Derive creates a disconnected node that shares all the properties of the original node. The derived node will no
longer have any parent, silbling, child or any other relationships with other nodes.
Derive creates a disconnected node that shares all the properties of the original node. The derived node will no
longer have any parent, silbling, child or any other relationships with other nodes.
Derive creates a disconnected node that shares all the properties of the original node. The derived node will no
longer have any parent, silbling, child or any other relationships with other nodes.
Inserts the given target directly before the the specified node. If the node is null, the element is inserted at
the last position.
Parameters: node - Parameters: target -
Performs a simple split. This box will be altered to form the left/top side of the split, and a derived empty box
will be returned, which makes up the right/bottom side.
A split will only happen on inline-boxes during the line-break-step. In the ordinary layouting, splitting is not
Parameters: axis -