| com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.impl.OntResourceImpl com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.impl.AllDifferentImpl
AllDifferentImpl | public class AllDifferentImpl extends OntResourceImpl implements AllDifferent(Code) | |
Implementation of the abstraction of axioms that denote the single name assumption.
author: Ian Dickinson, HP Labs author: (email) version: CVS $Id: AllDifferentImpl.java,v 1.19 2008/01/02 12:08:03 andy_seaborne Exp $ |
Field Summary | |
public static Implementation | factory A factory for generating AllDifferent facets from nodes in enhanced graphs. |
Constructor Summary | |
public | AllDifferentImpl(Node n, EnhGraph g)
Construct an all different axiom represented by the given node in the given graph. |
Method Summary | |
public void | addDistinctMember(Resource res) Add the given individual to the list of distinct members of this AllDifferent declaration.
Parameters: res - A resource that will be added to the list of all different members. exception: OntProfileException - If the Profile.DISTINCT_MEMBERS property is not supported in the current language profile. | public void | addDistinctMembers(Iterator individuals) Add the given individuals to the list of distinct members of this AllDifferent declaration.
Parameters: individuals - An iterator over the distinct invididuals that will be added exception: OntProfileException - If the Profile.DISTINCT_MEMBERS property is not supported in the current language profile. | public RDFList | getDistinctMembers() Answer the list of distinct members for this AllDifferent declaration.
The list of individuals declared distinct by this AllDifferent declaration. exception: OntProfileException - If the Profile.DISTINCT_MEMBERS property is not supported in the current language profile. | public boolean | hasDistinctMember(Resource res) Answer true if this AllDifferent declaration includes res as one of the distinct individuals.
Parameters: res - A resource to test against True if res is declared to be distinct from the other individuals in this declation. exception: OntProfileException - If the Profile.DISTINCT_MEMBERS property is not supported in the current language profile. | public ExtendedIterator | listDistinctMembers() Answer an iterator over all of the individuals that are declared to be distinct by
this AllDifferent declaration. | public void | removeDistinctMember(Resource res) Remove the given resource from the list of distinct individuals. | public void | setDistinctMembers(RDFList members) Assert that the list of distinct individuals in this AllDifferent declaration
is the given list. |
AllDifferentImpl | public AllDifferentImpl(Node n, EnhGraph g)(Code) | |
Construct an all different axiom represented by the given node in the given graph.
Parameters: n - The node that represents the axiom Parameters: g - The enhanced graph that contains n |
addDistinctMember | public void addDistinctMember(Resource res)(Code) | | Add the given individual to the list of distinct members of this AllDifferent declaration.
Parameters: res - A resource that will be added to the list of all different members. exception: OntProfileException - If the Profile.DISTINCT_MEMBERS property is not supported in the current language profile. |
addDistinctMembers | public void addDistinctMembers(Iterator individuals)(Code) | | Add the given individuals to the list of distinct members of this AllDifferent declaration.
Parameters: individuals - An iterator over the distinct invididuals that will be added exception: OntProfileException - If the Profile.DISTINCT_MEMBERS property is not supported in the current language profile. |
getDistinctMembers | public RDFList getDistinctMembers()(Code) | | Answer the list of distinct members for this AllDifferent declaration.
The list of individuals declared distinct by this AllDifferent declaration. exception: OntProfileException - If the Profile.DISTINCT_MEMBERS property is not supported in the current language profile. |
hasDistinctMember | public boolean hasDistinctMember(Resource res)(Code) | | Answer true if this AllDifferent declaration includes res as one of the distinct individuals.
Parameters: res - A resource to test against True if res is declared to be distinct from the other individuals in this declation. exception: OntProfileException - If the Profile.DISTINCT_MEMBERS property is not supported in the current language profile. |
listDistinctMembers | public ExtendedIterator listDistinctMembers()(Code) | | Answer an iterator over all of the individuals that are declared to be distinct by
this AllDifferent declaration. Each element of the iterator will be an
OntResource .
An iterator over distinct individuals. exception: OntProfileException - If the Profile.DISTINCT_MEMBERS property is not supported in the current language profile. |
removeDistinctMember | public void removeDistinctMember(Resource res)(Code) | | Remove the given resource from the list of distinct individuals. If this statement
is not true of the current model, nothing happens.
Parameters: res - A resource that is no longer distinct from the other listed individuals |
setDistinctMembers | public void setDistinctMembers(RDFList members)(Code) | | Assert that the list of distinct individuals in this AllDifferent declaration
is the given list. Any existing
statements for distinctMembers will be removed.
Parameters: members - A list of the members that are declared to be distinct. exception: OntProfileException - If the Profile.DISTINCT_MEMBERS property is not supported in the current language profile. |
Methods inherited from com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.impl.OntResourceImpl | public void addComment(String comment, String lang)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addComment(Literal comment)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addDifferentFrom(Resource res)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addIsDefinedBy(Resource res)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addLabel(String label, String lang)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addLabel(Literal label)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void addListPropertyValue(Property p, String name, RDFNode value)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void addPropertyValue(Property p, String name, RDFNode value)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addRDFType(Resource cls)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addSameAs(Resource res)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addSeeAlso(Resource res)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addVersionInfo(String info)(Code)(Java Doc) public AllDifferent asAllDifferent()(Code)(Java Doc) public AnnotationProperty asAnnotationProperty()(Code)(Java Doc) public OntClass asClass()(Code)(Java Doc) public DataRange asDataRange()(Code)(Java Doc) public DatatypeProperty asDatatypeProperty()(Code)(Java Doc) public Individual asIndividual()(Code)(Java Doc) public ObjectProperty asObjectProperty()(Code)(Java Doc) public Ontology asOntology()(Code)(Java Doc) public OntProperty asProperty()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void checkProfile(Object term, String name)(Code)(Java Doc) protected RDFNode convertToType(Resource type, String name, Class cls)(Code)(Java Doc) public int getCardinality(Property p)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getComment(String lang)(Code)(Java Doc) public OntResource getDifferentFrom()(Code)(Java Doc) public Resource getIsDefinedBy()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getLabel(String lang)(Code)(Java Doc) public OntModel getOntModel()(Code)(Java Doc) public Profile getProfile()(Code)(Java Doc) public RDFNode getPropertyValue(Property property)(Code)(Java Doc) public Resource getRDFType()(Code)(Java Doc) public Resource getRDFType(boolean direct)(Code)(Java Doc) public OntResource getSameAs()(Code)(Java Doc) public Resource getSeeAlso()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getVersionInfo()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean hasComment(String comment, String lang)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean hasComment(Literal comment)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean hasLabel(String label, String lang)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean hasLabel(Literal label)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean hasPropertyValue(Property p, String name, RDFNode value)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean hasRDFType(String uri)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean hasRDFType(Resource ontClass)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean hasRDFType(Resource ontClass, boolean direct)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean hasRDFType(Resource ontClass, String name, boolean direct)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean hasSeeAlso(Resource res)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static boolean hasType(Node n, EnhGraph g, Resource type)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean hasVersionInfo(String info)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isAllDifferent()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isAnnotationProperty()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isClass()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isDataRange()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isDatatypeProperty()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isDefinedBy(Resource res)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isDifferentFrom(Resource res)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isIndividual()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isObjectProperty()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isOntLanguageTerm()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isOntology()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isProperty()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isSameAs(Resource res)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean langTagMatch(String desired, String target)(Code)(Java Doc) protected ExtendedIterator listAs(Property p, String name, Class cls)(Code)(Java Doc) public ExtendedIterator listComments(String lang)(Code)(Java Doc) public ExtendedIterator listDifferentFrom()(Code)(Java Doc) protected ExtendedIterator listDirectPropertyValues(Property p, String name, Class cls, Property orderRel, boolean direct, boolean inverse)(Code)(Java Doc) public ExtendedIterator listIsDefinedBy()(Code)(Java Doc) public ExtendedIterator listLabels(String lang)(Code)(Java Doc) public NodeIterator listPropertyValues(Property property)(Code)(Java Doc) public ExtendedIterator listRDFTypes(boolean direct)(Code)(Java Doc) public ExtendedIterator listSameAs()(Code)(Java Doc) public ExtendedIterator listSeeAlso()(Code)(Java Doc) public ExtendedIterator listVersionInfo()(Code)(Java Doc) protected Object objectAs(Property p, String name, Class asClass)(Code)(Java Doc) protected int objectAsInt(Property p, String name)(Code)(Java Doc) protected OntProperty objectAsProperty(Property p, String name)(Code)(Java Doc) protected OntResource objectAsResource(Property p, String name)(Code)(Java Doc) public void remove()(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeComment(String comment, String lang)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeComment(Literal comment)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeDefinedBy(Resource res)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeDifferentFrom(Resource res)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeLabel(String label, String lang)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeLabel(Literal label)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeProperty(Property property, RDFNode value)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void removePropertyValue(Property prop, String name, RDFNode value)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeRDFType(Resource cls)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeSameAs(Resource res)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeSeeAlso(Resource res)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeVersionInfo(String info)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String selectLang(StmtIterator stmts, String lang)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setComment(String comment, String lang)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setDifferentFrom(Resource res)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setIsDefinedBy(Resource res)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setLabel(String label, String lang)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setPropertyValue(Property property, RDFNode value)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setPropertyValue(Property p, String name, RDFNode value)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setRDFType(Resource cls)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setSameAs(Resource res)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setSeeAlso(Resource res)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setVersionInfo(String info)(Code)(Java Doc)