java.lang .Object com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys .FBRuleReasoner com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys .GenericRuleReasoner com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys .OWLMicroReasoner OWLMicroReasoner public class OWLMicroReasoner extends GenericRuleReasoner implements Reasoner (Code) Reasoner configuration for the OWL micro reasoner.
This only supports:
RDFS entailments
basic OWL axioms like ObjectProperty subClassOf Property
intersectionOf, equivalentClass and forward implication of unionOf sufficient for traversal
of explicit class hierachies<.li>
Property axioms (inversOf, SymmetricProperty, TransitiveProperty, equivalentProperty)
There is some experimental support for the cheaper class restriction handlingly which
should not be relied on at this point.
author: Dave Reynolds version: $Revision: 1.8 $ on $Date: 2008/01/02 12:07:47 $
MICRO_RULE_FILE final protected static String MICRO_RULE_FILE (Code) The location of the OWL rule definitions on the class path
microRuleSet protected static List microRuleSet(Code) The parsed rules
getGraphCapabilities public Capabilities getGraphCapabilities()(Code) Return the Jena Graph Capabilties that the inference graphs generated
by this reasoner are expected to conform to.
loadRules public static List loadRules()(Code) Return the rule set, loading it in if necessary