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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Report » iReport 2.0.5 » it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.docking 
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public class VTextIcon implements Icon,PropertyChangeListener(Code)
VTextIcon is an Icon implementation which draws a short string vertically. It's useful for JTabbedPanes with LEFT or RIGHT tabs but can be used in any component which supports Icons, such as JLabel or JButton You can provide a hint to indicate whether to rotate the string to the left or right, or not at all, and it checks to make sure that the rotation is legal for the given string (for example, Chinese/Japanese/Korean scripts have special rules when drawn vertically and should never be rotated)

Field Summary
final static  intDEFAULT_CJK
final static  intDEFAULT_MUST_ROTATE
final static  intDEFAULT_ROMAN
final static  intLEGAL_MUST_ROTATE
final static  intLEGAL_ROMAN
final static  doubleNINETY_DEGREES
final static  intPOSITION_FAR_TOP_RIGHT
final static  intPOSITION_NORMAL
final static  intPOSITION_TOP_RIGHT
final public static  intROTATE_DEFAULT
final public static  intROTATE_LEFT
final public static  intROTATE_NONE
final public static  intROTATE_RIGHT
final static  intkBufferSpace
final static  StringsDrawsInFarTopRight
final static  StringsDrawsInTopRight

Constructor Summary
public  VTextIcon(Component component, String label)
     Creates a VTextIcon for the specified component with the specified label.
public  VTextIcon(Component component, String label, int rotateHint)
     Creates a VTextIcon for the specified component with the specified label.

Method Summary
public  intgetIconHeight()
     Returns the icon's height.
public  intgetIconWidth()
     Returns the icon's width.
public  voidpaintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y)
     Draw the icon at the specified location.
public  voidpropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e)
     Calculates the dimensions.
public  voidsetLabel(String label)
public static  intverifyRotation(String label, int rotateHint)
     verifyRotation returns the best rotation for the string (ROTATE_NONE, ROTATE_LEFT, ROTATE_RIGHT) This is public static so you can use it to test a string without creating a VTextIcon from When setting text using the Arabic script in vertical lines, it is more common to employ a horizontal baseline that is rotated by 90 counterclockwise so that the characters are ordered from top to bottom.

Field Detail
final static int DEFAULT_CJK(Code)

final static int DEFAULT_MUST_ROTATE(Code)

final static int DEFAULT_ROMAN(Code)

final static int LEGAL_MUST_ROTATE(Code)

final static int LEGAL_ROMAN(Code)

final static double NINETY_DEGREES(Code)

final static int POSITION_FAR_TOP_RIGHT(Code)

final static int POSITION_NORMAL(Code)

final static int POSITION_TOP_RIGHT(Code)

final public static int ROTATE_DEFAULT(Code)

final public static int ROTATE_LEFT(Code)

final public static int ROTATE_NONE(Code)

final public static int ROTATE_RIGHT(Code)

String[] fCharStrings(Code)

int[] fCharWidths(Code)

Component fComponent(Code)

String fLabel(Code)

int[] fPosition(Code)

int fRotation(Code)

int fWidthfHeightfCharHeightfDescent(Code)

final static int kBufferSpace(Code)

final static String sDrawsInFarTopRight(Code)

final static String sDrawsInTopRight(Code)

Constructor Detail
public VTextIcon(Component component, String label)(Code)
Creates a VTextIcon for the specified component with the specified label. It sets the orientation to the default for the string
See Also:   VTextIcon.verifyRotation

public VTextIcon(Component component, String label, int rotateHint)(Code)
Creates a VTextIcon for the specified component with the specified label. It sets the orientation to the provided value if it's legal for the string
See Also:   VTextIcon.verifyRotation

Method Detail
void calcDimensions()(Code)

public int getIconHeight()(Code)
Returns the icon's height. an int specifying the fixed height of the icon.

public int getIconWidth()(Code)
Returns the icon's width. an int specifying the fixed width of the icon.

public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y)(Code)
Draw the icon at the specified location. Icon implementations may use the Component argument to get properties useful for painting, e.g. the foreground or background color.

public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e)(Code)
Checks for changes to the font on the fComponent so that it can invalidate the layout if the size changes

void recalcDimensions()(Code)
Calculates the dimensions. If they've changed, invalidates the component

public void setLabel(String label)(Code)
sets the label to the given string, updating the orientation as needed and invalidating the layout if the size changes
See Also:   VTextIcon.verifyRotation

public static int verifyRotation(String label, int rotateHint)(Code)
verifyRotation returns the best rotation for the string (ROTATE_NONE, ROTATE_LEFT, ROTATE_RIGHT) This is public static so you can use it to test a string without creating a VTextIcon from When setting text using the Arabic script in vertical lines, it is more common to employ a horizontal baseline that is rotated by 90 counterclockwise so that the characters are ordered from top to bottom. Latin text and numbers may be rotated 90 clockwise so that the characters are also ordered from top to bottom. Rotation rules - Roman can rotate left, right, or none - default right (counterclockwise) - CJK can't rotate - Arabic must rotate - default left (clockwise) from the online edition of _The Unicode Standard, Version 3.0_, file ch10.pdf page 4 Ideographs are found in three blocks of the Unicode Standard... U+4E00-U+9FFF, U+3400-U+4DFF, U+F900-U+FAFF Hiragana is U+3040-U+309F, katakana is U+30A0-U+30FF from East Asian scripts are frequently written in vertical lines which run from top-to-bottom and are arrange columns either from left-to-right (Mongolian) or right-to-left (other scripts). Most characters use the same shape and orientation when displayed horizontally or vertically, but many punctuation characters will change their shape when displayed vertically. Letters and words from other scripts are generally rotated through ninety degree angles so that they, too, will read from top to bottom. That is, letters from left-to-right scripts will be rotated clockwise and letters from right-to-left scripts counterclockwise, both through ninety degree angles. Unlike the bidirectional case, the choice of vertical layout is usually treated as a formatting style; therefore, the Unicode Standard does not define default rendering behavior for vertical text nor provide directionality controls designed to override such behavior

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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