JasperDesign is used for in-memory representation of a report design. Instances of this class can be easily
created from an XML template and viceversa. It contains all report properties and report elements in their design time
The main reason for using this class is for modifying report templates at run time. Although using compiled reports
is usually recommended, sometimes people need to dinamically change a report design.
See Also:net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader author: Teodor Danciu (teodord@users.sourceforge.net) version: $Id: JasperDesign.java 1795 2007-07-30 09:18:47Z teodord $
Constructor Summary
JasperDesign() Constructs a JasperDesign object and fills it with the default variables and parameters.
setFloatColumnFooter(boolean isFloatColumnFooter) Flag used to specify if the column footer section should be printed at the bottom of the column or if it
should immediately follow the last detail or group footer printed on the current column.
public void setFloatColumnFooter(boolean isFloatColumnFooter)(Code)
Flag used to specify if the column footer section should be printed at the bottom of the column or if it
should immediately follow the last detail or group footer printed on the current column.
public void setFormatFactoryClass(String formatFactoryClass)(Code)
public void setIgnorePagination(boolean ignorePagination)(Code)
Sets the report name. It is strongly recommended that the report name matches the .jrxml file name, since report compilers
usually use this name for the compiled .jasper file.
public void setSummaryNewPage(boolean isSummaryNewPage)(Code)
Flag used to specify if the summary section should be printed on a separate last page.
Parameters: isSummaryNewPage - true if the summary section should be displayed on a separate last page, false ifit will be displayed on the last page along with other sections, if there is enough space.
public void setTitleNewPage(boolean isTitleNewPage)(Code)
Flag used to specify if the title section should be printed on a separate initial page.
Parameters: isTitleNewPage - true if the title section should be displayed on a separate initial page, false ifit will be displayed on the first page along with other sections.