| java.lang.Object com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl.StatementBase
All known Subclasses: com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl.StatementImpl,
StatementBase | abstract public class StatementBase (Code) | | Abstract base class for StaementImpl - pulls up the stuff that doesn't depend
on how statements are represented (as S/P/O or as Triples).
author: hedgehog |
Method Summary | |
public Statement | changeLiteralObject(boolean o) | public Statement | changeLiteralObject(long o) | public Statement | changeLiteralObject(char o) | public Statement | changeLiteralObject(double o) | public Statement | changeLiteralObject(float o) | public Statement | changeLiteralObject(int o) | public Statement | changeObject(boolean o) | public Statement | changeObject(long o) | public Statement | changeObject(float o) | public Statement | changeObject(double o) | public Statement | changeObject(String o) | public Statement | changeObject(String o, boolean wellFormed) | public Statement | changeObject(String o, String l) | public Statement | changeObject(String o, String l, boolean wellFormed) | public Statement | changeObject(RDFNode o) | public Statement | changeObject(Object o) | public Statement | changeTypedObject(double o) | public boolean | getBoolean() | public byte | getByte() | public char | getChar() | public double | getDouble() | public float | getFloat() | public int | getInt() | public String | getLanguage() | abstract public Literal | getLiteral() Answer the object of this statement as a Literal, or throw a
LiteralRequiredException. | public long | getLong() | public Model | getModel() | abstract public RDFNode | getObject() | abstract public Property | getPredicate() | abstract public Resource | getResource() | public short | getShort() | public String | getString() | abstract public Resource | getSubject() | public boolean | getWellFormed() | public boolean | hasWellFormedXML() | protected Resource | mustBeResource(RDFNode n) | protected String | objectString(RDFNode object) Answer a string describing object , quoting it if it is a literal. | abstract protected StatementImpl | replace(RDFNode n) replace this StaementImpl [ie the one of which this is the base] with (S,
P, n). | protected StatementImpl | stringReplace(String s, String lang, boolean wellFormed) | protected StatementImpl | stringReplace(String s) "replace" the Object of this statement with the literal string value _s_. | public String | toString() Answer a string describing this Statement in a vagely pretty way, with the
representations of the subject, predicate, and object in that order. |
getBoolean | public boolean getBoolean()(Code) | | |
getByte | public byte getByte()(Code) | | |
getChar | public char getChar()(Code) | | |
getDouble | public double getDouble()(Code) | | |
getFloat | public float getFloat()(Code) | | |
getInt | public int getInt()(Code) | | |
getLiteral | abstract public Literal getLiteral()(Code) | | Answer the object of this statement as a Literal, or throw a
getLong | public long getLong()(Code) | | |
getShort | public short getShort()(Code) | | |
getWellFormed | public boolean getWellFormed()(Code) | | |
hasWellFormedXML | public boolean hasWellFormedXML()(Code) | | |
mustBeResource | protected Resource mustBeResource(RDFNode n)(Code) | | utility: check that node is a Resource, throw otherwise
objectString | protected String objectString(RDFNode object)(Code) | | Answer a string describing object , quoting it if it is a literal.
replace | abstract protected StatementImpl replace(RDFNode n)(Code) | | replace this StaementImpl [ie the one of which this is the base] with (S,
P, n). Answer the new StaementImpl. Abstract here to allow methods to be
pulled up.
stringReplace | protected StatementImpl stringReplace(String s)(Code) | | "replace" the Object of this statement with the literal string value _s_.
NOTE: this is a convenience function to eliminate the use of a deprecated
constructor; when data-types are put properly into Jena, it will likely
toString | public String toString()(Code) | | Answer a string describing this Statement in a vagely pretty way, with the
representations of the subject, predicate, and object in that order.