Creates an unnamed function. Make sure the name of the function is set using
DefaultOutputFunction.setName before the function
is added to the report's function collection.
Be aware, this does not create a deep copy. If you have complex strucures contained in
objects, you have to override this function.
a clone of this function. throws: CloneNotSupportedException - this should never happen.
Creates a cheaper version of the deep-copy of the output function. A pagebreak-derivate is created on every possible
pagebreak position and must contain all undo/rollback information to restore the state of any shared object when
a roll-back is requested.
Any failure to implement this method correctly will be a great source of very subtle bugs.
the deep clone.
Creates a storage-copy of the output function. A storage copy must create a deep clone of all referenced objects so
that it is guaranteed that changes to either the original or the clone do not affect the other instance.
Any failure to implement this method correctly will be a great source of very subtle bugs.
the deep clone.
Receives notification that a page has ended.
This prints the PageFooter. If this is the first page, the footer is not printed if the pagefooter style-flag
DISPLAY_ON_FIRSTPAGE is set to false. If this event is known to be the last pageFinished event, the
DISPLAY_ON_LASTPAGE is evaluated and the footer is printed only if this flag is set to TRUE.
Parameters: event - the report event.
This prints the PageHeader. If this is the first page, the
header is not printed if the pageheader style-flag DISPLAY_ON_FIRSTPAGE is set to false. If this event is known to
be the last pageStarted event, the DISPLAY_ON_LASTPAGE is evaluated and the header is printed only if this flag is
set to TRUE.
If there is an active repeating GroupHeader, print the last one. The GroupHeader is searched for the current group
and all parent groups, starting at the current group and ascending to the parents. The first goupheader that has
the StyleFlag REPEAT_HEADER set to TRUE is printed.
The PageHeader and the repeating GroupHeader are spooled until the first real content is printed. This way, the
LogicalPage remains empty until an other band is printed.
Parameters: event - Information about the event.
Prints the given band at the current cursor position.
Parameters: dataRow - the datarow for evaluating the band's value-expressions. Parameters: band - the band to be printed.
Receives notification that report generation has completed, the report footer was printed, no more output is done.
This is a helper event to shut down the output service.
Parameters: event - The event.