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final public class WSRPRewritingConstants (Code)

This class provides constants used in the context of URL rewriting.

   Chris Laprun
   $Revision: 8784 $

Field Summary
final public static  StringBEGIN_WSRP_REWRITE

All portlet URLs (i.e.

final static  StringENC_CLOSE
final static  StringENC_OPEN
final public static  StringEND_WSRP_REWRITE

All portlet URLs (i.e.

final public static  StringFAKE_RESOURCE_REQ_REW
final public static  StringFAKE_RESOURCE_START
final public static  StringFAKE_RESOURCE_URL
final public static  StringFRAGMENT_ID
final public static  StringINTERACTION_STATE wsrp-interactionState

The value of this portlet URL parameter defines the interaction state the Consumer MUST send to the Producer when the URL is activated.

final public static  StringMODE wsrp-mode

Activating this URL includes a request to change the mode parameter in MarkupParams into the mode specified as the value for this portlet URL parameter.

final public static  StringNAVIGATIONAL_STATE wsrp-navigationalState

The value of this portlet URL parameter defines the navigational state the Consumer MUST send to the Producer when the URL is activated.

final public static  StringRESOURCE_REQUIRES_REWRITE wsrp-requiresRewrite

This boolean informs the Consumer that the resource needs to be parsed for URL rewriting.

final public static  StringRESOURCE_URL wsrp-url

This parameter provides the actual URL to the resource.

final public static  StringREWRITE_PARAMETER_CLOSE
     Closing token for URL parameters.
final public static  StringREWRITE_PARAMETER_OPEN
     Opening token for URL parameters.
final public static  StringSECURE_URL wsrp-secureURL

The value for the wsrp-secureURL is a boolean indicating whether the resulting URL MUST involve secure communication between the client and Consumer, as well as between the Consumer and Producer.

final public static  StringURL_TYPE_BLOCKING_ACTION wsrp-urlType = blockingAction

Activation of the URL will result in an invocation of performBlockingInteraction() on the Portlet that generated the markup.

final public static  StringURL_TYPE_NAME wsrp-urlType

This parameter MUST be specified first when using the Consumer URL rewriting template and the value selected from the following definitions.

final public static  StringURL_TYPE_RENDER wsrp-urlType = render

Activation of the URL will result in an invocation of getMarkup().

final public static  StringURL_TYPE_RESOURCE wsrp-urlType = resource

Activation of the URL will result in the Consumer acting as a gateway to the underlying resource, possibly in a cached manner, and returning it to the user-agent.

final public static  StringWINDOW_STATE wsrp-windowState

Activating this URL includes a request to change the windowState parameter in MarkupParams into the window state specified as the value for this portlet URL parameter.

final public static  intWSRP_REWRITE_PREFIX_LENGTH
final public static  intWSRP_REWRITE_SUFFIX_LENGTH
final public static  StringWSRP_REWRITE_TOKEN
     10.3.1 Consumer Rewriting (Namespace encoding)

The Portlet can prefix the token with "wsrp_rewrite_".

Field Detail
final public static String BEGIN_WSRP_REWRITE(Code)

All portlet URLs (i.e. those the Consumer needs to rewrite) are demarcated in the markup by a token (wsrp_rewrite) both at the start (with a "?" appended to clearly delimit the start of the name/value pairs).

final static String ENC_CLOSE(Code)

final static String ENC_OPEN(Code)

final public static String END_WSRP_REWRITE(Code)

All portlet URLs (i.e. those the Consumer needs to rewrite) are demarcated in the markup by a token (wsrp_rewrite) at the end (proceeded by a "/" to form the end token) of the URL declaration.

final public static String FAKE_RESOURCE_REQ_REW(Code)

final public static String FAKE_RESOURCE_START(Code)

final public static String FAKE_RESOURCE_URL(Code)

final public static String FRAGMENT_ID(Code) wsrp-fragmentID

This portlet URL parameter specifies the portion of an URL that navigates to a place within a document.

final public static String INTERACTION_STATE(Code) wsrp-interactionState

The value of this portlet URL parameter defines the interaction state the Consumer MUST send to the Producer when the URL is activated. Tree.If this parameter is missing, the Consumer MUST NOT supply the interactionState field of the InteractionParams structure.

final public static String MODE(Code) wsrp-mode

Activating this URL includes a request to change the mode parameter in MarkupParams into the mode specified as the value for this portlet URL parameter. The value for wsrp-mode MUST be one of the modes detailed in section 6.8 or a custom mode the Consumer specified as supported during registration. The wsrp-mode portlet URL parameter MAY be used whenever the wsrp-urlType portlet URL parameter has a value of "blockingAction" or "render".

final public static String NAVIGATIONAL_STATE(Code) wsrp-navigationalState

The value of this portlet URL parameter defines the navigational state the Consumer MUST send to the Producer when the URL is activated. If this parameter is missing, the Consumer MUST NOT supply the navigationalState field of the MarkupParams.

final public static String RESOURCE_REQUIRES_REWRITE(Code) wsrp-requiresRewrite

This boolean informs the Consumer that the resource needs to be parsed for URL rewriting. Normally this means that there are names that will be cross-referenced between the markup and this resource (e.g. JavaScript references). Note that this means the Consumer needs to deal with rewriting unique "namespaced" names in a set of documents, rather than treating each document individually. Processing such resources in a manner that allows caching of the resulting resource by the End-User"s user-agent can improve the performance of the aggregated page for the End-User. In particular, Consumers can process namespace rewriting by using a prefix that is unique to the user/Portlet pair provided any such prefix is held constant for the duration of use within the user"s session with the Consumer of any one Portlet.

final public static String RESOURCE_URL(Code) wsrp-url

This parameter provides the actual URL to the resource. Note that this needs to be an absolute URL as the resource fetch will have no base for use in fetching a relative URL. Also note that since this resource URL will appear as a parameter value, it has to be strictly encoded (i.e. "&", "=", "/", and "?" need to be url-escaped) so that special URL characters do not invalidate the processing of the enclosing URL. Consumers are encouraged to use the same communication style (e.g. HTTP Get or Post) for retrieving the resource as was used in requesting the resource by the user-agent.

final public static String REWRITE_PARAMETER_CLOSE(Code)
Closing token for URL parameters. See 10.2.2.

final public static String REWRITE_PARAMETER_OPEN(Code)
Opening token for URL parameters. See 10.2.2.

final public static String SECURE_URL(Code) wsrp-secureURL

The value for the wsrp-secureURL is a boolean indicating whether the resulting URL MUST involve secure communication between the client and Consumer, as well as between the Consumer and Producer. The default value of this boolean is "false". Note that the Consumer"s aggregated page MUST be secure if any of the Portlets whose content is being displayed on the page have indicated the need for secure communication for their current markup.

final public static String URL_TYPE_BLOCKING_ACTION(Code) wsrp-urlType = blockingAction

Activation of the URL will result in an invocation of performBlockingInteraction() on the Portlet that generated the markup. All form parameters, submitted as query string parameters using the HTTP GET method, that are not used to encode parameters defined by this specification MUST be passed to performBlockingInteraction() as formParameters.

final public static String URL_TYPE_NAME(Code) wsrp-urlType

This parameter MUST be specified first when using the Consumer URL rewriting template and the value selected from the following definitions. Well-known portlet URL parameter names that are valid for only one wsrp-urlType are described relative to that wsrp-urlType while the remainder are described later.

final public static String URL_TYPE_RENDER(Code) wsrp-urlType = render

Activation of the URL will result in an invocation of getMarkup(). This mechanism permits a Portlet"s markup to contain URLs, which do not involve changes to local state, to avoid the overhead of two-step processing by directly invoking getMarkup(). The URL MAY specify a wsrp-navigationalState portlet URL parameter, whose value the Consumer MUST supply in the navigationalState field of the MarkupParams structure. If there is no such portlet URL parameter, the Consumer MUST NOT supply a value for this field.

final public static String URL_TYPE_RESOURCE(Code) wsrp-urlType = resource

Activation of the URL will result in the Consumer acting as a gateway to the underlying resource, possibly in a cached manner, and returning it to the user-agent. The URL for the resource (including any query string parameters) is encoded as the value of the wsrp-url parameter. When a portlet URL specifies "resource" for the wsrp-urlType portlet URL parameter, both the wsrp-url and wsrp-requiresRewrite portlet URL parameters MUST also be specified. If the Portlet needs to share data with the referenced resource, it can exploit the cookie support defined in section 10.4.

final public static String WINDOW_STATE(Code) wsrp-windowState

Activating this URL includes a request to change the windowState parameter in MarkupParams into the window state specified as the value for this portlet URL parameter. The value for wsrp- windowState MUST be one of the values detailed in section 6.9 or a custom window state the Consumer specified as supported during registration. The wsrp-windowState portlet URL parameter MAY be used whenever the wsrp-urlType portlet URL parameter has a value of "blockingAction" or "render".

final public static int WSRP_REWRITE_PREFIX_LENGTH(Code)

final public static int WSRP_REWRITE_SUFFIX_LENGTH(Code)

final public static String WSRP_REWRITE_TOKEN(Code)
10.3.1 Consumer Rewriting (Namespace encoding)

The Portlet can prefix the token with "wsrp_rewrite_". The Consumer will locate such markers and MUST replace them with a prefix that is unique to this instance of this portlet on the page. This prefix has been chosen such that the Consumer is able to do a single parse of the markup to both locate such markers and the URL rewrite expressions described in section 10.2.1. In addition, this prefix is legal for at least the JavaScript and VBScript scripting languages and CSS class names. This permits the independent testing of most generated markup fragments.

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