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| com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.test.TestLPRDFS
TestLPRDFS | public class TestLPRDFS extends TestCase (Code) | | Test an FB hyrid using the emerging LP engine on the basic RDFS tests.
author: Dave Reynolds version: $Revision: 1.9 $ on $Date: 2008/01/02 12:08:20 $ |
RULE_FILE | final public static String RULE_FILE(Code) | | The location of the OWL rule definitions on the class path
ruleSet | protected static List ruleSet(Code) | | The parsed rules
TestLPRDFS | public TestLPRDFS(String name)(Code) | | Boilerplate for junit
loadRules | public static List loadRules()(Code) | | Return the RDFS rule set, loading it in if necessary
makeReasoner | public static Reasoner makeReasoner()(Code) | | Return the reasoner to test
suite | public static TestSuite suite()(Code) | | Boilerplate for junit.
This is its own test suite