Factory used to hold JAMonListeners. Developers may put any listeners that implement
Any listener may be retrieved by passing in the JAMonListener name. At this time JAMon ships
with the following listeners that can be referenced by name. Every buffer has a shared counterpart
that allows different montiors to share the same buffer. In every other way they are
the same as their similarly named counterparts.
FIFOBuffer - Holds most recent objects in the buffer
NLargestValueBuffer - Keeps the largest values in the buffer
NSmallestValueBuffer - Keeps the smallest values in the buffer
NLargestValueBuffer7Days - When buffer is full the oldest data in buffer that is over 7 days is removed. If no data
is older than 7 days then the smallest is removed.
NLargestValueBuffer24Hrs - When buffer is full the oldest data in buffer that is over 24 hours is removed. If no data
is older than 7 days then the smallest is removed.
NSmallestValueBuffer7Days - When buffer is full the oldest data in buffer that is over 7 days is removed. If no data
is older than 7 days then the largest is removed.
NSmallestValueBuffer24Hrs - When buffer is full the oldest data in buffer that is over 24 hours is removed. If no data
is older than 7 days then the largest is removed.
SharedFIFOBuffer - Holds most recent objects in the buffer
SharedNLargestValueBuffer - Keeps the largest values in the buffer
SharedNSmallestValueBuffer - Keeps the smallest values in the buffer
SharedNLargestValueBuffer7Days - When buffer is full the oldest data in buffer that is over 7 days is removed. If no data
is older than 7 days then the smallest is removed.
SharedNLargestValueBuffer24Hrs - When buffer is full the oldest data in buffer that is over 24 hours is removed. If no data
is older than 7 days then the smallest is removed.
SharedNSmallestValueBuffer7Days - When buffer is full the oldest data in buffer that is over 7 days is removed. If no data
is older than 7 days then the largest is removed.
SharedNSmallestValueBuffer24Hrs - When buffer is full the oldest data in buffer that is over 24 hours is removed. If no data
is older than 7 days then the largest is removed.
HTTPBufferListener - Buffer that holds data specific to http requests.
ExceptionBufferListener - Buffer that holds data specific to monitors that track exceptions in the detail buffer
author: steve souza |