| java.lang.Object com.hp.hpl.jena.db.impl.DBProp com.hp.hpl.jena.db.impl.DBPropGraph
DBPropGraph | public class DBPropGraph extends DBProp (Code) | | A wrapper to assist in getting and setting DB information from
a persistent store.
This is written in the style of enhanced nodes - no state is
stored in the DBStoreDesc, instead all state is in the
underlying graph and this is just provided as a convenience.
(We don't use enhanced nodes because, since we control everything
in the persistent store system description, we can avoid any
need to handle polymorhphism).
author: csayers version: $Revision: 1.29 $ since: Jena 2.0 |
addGraphId | public void addGraphId(int id)(Code) | | |
begin | public boolean begin()(Code) | | Answer false if already within a transaction, otherwise start a transaction
and answer true; use in conjunction with conditionalCommit .
bnodeForPrefix | public Node bnodeForPrefix(Node prefixNode)(Code) | | Answer the bnode which gives the prefix and uri in this graph for the given
literalprefixNode , or null if there isn't one.
conditionalCommit | public void conditionalCommit(boolean commit)(Code) | | If commit is true, commit the current transaction; to be used
in conjunction with begin .
getGraphId | public int getGraphId()(Code) | | |
isDBPropGraphOk | public boolean isDBPropGraphOk(String name)(Code) | | |
remove | public void remove()(Code) | | |