String[] args = { "set-jvm-prop", "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
608: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
609: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
610: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure,
611: "--config=" + wcConfigName,
612: "native-library-path-prefix=" + curLibPath };
613: if (execUtil.exec(wadm, args) == 0) {
614: return true;
615: }
616: }
617: return false;
618: }
620: /**
621: * Configures the WebContainer with the classpath
622: * settings, JVM options and other settings needed
623: * for Identity Server SDK
624: */
625: public void doIdentitySDKConfig(final PSConfigContext configContext)
626: throws ConfigurationException {
628: String cp = getClasspathSuffix();
629: // Check if the classpath suffix contains the am_sdk.jar to verify
630: // if the AM Server/SDK is already configured on this webserver
631: // instance
632: if (cp.indexOf("am_sdk.jar") > 0) {
633: logger.log(Level.INFO, "PSFB_CSPFT0319");
634: return;
635: }
637: logger.log(Level.INFO, "PSFB_CSPFT0320");
639: String host = (String) wcAttributes.get(HOST);
640: String port = (String) wcAttributes.get(PORT);
641: String amProductLoc = configContext.getISBaseDir();
642: String amConfigDir = configContext.getISConfigDir();
643: String psDataDir = configContext.getPSDataDir();
645: int index = amProductLoc.lastIndexOf(fs);
646: String amProductDir = amProductLoc.substring(index + 1);
647: String amBaseDir = amProductLoc.substring(0, index);
649: // Get WS data dir using wadm command
650: String wcDataHome = getWSInstanceRoot();
652: StringBuffer fileData = new StringBuffer();
653: fileData
654: .append("BASEDIR=" + amBaseDir + nl)
655: .append("PRODUCT_DIR=" + amProductDir + nl)
656: .append("CONFIG_DIR=" + amConfigDir + nl)
657: .append("WS_INSTANCE=https-" + wcConfigName + nl)
658: .append("WS_HOME=" + wcDataHome + nl)
659: .append("WS_PROTOCOL=" + wcScheme + nl)
660: .append("WS_HOST=" + host + nl)
661: .append("WS_PORT=" + port + nl)
662: .append("WS_ADMINPORT=" + wcAdminPort + nl)
663: .append("WS_ADMIN=" + wcAdminUser + nl)
664: .append("WS_ADMINPASSWD=" + wcAdminPassword + nl)
665: .append("DEPLOY_LEVEL=7" + nl)
666: .append("JAVA_HOME=" + configContext.getJavaHome() + nl)
667: .append("WEB_CONTAINER=WS" + nl);
669: String amSilentName = psDataDir + fs + "tmp" + fs
670: + "amsilent_ps." + FileUtil.getRandomDirName();
671: File amSilentFile = new File(amSilentName);
672: try {
673: FileWriter fwriter = new FileWriter(amSilentFile);
674: fwriter.write(fileData.toString());
675: fwriter.close();
676: } catch (IOException e) {
677: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "PSFB_CSPFT0016");
678: amSilentFile.delete();
679: return;
680: }
682: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFT0018", new String[] {});
683: String amconfig = amProductLoc + fs + "bin" + fs + "amconfig";
684: String args[] = { "-s", amSilentName };
685: if (execUtil.exec(amconfig, args) != 0) {
686: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "PSFB_CSPFT0019", new String[] {
687: wcType, wcConfigName });
688: } else {
689: logger.log(Level.INFO, "PSFB_CSPFT0020", new String[] {
690: wcType, wcConfigName });
691: }
693: // Delete the sample temp file to ensure that no passwords are leftout
694: amSilentFile.delete();
695: }
697: /**
698: * Validate web container data
699: */
700: public void validate() throws ValidationException {
702: if (!checkDirExists(WEB_CONTAINER_INSTALL_DIR, wcHomeDir)) {
703: throw new ValidationException(
704: "Invalid Install Directory = " + wcHomeDir);
705: }
707: if (!wadmExists(wcHomeDir)) {
708: throw new ValidationException(
709: "wadm not found in "
710: + wcHomeDir
711: + fs
712: + "bin directory. Please check the value of WebContainerInstallDir");
713: }
715: // This will not be needed after WS 7 fixes the add-webapp command
716: if (!checkNotNullOrEmpty(WEB_CONTAINER_INSTANCE, wcInstance)) {
717: throw new ValidationException("Invalid Instance Name");
718: }
720: if (!checkNotNullOrEmpty(WEB_CONTAINER_DOMAIN, wcConfigName)) {
722: throw new ValidationException("Invalid Domain Name");
723: }
725: if (!checkNotNull(WEB_CONTAINER_ADMIN_UID, wcAdminUser)) {
727: throw new ValidationException("Invalid Admin User");
728: }
731: wcAdminPassword, true)) {
732: throw new ValidationException("Invalid Admin Password");
733: }
735: if (!checkNotNullOrEmpty(WEB_CONTAINER_ADMIN_SCHEME,
736: wcAdminSecure)) {
737: throw new ValidationException("Invalid Admin Scheme");
738: }
740: if (!checkNotNullOrEmpty(WEB_CONTAINER_ADMIN_HOST, wcAdminHost)) {
741: throw new ValidationException("Invalid Admin Host");
742: }
744: if (!checkNotNullOrEmpty(WEB_CONTAINER_ADMIN_PORT, wcAdminPort)) {
745: throw new ValidationException("Invalid Admin Port");
746: }
748: // Validate instance name
749: if (!validateInstanceName(wcInstance)) {
750: throw new ValidationException("Invalid Instance Name");
751: }
753: // Validate Instant host & port of admin server
754: if (!validateInstanceHostNamePort(wcAdminHost, wcAdminPort)) {
755: throw new ValidationException(
756: "Invalid Instance Admin Server Host/Port");
757: }
759: // Validate Instant host & port
760: String host = (String) wcAttributes.get(HOST);
761: String port = (String) wcAttributes.get(PORT);
762: if (!validateInstanceHostNamePort(host, port)) {
763: throw new ValidationException("Invalid Instance Host/Port");
764: }
766: // Validate if the wadm cli exists in the path given as input
767: File cliFile = new File(wadm);
768: if (!cliFile.exists()) {
769: throw new ValidationException("wadm Command not found at :"
770: + wadm);
771: }
773: /* Validating if WS ports, passwords and if WS is running by getting a value that
774: is sure to be set. In this case server classpath
775: */
776: if (wcPlatform == null) {
777: wcPlatform = getPlatform();
778: }
779: String sFieldName = "Platform";
780: if (!checkNotNullOrEmpty(sFieldName, wcPlatform)) {
782: throw new ValidationException(
783: "Could not fetch the value of "
784: + sFieldName
785: + ". Please check wadm username and password");
786: }
787: if ((wcPlatform.indexOf("64") == -1)
788: && (wcPlatform.indexOf("32") == -1)) {
789: throw new ValidationException(
790: "Could not fetch the value of "
791: + sFieldName
792: + ". Please check wadm username and password");
793: }
794: }
796: public void postValidationInit() throws ConfigurationException {
797: // Nothing to init. If any variables need to be initialized after the
798: // validation the code goes in here
799: }
801: public boolean isPortalConfigured() {
802: String cp = getClasspathSuffix();
803: // Check if classpath contains the portal jar file
804: if (cp != null && cp.indexOf(PORTAL_TEST_JAR) > -1) {
805: logger.log(Level.INFO, "PSFB_CSPFT0041");
806: return true;
807: } else {
808: return false;
809: }
810: }
812: public void createSymbolicLinks(final PSConfigContext configContext) {
814: //Creating links for help, voice to webcontainer docs
815: try {
816: String docsDir = wcDocRoot;
817: String helpDir = docsDir + fs + "online_help" + fs
818: + "docs_en_US";
819: String psHelpDir = configContext.getPSBaseDir() + fs
820: + "docs" + fs + "public_html" + fs + "online_help"
821: + fs + "docs_en_US";
822: String voiceDir = configContext.getPSBaseDir() + fs
823: + "export" + fs + "voice";
825: OSTasks osTasks = OSTasksFactory.getOSTasks(configContext);
826: osTasks.createSymbolicLink(voiceDir, docsDir);
827: osTasks.createSymbolicLink(psHelpDir + fs + "ps", helpDir);
828: osTasks.createSymbolicLink(psHelpDir + fs + "ma", helpDir);
829: } catch (Exception e) {
830: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "PSFB_CSPFT0040", e);
831: }
832: }
834: public void deleteSymbolicLinks(final PSConfigContext configContext) {
836: try {
837: String docsDir = wcDocRoot;
838: String helpDir = docsDir + fs + "online_help" + fs
839: + "docs_en_US";
840: OSTasks osTasks = OSTasksFactory.getOSTasks(configContext);
841: osTasks.removeSymbolicLink(docsDir + fs + "voice");
842: osTasks.removeSymbolicLink(helpDir + fs + "ps");
843: osTasks.removeSymbolicLink(helpDir + fs + "ma");
844: } catch (Exception e) {
845: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "PSFB_CSPFT0038", e);
846: }
847: }
849: public void doMiscTasks(PSConfigContext configContext) {
850: // Set the JVM turning options
851: doJVMMemorySettings();
852: logger.log(Level.INFO, "PSFB_CSPFT0103");
853: }
855: public void undoMiscTasks(PSConfigContext configContext) {
856: // Undo JVM tuning options
857: removeJVMOption("-Xms512M -Xmx768M -Xss128k", null);
858: removeJVMOption(
859: "-XX:NewSize=168M -XX:MaxNewSize=168M -XX:PermSize=192M -XX:MaxPermSize=192M -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=0",
860: null);
861: removeJVMOption("-XX:+DisableExplicitGC", null);
862: //removeJVMOption("-XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -XX:+PrintClassHistogram", null);
863: //doing the deploy config
864: try {
865: deployConfigRestart();
866: } catch (Exception e) {
867: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "PSFB_CSPFT0038", e);
868: }
869: }
871: private boolean doWinJVMMemorySettings() {
872: removeJVMOption("-Xms128m -Xmx256m", null);
873: addJVMOption("-Xms128M -Xmx256M -Xss128k", null);
874: addJVMOption(
875: "-XX:NewSize=100M -XX:MaxNewSize=100M -XX:PermSize=120M -XX:MaxPermSize=120M -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=0",
876: null);
877: addJVMOption("-XX:+DisableExplicitGC", null);
878: return true;
879: }
881: /**
882: * Do required container memory settings if the appserver vm setting are the default
883: * i.e. if -Xmx256m setting is found
884: * Note: A webserver restart is required before these settings come into play.
885: * The calling class should decide whether to do the restart
886: */
887: public boolean doJVMMemorySettings() {
888: if (isWinOS()) {
889: doWinJVMMemorySettings();
890: } else {
891: removeJVMOption("-Xms128m -Xmx256m", null);
892: if (wcPlatform == null) {
893: wcPlatform = getPlatform();
894: }
895: if ((wcPlatform != null)
896: && (wcPlatform.indexOf("64") == -1)) {
897: addJVMOption("-Xms512M -Xmx768M -Xss128k", null);
898: } else {
899: addJVMOption("-Xms512M -Xmx768M", null);
900: }
901: addJVMOption(
902: "-XX:NewSize=168M -XX:MaxNewSize=168M -XX:PermSize=192M -XX:MaxPermSize=192M -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=0",
903: null);
904: addJVMOption("-XX:+DisableExplicitGC", null);
905: }
906: return true;
907: }
909: public String getWSInstanceRoot() {
910: String[] args = { "get-admin-prop", "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
911: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
912: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
913: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure, "instance-root" };
914: execUtil.storeOutput(true);
915: execUtil.exec(wadm, args);
916: return execUtil.getOutput();
917: }
919: protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
921: super .finalize();
923: if ((passFilePath != null) && !passFilePath.trim().equals("")) {
925: File fAdminPasswordFile = new File(passFilePath);
926: if (fAdminPasswordFile.isFile()) {
928: fAdminPasswordFile.delete();
929: }
930: }
931: }
933: private boolean wadmExists(String wcInstallDir) {
934: String wadm = null;
935: wadm = wcInstallDir + fs + "bin" + fs
936: + Platform.getCommand("wadm");
937: if (FileUtil.fileExists(wadm)) {
938: return true;
939: } else {
940: return false;
941: }
942: }
944: private boolean validateInstanceName(final String wsInstanceName) {
945: String[] args = { "list-configs", "--user=" + wcAdminUser,
946: "--password-file=" + passFilePath,
947: "--host=" + wcAdminHost, "--port=" + wcAdminPort,
948: "--ssl=" + wcAdminSecure, };
949: execUtil.storeOutput(true);
950: execUtil.exec(wadm, args);
951: String configNames = execUtil.getOutput();
952: StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(configNames, nl);
953: boolean validInstance = false;
955: while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
956: String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
957: if (token.equalsIgnoreCase(wsInstanceName)) {
958: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "PSFB_CSPFT0345",
959: new String[] { wsInstanceName });
960: validInstance = true;
961: }
962: }
963: if (!validInstance) {
964: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "PSFB_CSPFT0346",
965: new String[] { wsInstanceName });
966: }
967: return validInstance;
968: }
969: }