| java.lang.Object com.hp.hpl.jena.assembler.ModelExpansion
ModelExpansion | public class ModelExpansion (Code) | | The ModelExpansion code expands a model M against a
schema S , returning a new model which contains
- the statements of M
- any statements (A rdfs:subClassOf B) from S where neither A nor B
is a bnode.
- statements (A rdf:type T) if M contains (A P any) and
S contains (P rdfs:domain T).
- statements (A rdf:type T) if M contains (any P A) and
S contains (P rdfs:range T).
- statements (A rdf:type T) if (A rdf:type U) and (U rdfs:subClassOf T).
This is sufficient to allow the subjects in M which have
properties from S to have enough type information for
AssemblerGroup dispatch.
author: kers |
Inner Class :protected static class LinkedSeq | |
addDomainTypes | protected static void addDomainTypes(Model result, Model schema)(Code) | | |
addRangeTypes | protected static void addRangeTypes(Model result, Model schema)(Code) | | |
addSubClassClosure | public static void addSubClassClosure(Model m)(Code) | | Do (limited) subclass closure on m .
Those classes in m that appear in subClassOf
statements are given as explicit superclasses all their indirect superclasses.
addSubclassesFrom | protected static void addSubclassesFrom(Model result, Model schema)(Code) | | |
addSupertypes | protected static void addSupertypes(Model result)(Code) | | |
withSchema | public static Model withSchema(Model model, Model schema)(Code) | | Answer a new model which is the aggregation of
- the statements of
- the non-bnode subclass statements of
- the subclass closure of those statements
- the rdf:type statements implied by the rdfs:domain statements
schema and the model
statements using that statements property
- similarly for rdfs:range
- the rdf:type statements implied by the subclass closure