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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Portal » uPortal_rel 2 6 1 GA » org.jasig.portal 
Java Source File NameTypeComment
AuthorizationException.javaClass This exception informs uPortal that an authorization violation has occured within a channel.
ChannelCacheEntry.javaClass This class takes care of initiating channel rendering thread, monitoring it for timeouts, retreiving cache, and returning rendering results and status.
ChannelCacheKey.javaClass A general channel cache key class.
ChannelCategory.javaClass A channel category.
ChannelDefinition.javaClass Describes a published channel.
ChannelDefinitionTest.javaClass Testcase for ChannelDefinition class.
ChannelFactory.javaClass A factory class that produces IChannel instances.
ChannelIncorporationFilter.javaClass A filter that incorporates content rendered by the channels in to the main transformation stream. TODO: there are enhancements in CharacterCachingChannelIncorporationFilter as of uPortal 2.5.1 to support dynamic channel titles.
ChannelManager.javaClass ChannelManager shall have the burden of squeezing content out of channels.
ChannelParameter.javaClass Describes a channel definition parameter.
ChannelRegistryManager.javaClass Manages the channel registry which is a listing of published channels that one can subscribe to (add to their layout).
ChannelRenderer.javaClass This class takes care of initiating channel rendering thread, monitoring it for timeouts, retreiving cache, and returning rendering results and status.
ChannelRenderingBuffer.javaClass Channel Rendering buffer allows portal to accumulate a list of all channels that will have to be rendered.
ChannelRuntimeData.javaClass A set of runtime data accessible by a channel.
ChannelRuntimeProperties.javaClass Conveys runtime properties from channel to framework.

In general, the IChannel API contract consists of one-way calls.

ChannelSAXStreamFilter.javaClass Filters out startDocument and endDocument from the channel content.
ChannelStaticData.javaClass Used to store channel configuration items and parameters.
ChannelType.javaClass A channel type references a particular java class that implements the IChannel interface.
CharacterCacheEntry.javaClass This class is used by UserInstance.
CharacterCachingChannelIncorporationFilter.javaClass A filter that incorporates channel content into the main SAX stream.
Constants.javaClass Houses constants used in the portal code base.
CoreStylesheetDescription.javaClass CoreStyleSheetDescription contains properties common to all core stylesheets.
CoreXSLTStylesheetDescription.javaClass CoreXSLTStyleSheetDescription contains properties of core XSLT stylesheets.
DownloadDispatchWorker.javaClass Provides file download capability for the portal.
EntityIdentifier.javaClass A key and type that uniquely identify a portal entity.
EntityTypes.javaClass This class provides access to the entity types used by IBasicEntities and the classes in org.jasig.portal.groups and org.jasig.portal.concurrency.

Each type is associated with an Integer used to represent the type in the portal data store.

ErrorID.javaClass Represents a portal error or problem.
Errors.javaClass Contains common ErrorIDs.
ExceptionHelperTest.javaClass Testcase for ExceptionHelper.
GeneralRenderingException.javaClass This exception would inform uPortal that a general rendering problem has caused a channel to throw an exception.
GuestUserInstance.javaClass A multithreaded version of a UserInstance.
GuestUserPreferencesManager.javaClass Multithreaded version of UserPreferencesManager .
GuestUserPreferencesManagerWrapper.javaClass A class that allows GuestUserPreferencesManager to be presented as IUserpreferencesManager.
HttpProxyServlet.javaClass Proxy embedded content such as images for portal sessions.
IAnchoringSerializer.javaInterface An anchoring serializer allows an external client to control its anchor identifier.
IBasicEntity.javaInterface Minimal interface describes an entity that has only a key and a type.
ICacheable.javaInterface An interface that a cacheable channel must implement.
ICCRegistry.javaClass A proxy class that allows channels to contribute to inter channel communication registry.
IChannel.javaInterface An interface presented by a channel to a portal. A channel is a stateful entity.
IChannelRegistryStore.javaInterface Interface defining how the portal reads and writes its channel types, definitions, and categories.

The IChannelRenderer defines channel rendering interface. The process of channel rendering can be implemented in different ways including in serial form, in parallel form, or a mixture of the two.


The IChannelRendererFactory interface defines the factory interface for IChannelRenderer objects.

ICharacterChannel.javaInterface An optional channel interface that allows channels to provide their content in a character form (as opposed to XML form).
IDirectResponse.javaInterface An interface that a channel that wants to have direct access to the HttpServletResponse object must implement.
IllegalChannelParameterOverrideException.javaClass Exception thrown by the framework in response to an attempt to override a channel static data parameter when that parameter is not configured to be overridable.
IMimeResponse.javaInterface An interface that a channel that wants to download MIME files must implement.
IMultithreadedChannel.javaInterface An interface for multithreaded channels.
IMultithreadedCharacterChannel.javaInterface A multithreaded version of a ICharacterChannel .
IMultithreadedDirectResponse.javaInterface An interface that a multithreaded channel that wants to have direct access to the HttpServletResponse object must implement.
IMultithreadedMimeResponse.javaInterface An interface that a multithreaded channel that wants to download MIME files must implement.
IMultithreadedPrivileged.javaInterface An interface that a multithreaded privileged channel must implement.
InternalPortalException.javaClass A serious internal portal exception.
InternalTimeoutException.javaClass This exception would inform uPortal that a a channel has encountered an internal timeout exception.
IOIDGenerator.javaInterface A very basic interface for returning oids.
IPermissible.javaInterface This interface represents the set of questions any channel or service ("Owner") must answer if it wants to delegate the responsibility of assigning and viewing permissions to the Permissions Manager channel.
IPortletPreferencesStore.javaInterface The IPortletPreferenceStore allows a portlet to atomicly persist preferences at two different levels.
IPrivileged.javaInterface This is an ancestor of the IPrivilegedChannel interface, allows for more general handling of both regular and multithreaded ( IMultithreadedChannel ) privileged channels in the framework.
IPrivilegedChannel.javaInterface Channels implementing this interface are considered "privileged" because they will have access to internal portal control structures such as the HttpServletRequest, HttpServletReponse, and UserPreferencesManager.
ISequenceGenerator.javaInterface An interface for returning sequences derived from named counters. The following methods are devoted to creating and using these counters, which can be used as oids.
ISequenceGeneratorFactory.javaInterface A factory for ISequenceGenerators.
IServant.javaInterface An interface that a Servant Channel must implement.
IUserPreferencesManager.javaInterface Interface to user preferences management class.
IWorkerRequestProcessor.javaInterface An interface for worker request processors.
LdapServices.javaClass Legacy placeholder class.
LoginServlet.javaClass Receives the username and password and tries to authenticate the user.
LogoutServlet.javaClass Simple servlet to handle user logout.
MediaManager.javaClass A tool for managing various media properties. Given a request object, MediaManager determines a client browser type (media).
MultithreadedCacheableChannelAdapter.javaClass Internal adapter for a multithreaded channel that is also cacheable.
MultithreadedCacheableCharacterChannelAdapter.javaClass Internal adapter for a multithreaded character channel that is also cacheable.
MultithreadedPrivilegedCacheableChannelAdapter.javaClass Internal adapter for a multithreaded channel that is also both privileged and cacheable.
MultithreadedPrivilegedCacheableCharacterChannelAdapter.javaClass Internal adapter for a multithreaded character channel that is also both privileged and cacheable.
MultithreadedPrivilegedChannelAdapter.javaClass Internal adapter for a multithreaded channel that is also privileged.
MultithreadedPrivilegedCharacterChannelAdapter.javaClass Internal adapter for a multithreaded character channel that is also privileged.
MultithreadedPrivilegedMimeResponseChannelAdapter.javaClass Internal adapter for a multithreaded channel that is also privileged.
MultithreadedPrivilegedMimeResponseCharacterChannelAdapter.javaClass Internal adapter for a multithreaded character channel that is also privileged.
PortalControlStructures.javaClass This object is passed to special channels.
PortalEvent.javaClass Events which may be arguments to the IChannel receiveEvent() method.
PortalEventSource.javaClass Represents the source of the PortalEvent.
PortalException.javaClass Base portal exception class.
PortalExceptionTest.javaClass Testcase for PortalException.
PortalSessionManager.javaClass This is an entry point into the uPortal.
PortletPreferencesStoreFactory.javaClass Instantiates and maintains a static singleton instance of IPortletPreferencesStore as specified by the "org.jasig.portal.PortletPreferencesStoreFactory.implementation" property in . This class is final because it is not designed to be extended.
PortletPreferencesStoreFactoryTest.javaClass Unit test for PortletPreferencesStoreFactory.
Problems.javaClass A servlet that reports portal problems.
ProblemsTable.javaClass A cache of recently reported PortalExceptions.
PropertiesManager.javaClass Deprecated PropertiesManager. This class still exists here at org.jasig.portal.PropertiesManager in order to delegate all requests to the real PropertiesManager at so as not to break backwards compatibility. Pre 2.4 code which imports this old PropertiesManager should still work great. However, note that there is new functionality to be had from the new PropertiesManager in the form of reporting of missing properties and methods which take default values. Please change your imports to import the new PropertiesManager.
RDBMChannelRegistryStore.javaClass Reference implementation of IChannelRegistryStore.
RDBMPortletPreferencesStore.javaClass An implementation of IPortletPreferencesStore which uses a RDBM data source to persist the data.
RDBMServices.javaClass Provides relational database access and helper methods. A static routine determines if the database/driver supports prepared statements and/or outer joins.

This class provides database access as a service.

RequestParamWrapper.javaClass Wraps an http request object to prevent unverified requests from accessing any of the request parameters.
ResourceMissingException.javaClass This exception would inform uPortal that a particular resource required to complete channel operation is missing.
ResponseSubstitutionWrapper.javaClass Replaces tags in the markup with the tag for the current request.
SequenceGeneratorTester.javaClass Tests the sequence generator.
StandaloneChannelRenderer.javaClass StandaloneChannelRenderer is meant to be used as a base class for channels that might be rendered outside of the standard user-layout driven scheme.
StubPortletPreferencesStore.javaClass Stub implementation of IPortletPreferencesStore used in unit testing.
StylesheetDescription.javaClass Combines all of the information required to describe an XSLT stylesheet.
StylesheetSet.javaClass A tool for managing a collection of stylesheets.
UPFileSpec.javaClass This helper class allows for easy access to the information contained in the ever-changing uP file URL spec.
UploadStatus.javaClass UploadStatus provides status for mulit-part form data requests to channels.
UserInstance.javaClass A class handling holding all user state information.
UserInstanceManager.javaClass Determines which user instance object to use for a given user.
UserPreferences.javaClass Object managing user preferences.
UserPreferencesManager.javaClass UserPreferencesManager is responsible for keeping: user id, user layout, user preferences and stylesheet descriptions.
UserProfile.javaClass A user profile associates a user layout with a structure and theme stylesheet.
Version.javaClass Contains version information about the current release. This implementation uses static fields and static initializers to pre-compute once the return values for all String-returning methods so as to avoid String concatenation induced object churn at runtime. | Contact Us
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