001: /**
002: * ===========================================
003: * JFreeReport : a free Java reporting library
004: * ===========================================
005: *
006: * Project Info: http://reporting.pentaho.org/
007: *
008: * (C) Copyright 2001-2007, by Object Refinery Ltd, Pentaho Corporation and Contributors.
009: *
010: * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
011: * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
012: * either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
013: *
014: * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
015: * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
016: * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
017: *
018: * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
019: * library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
020: * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
021: *
022: * [Java is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
023: * in the United States and other countries.]
024: *
025: * ------------
026: * ReportDefinitionImpl.java
027: * ------------
028: * (C) Copyright 2001-2007, by Object Refinery Ltd, Pentaho Corporation and Contributors.
029: */package org.jfree.report.states;
031: import org.jfree.report.DataRow;
032: import org.jfree.report.Group;
033: import org.jfree.report.GroupList;
034: import org.jfree.report.ItemBand;
035: import org.jfree.report.NoDataBand;
036: import org.jfree.report.PageDefinition;
037: import org.jfree.report.PageFooter;
038: import org.jfree.report.PageHeader;
039: import org.jfree.report.ReportDefinition;
040: import org.jfree.report.ReportFooter;
041: import org.jfree.report.ReportHeader;
042: import org.jfree.report.ReportProcessingException;
043: import org.jfree.report.Watermark;
044: import org.jfree.report.style.StyleSheetCollection;
045: import org.jfree.report.util.ReportProperties;
047: /**
048: * A report definition. This the working copy of the JFreeReport object. This object is
049: * not serializable, as it is used internally. This implementation is not intended to be
050: * known outside. Whatever you planned to do with it - dont do it!
051: * <p/>
052: * Its only pupose is to be used and manipulated in the report states, there is no reason
053: * to do it outside.
054: *
055: * @author Thomas Morgner.
056: */
057: public class ReportDefinitionImpl implements ReportDefinition {
058: /**
059: * An ordered list of report groups (each group defines its own header and footer).
060: */
061: private GroupList groups;
063: /**
064: * The report header band (if not null, printed once at the start of the report).
065: */
066: private ReportHeader reportHeader;
068: /**
069: * The report footer band (if not null, printed once at the end of the report).
070: */
071: private ReportFooter reportFooter;
073: /**
074: * The page header band (if not null, printed at the start of every page).
075: */
076: private PageHeader pageHeader;
078: /**
079: * The page footer band (if not null, printed at the end of every page).
080: */
081: private PageFooter pageFooter;
083: /**
084: * The item band - used once for each row of data.
085: */
086: private ItemBand itemBand;
088: /**
089: * The watermark acts a global page background.
090: */
091: private Watermark watermark;
093: /**
094: * The watermark acts a global page background.
095: */
096: private NoDataBand noDataBand;
098: /**
099: * Storage for arbitrary properties that a user can assign to the report.
100: */
101: private ReportProperties properties;
103: /**
104: * The stylesheet collection of this report definition.
105: */
106: private StyleSheetCollection styleSheetCollection;
108: /**
109: * The datarow connector used to feed all elements.
110: */
111: private DataRowConnector dataRowConnector;
113: /**
114: * The page definition defines the output area.
115: */
116: private PageDefinition pageDefinition;
118: // private Configuration configuration;
119: //
120: // /**
121: // * The ResourceBundleFactory holds internationalization information.
122: // */
123: // private ResourceBundleFactory resourceBundleFactory;
124: // /**
125: // * The resource manager is used to load the report resources.
126: // */
127: // private transient ResourceManager resourceManager;
128: // /**
129: // * The base resource represents the resource that was used to create this
130: // * report.
131: // */
132: // private ResourceKey baseResource;
133: // /**
134: // * The content base is used to resolve relative URLs.
135: // */
136: // private ResourceKey contentBase;
138: private String query;
140: /**
141: * Creates a report definition from a report object.
142: *
143: * @param report the report.
144: * @throws ReportProcessingException if there is a problem cloning.
145: */
146: public ReportDefinitionImpl(final ReportDefinition report,
147: final PageDefinition pageDefinition)
148: throws ReportProcessingException {
149: try {
150: this .groups = new UnmodifiableGroupList((GroupList) report
151: .getGroups().clone());
152: this .properties = (ReportProperties) report.getProperties()
153: .clone();
154: this .reportFooter = (ReportFooter) report.getReportFooter()
155: .clone();
156: this .reportHeader = (ReportHeader) report.getReportHeader()
157: .clone();
158: this .pageFooter = (PageFooter) report.getPageFooter()
159: .clone();
160: this .pageHeader = (PageHeader) report.getPageHeader()
161: .clone();
162: this .itemBand = (ItemBand) report.getItemBand().clone();
163: this .watermark = (Watermark) report.getWatermark().clone();
164: this .noDataBand = (NoDataBand) report.getNoDataBand()
165: .clone();
166: this .pageDefinition = pageDefinition;
167: this .styleSheetCollection = (StyleSheetCollection) report
168: .getStyleSheetCollection().clone();
169: this .dataRowConnector = new DataRowConnector();
170: this .query = report.getQuery();
171: // this.configuration = configuration;
172: // this.resourceBundleFactory = report.getResourceBundleFactory();
173: // this.resourceBundleFactory = report.getResourceBundleFactory();
174: // this.baseResource = report.getBaseResource();
175: // this.contentBase = report.getContentBase();
176: } catch (CloneNotSupportedException cne) {
177: throw new ReportProcessingException("Cloning failed");
178: }
180: this .noDataBand.setReportDefinition(this );
181: this .groups.setReportDefinition(this );
182: this .reportHeader.setReportDefinition(this );
183: this .reportFooter.setReportDefinition(this );
184: this .pageHeader.setReportDefinition(this );
185: this .pageFooter.setReportDefinition(this );
186: this .itemBand.setReportDefinition(this );
187: this .watermark.setReportDefinition(this );
188: }
190: public String getQuery() {
191: return query;
192: }
194: /**
195: * Returns the list of groups for the report.
196: *
197: * @return The list of groups.
198: */
199: public GroupList getGroups() {
200: return groups;
201: }
203: // public Configuration getConfiguration()
204: // {
205: // return configuration;
206: // }
207: //
208: /**
209: * Returns the report header.
210: *
211: * @return The report header.
212: */
213: public ReportHeader getReportHeader() {
214: return reportHeader;
215: }
217: /**
218: * Returns the report footer.
219: *
220: * @return The report footer.
221: */
222: public ReportFooter getReportFooter() {
223: return reportFooter;
224: }
226: /**
227: * Returns the page header.
228: *
229: * @return The page header.
230: */
231: public PageHeader getPageHeader() {
232: return pageHeader;
233: }
235: /**
236: * Returns the page footer.
237: *
238: * @return The page footer.
239: */
240: public PageFooter getPageFooter() {
241: return pageFooter;
242: }
244: /**
245: * Returns the item band.
246: *
247: * @return The item band.
248: */
249: public ItemBand getItemBand() {
250: return itemBand;
251: }
253: /**
254: * Returns the "no-data" band, which is displayed if there is no data
255: * available.
256: *
257: * @return The no-data band.
258: */
259: public NoDataBand getNoDataBand() {
260: return noDataBand;
261: }
263: /**
264: * Returns the report properties.
265: *
266: * @return The report properties.
267: */
268: public ReportProperties getProperties() {
269: return properties;
270: }
272: /**
273: * Returns the number of groups in this report. <P> Every report has at least one group
274: * defined.
275: *
276: * @return the group count.
277: */
278: public int getGroupCount() {
279: return groups.size();
280: }
282: /**
283: * Returns the group at the specified index or null, if there is no such group.
284: *
285: * @param count the group index.
286: * @return the requested group.
287: *
288: * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the count is negative.
289: * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the count is greater than the number of defined
290: * groups.
291: */
292: public Group getGroup(final int count) {
293: if (count < 0) {
294: throw new IllegalArgumentException(
295: "GroupCount must not be negative");
296: }
298: if (count >= groups.size()) {
299: throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
300: "No such group defined. " + count + " vs. "
301: + groups.size());
302: }
304: return groups.get(count);
305: }
307: /**
308: * Creates and returns a copy of this object.
309: *
310: * @return a clone of this instance.
311: *
312: * @throws CloneNotSupportedException if the object's class does not support the
313: * <code>Cloneable</code> interface. Subclasses that
314: * override the <code>clone</code> method can also
315: * throw this exception to indicate that an instance
316: * cannot be cloned.
317: * @see java.lang.Cloneable
318: */
319: public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
320: final ReportDefinitionImpl report = (ReportDefinitionImpl) super
321: .clone();
322: report.groups = (GroupList) groups.clone();
323: report.itemBand = (ItemBand) itemBand.clone();
324: report.pageFooter = (PageFooter) pageFooter.clone();
325: report.pageHeader = (PageHeader) pageHeader.clone();
326: report.properties = (ReportProperties) properties.clone();
327: report.reportFooter = (ReportFooter) reportFooter.clone();
328: report.reportHeader = (ReportHeader) reportHeader.clone();
329: report.watermark = (Watermark) watermark.clone();
330: report.noDataBand = (NoDataBand) noDataBand.clone();
331: // pagedefinition is not! cloned ...
332: report.pageDefinition = pageDefinition;
333: report.styleSheetCollection = (StyleSheetCollection) styleSheetCollection
334: .clone();
335: report.dataRowConnector = new DataRowConnector();
337: report.noDataBand.setReportDefinition(report);
338: report.groups.setReportDefinition(report);
339: report.reportHeader.setReportDefinition(report);
340: report.reportFooter.setReportDefinition(report);
341: report.pageHeader.setReportDefinition(report);
342: report.pageFooter.setReportDefinition(report);
343: report.itemBand.setReportDefinition(report);
344: report.watermark.setReportDefinition(report);
345: return report;
346: }
348: /**
349: * Returns the stylesheet collection of this report definition. The stylesheet
350: * collection is fixed for the report definition and all elements of the report. When a
351: * band or group is added to the report it will get registered with this stylesheet
352: * collection and cannot be used in an different report.
353: *
354: * @return the stylesheet collection of the report, never null.
355: */
356: public StyleSheetCollection getStyleSheetCollection() {
357: return styleSheetCollection;
358: }
360: /**
361: * Returns the datarow connector used to feed all elements. This instance is not the one
362: * used to feed the functions, so elements will always show the old values and never an
363: * preview.
364: *
365: * @return the datarow connector.
366: */
367: public DataRowConnector getDataRowConnector() {
368: return dataRowConnector;
369: }
371: public Watermark getWatermark() {
372: return watermark;
373: }
375: public DataRow getDataRow() {
376: return dataRowConnector;
377: }
379: public PageDefinition getPageDefinition() {
380: return pageDefinition;
381: }
383: // public ResourceBundleFactory getResourceBundleFactory ()
384: // {
385: // return resourceBundleFactory;
386: // }
387: //
388: // public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle (final String identifier)
389: // {
390: // return getResourceBundleFactory().getResourceBundle(identifier);
391: // }
392: //
393: // /**
394: // * Returns the resource manager that was responsible for loading the report.
395: // * This method will return a default manager if the report had been
396: // * constructed otherwise.
397: // * <p/>
398: // * The resource manager of the report should be used for all resource loading
399: // * activities during the report processing.
400: // *
401: // * @return the resource manager, never null.
402: // */
403: // public ResourceManager getResourceManager()
404: // {
405: // if (resourceManager == null)
406: // {
407: // resourceManager = new ResourceManager();
408: // resourceManager.registerDefaults();
409: // }
410: // return resourceManager;
411: // }
412: //
413: // /**
414: // * Assigns a new resource manager or clears the current one. If no resource
415: // * manager is set anymore, the next call to 'getResourceManager' will recreate
416: // * one.
417: // *
418: // * @param resourceManager the new resource manager or null.
419: // */
420: // public void setResourceManager(final ResourceManager resourceManager)
421: // {
422: // this.resourceManager = resourceManager;
423: // }
424: //
425: // /**
426: // * Returns the base resource for all resource loading activities. The base
427: // * resource represents the file that was used to load the report and can be
428: // * null, if the report has not been loaded through a ResourceLoader.
429: // *
430: // * @return the base resource.
431: // */
432: // public ResourceKey getBaseResource()
433: // {
434: // return baseResource;
435: // }
436: //
437: // /**
438: // * Redefines the base resource key.
439: // *
440: // * @param baseResource the new base resource key or null.
441: // */
442: // public void setBaseResource(final ResourceKey baseResource)
443: // {
444: // this.baseResource = baseResource;
445: // }
446: //
447: //
448: // /**
449: // * Defines the content base for the report. The content base will be used to
450: // * resolve relative URLs during the report generation and resource loading. If
451: // * there is no content base defined, it will be impossible to resolve relative
452: // * paths.
453: // *
454: // * @param key the content base or null.
455: // */
456: // public void setContentBase(final ResourceKey key)
457: // {
458: // this.contentBase = key;
459: // }
460: //
461: // /**
462: // * Returns the content base of this report. The content base is used to
463: // * resolve relative URLs during the report generation and resource loading. If
464: // * there is no content base defined, it will be impossible to resolve relative
465: // * paths.
466: // *
467: // * @return the content base or null, if no content base is defined.
468: // */
469: // public ResourceKey getContentBase()
470: // {
471: // return contentBase;
472: // }
474: }