Create a JetspeedProfiler with properties. Expected properties are:
defaultRule = the default profiling rule
anonymousUser = the name of the anonymous user
persistenceStoreName = The name of the persistence persistenceStore component to connect to
services.profiler.locator.impl = the pluggable Profile Locator impl
services.profiler.principalRule.impl = the pluggable Principal Rule impl
services.profiler.profilingRule.impl = the pluggable Profiling Rule impl
Parameters: persistenceStore - The persistence persistenceStore Parameters: properties - Properties for this component described above
Returns the client which matches the given useragent string.
Parameters: useragent - the useragent to match the found client or null if the user-agent does not match anydefined client See Also: org.apache.jetspeed.capabilities.CapabilityService.findClient(java.lang.String)
Parameters: userAgent - Agent from the request throws: UnableToBuildCapabilityMapException - See Also: