jimm.datavision.gui |
Provides the classes and interfaces that make up the graphical user
interface used to build and run DataVision reports.
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment |
AggregatesWin.java | Class | An aggregates editor for a single field that lets the user add and delete
aggregates at each level (group footers, report footer). |
AskStringDialog.java | Class | A modal dialog used to ask the user for a simple string like a
formula or parameter name. |
BoundsWin.java | Class | A field bounds (position and size) editing dialog box. |
Clipboard.java | Class | A simple clipboard class. |
CodeEditorWin.java | Class | This is the abstract superclass of windows used for editing paragraphs of
code such as formulas and where clauses. |
DescripWin.java | Class | A report description (name, title, author, etc.) editing dialog box. |
Designer.java | Class | The abstract superclass of
Report designer windows and applets. |
DesignWin.java | Class | The main GUI
Report design window. |
DesignWinLayout.java | Class | A custom layout manager for the section widgets inside a design window. |
DropListenerTextArea.java | Class | A text area that accepts drags containing report fields. |
EditFieldLayout.java | Class | Lays out a bunch of label/edit widget pairs. |
EditWin.java | Class | The abstract parent of all edit windows except the main design window. |
EditWinWidget.java | Class | An abstract superclass for widgets that open separate windows used to
edit the widget. |
ExportWin.java | Class | This dialog lets the user export report results using one of the
layout engines. |
FieldPickerTree.java | Class | The {#link FieldPickerWin} uses this JTree subclass. |
FieldPickerWin.java | Class | A window that lets the user drag any field available onto the report and
create, edit, delete, and rename formulas, parameters, and user columns.
Uses a
FieldPickerTree . |
FieldWidget.java | Class | A field widget is the visual representation of a text-based report field. |
FieldWidgetWalker.java | Interface | The field widget walker interface is used by those wishing to perform an
action on every field widget in a report design window. |
FocusSetter.java | Class | Gives focus to a component, since often after building a frame the
component we want to have focus doesn't get it. |
FormatWin.java | Class | A field format editing dialog box. |
FormulaWidget.java | Class | A formula widget must be able to edit its formula's code and perform
a few other formula-specific actions. |
FormulaWin.java | Class | This dialog is for editing
Formula code. |
FPLeafInfo.java | Class | The classes in this file are leaf nodes for the
FieldPickerTree . |
FPTableInfo.java | Class | An internal table node for the
FieldPickerTree . |
FWBorder.java | Class | A border for field widgets. |
GroupWin.java | Class | This dialog is used for editing report groups. |
GroupWinListItem.java | Class | Group win list items are used by the group editing window
GroupWin and the
jimm.datavision.gui.cmd.GroupEditCommand to remember a
group and its sort order. |
HelpURLStack.java | Class | A URL stack manages the browser-like behaviour of having a current URL
and a list of previous and next URLs. |
HelpWin.java | Class | A help window. |
ImageFieldWidget.java | Class | |
MenuUtils.java | Class | Menu creation utilities. |
NewGroupWin.java | Class | A dialog for creating a new group. |
ParameterWidget.java | Class | A parameter widget must be able to edit its parameter's settings and
perform a few other parameter-specific actions. |
PreMoveInfo.java | Class | We save pre-move information because we need to know the original
mouse position, we may need to the field's original position, and
because we need to know our original position when finally moving. |
PreStretchInfo.java | Class | We save pre-stretch information so we have a place to hold information
like original mouse click position and minimum legal mouse position. |
ScriptEditorWin.java | Class | |
ScriptingWin.java | Class | Editor dialog for a report's scripting language list and default language. |
SectionFieldPanel.java | Class | This is the panel that holds
FieldWidget s within a
SectionWidget . |
SectionLayout.java | Class | A layout manager for
SectionWidget s' contents. |
SectionNameLabel.java | Class | A section name label displays the name of a section, for example "Report
Header (a)". |
SectionResizer.java | Class | A section resizer is a bar that the user can drag to resize a section. |
SectionWidget.java | Class | A section widget is the visual representation of a report section. |
SortedListModel.java | Class | Implements a sorted list model suitable for use with a JList . |
SortWin.java | Class | This dialog is used for editing the report query's list of sort
orders. |
SortWinListItem.java | Class | Sort win list items are used by the sort editing window
SortWin and
jimm.datavision.gui.cmd.SortEditCommand to remember a sort
column and its sort order. |
StartupDialog.java | Class | This class is called from the DataVision class when the designer is
started with no command line. |
StartupScriptEditor.java | Class | This dialog is for editing
Formula code. |
StatusDialog.java | Class | An extremely simple status display dialog. |
SuppressionProcWin.java | Class | An edit dialog for suppression procs. |
TextFieldWidget.java | Class | A text field widget is a field widget that is editable. |
TLWListItem.java | Class | Used in lists to hold and display database column and sort order. |
TwoListWin.java | Class | An abstract superclass for edit windows that manipulate a list of
sortable, orderable items. |
UserColumnWidget.java | Class | A user column widget must be able to edit its user column's code and
perform a few other user column-specific actions. |
UserColumnWin.java | Class | This dialog is for editing
UserColumn code. |