| java.lang.Object it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MessageBox
MessageBox | public class MessageBox (Code) | | author: Administrator |
ICONERROR | final public static int ICONERROR(Code) | | Indicates that the message box should display an error icon
ICONINFORMATION | final public static int ICONINFORMATION(Code) | | Indicates that the message box should display an exclamation (!) icon
ICONQUESTION | final public static int ICONQUESTION(Code) | | Indicates that the message box should display a question mark (?) icon
ICONWARNING | final public static int ICONWARNING(Code) | | Indicates that the message box should display a warning icon
OK | final public static int OK(Code) | | Indicates that the message box should display an OK button
OKCANCEL | final public static int OKCANCEL(Code) | | Indicates that the message box should display OK and Cancel buttons
YESNO | final public static int YESNO(Code) | | Indicates that the message box should display Yes and No buttons
YESNOCANCEL | final public static int YESNOCANCEL(Code) | | Indicates that the message box should display Yes, No, and Cancel buttons
MessageBox | public MessageBox()(Code) | | Creates a new instance of MessageBox