Parameters: groupFullPathName - The group to remove the role principal from. Parameters: roleFullPathName - The full path of the role principal to remove. throws: SecurityException - Throws a SecurityException.
Parameters: username - The user to remove from the group principal. Parameters: groupFullPathName - The full path of the group principal. throws: SecurityException - Throws a SecurityException.
If a mapping only record does not have any mapping, this method will
remove the record as well.
Parameters: username - The user to remove the role principal from. Parameters: roleFullPathName - The full path of the role principal to remove. throws: SecurityException - Throws a SecurityException.
Parameters: groupFullPathName - The group to add the role principal to. Parameters: roleFullPathName - The full path of the role principal to add. throws: SecurityException - Throws a SecurityException.
Existence of the group or the user must be checked prior to invoking this method.
If a principal does not exist in the security mapping store, it will be created for the purpose of
security mapping only.
Parameters: username - The user to add to the group principal. Parameters: groupFullPathName - The full path of the group principal. throws: SecurityException - Throws a SecurityException.
Sets the role principal on a given user.
Existence of the role or the user must be checked prior to invoking this method.
If a principal does not exist in the security mapping store, it will be created for the purpose of
security mapping only.
Parameters: username - The user to add the role principal to. Parameters: roleFullPathName - The full path of the role principal to add. throws: SecurityException - Throws a SecurityException.
Parameters: groupFullPathName - The group to remove the role principal from. Parameters: roleFullPathName - The full path of the role principal to remove. throws: SecurityException - Throws a SecurityException. An exeption needs to bethrown if the group does not exist.
Parameters: username - The user to remove from the group principal. Parameters: groupFullPathName - The full path of the group principal. throws: SecurityException - Throws a SecurityException. An exeption needs to bethrown if the user does not exist.
If a mapping only record does not have any mapping, this method will
remove the record as well.
Parameters: username - The user to remove the role principal from. Parameters: roleFullPathName - The full path of the role principal to remove. throws: SecurityException - Throws a SecurityException. An exeption needs to bethrown if the user does not exist.
Parameters: groupFullPathName - The group to add the role principal to. Parameters: roleFullPathName - The full path of the role principal to add. throws: SecurityException - Throws a SecurityException. An exeption needs to bethrown if the group does not exist.
Existence of the group or the user must be checked prior to invoking this method.
If a principal does not exist in the security mapping store, it will be created for the purpose of
security mapping only.
Parameters: username - The user to add to the group principal. Parameters: groupFullPathName - The full path of the group principal. throws: SecurityException - Throws a SecurityException. An exeption needs to bethrown if the user does not exist.
Sets the role principal on a given user.
Existence of the role or the user must be checked prior to invoking this method.
If a principal does not exist in the security mapping store, it will be created for the purpose of
security mapping only.
Parameters: username - The user to add the role principal to. Parameters: roleFullPathName - The full path of the role principal to add. throws: SecurityException - Throws a SecurityException. An exeption needs to bethrown if the user does not exist.