| it.businesslogic.ireport.export.JRTxtExporter
JRTxtExporter | public class JRTxtExporter extends JRAbstractExporter (Code) | | author: giulio toffoli author: This is a really simple exporter with many assumptions on report. author: The report page is divided in a grid of 10 pixel x 10 pixel. In each of this author: pixels there is a char. author: Elements must be inserted into this grid (so elements must have coords and dims author: that are multiple of 10px). |
ADD_FORM_FEED | boolean ADD_FORM_FEED(Code) | | |
CHAR_UNIT_H | int CHAR_UNIT_H(Code) | | |
CHAR_UNIT_V | int CHAR_UNIT_V(Code) | | |
progressMonitor | protected JRExportProgressMonitor progressMonitor(Code) | | |
JRTxtExporter | public JRTxtExporter()(Code) | | Creates a new instance of JRPdfExporter
exportPage | protected void exportPage(JRPrintPage page) throws JRException, IOException(Code) | | |
exportReport | public void exportReport() throws JRException(Code) | | |
exportReportToWriter | protected void exportReportToWriter() throws JRException, IOException(Code) | | |
layoutGrid | protected Vector layoutGrid(JRPrintPage page)(Code) | | |
replaceLineRegion | protected String replaceLineRegion(String line, int start_at, int len, String str, byte alignment)(Code) | | |