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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Report » pentaho report » org.pentaho.plugin.shark 
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001:        /*
002:         * Copyright 2006 Pentaho Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
003:         * This software was developed by Pentaho Corporation and is provided under the terms 
004:         * of the Mozilla Public License, Version 1.1, or any later version. You may not use 
005:         * this file except in compliance with the license. If you need a copy of the license, 
006:         * please go to The Original Code is the Pentaho 
007:         * BI Platform.  The Initial Developer is Pentaho Corporation.
008:         *
009:         * Software distributed under the Mozilla Public License is distributed on an "AS IS" 
010:         * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or  implied. Please refer to 
011:         * the license for the specific language governing your rights and limitations.
012:         *
013:         * @created Jul 18, 2005 
014:         * @author James Dixon
015:         * 
016:         */
017:        package org.pentaho.plugin.shark;
019:        import;
020:        import;
021:        import;
022:        import java.util.ArrayList;
023:        import java.util.Enumeration;
024:        import java.util.HashMap;
025:        import java.util.Iterator;
026:        import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
027:        import java.util.Map;
028:        import java.util.Properties;
029:        import java.util.Set;
030:        import org.enhydra.shark.Shark;
031:        import org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfbase.BaseException;
032:        import org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfmodel.CannotAcceptSuspended;
033:        import org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfmodel.InvalidData;
034:        import org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfmodel.UpdateNotAllowed;
035:        import org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfmodel.WfActivity;
036:        import org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfmodel.WfAssignment;
037:        import org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfmodel.WfProcess;
038:        import org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfmodel.WfProcessMgr;
039:        import org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfservice.ConnectFailed;
040:        import org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfservice.ExecutionAdministration;
041:        import org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfservice.NotConnected;
042:        import org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfservice.PackageAdministration;
043:        import org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfservice.PackageHasActiveProcesses;
044:        import org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfservice.PackageInUse;
045:        import org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfservice.ParticipantMap;
046:        import org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfservice.ParticipantMappingAdministration;
047:        import org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfservice.RepositoryMgr;
048:        import org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfservice.SharkConnection;
049:        import org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfservice.UserGroupAdministration;
050:        import org.pentaho.core.session.IPentahoSession;
051:        import org.pentaho.core.system.PentahoSystem;
052:        import org.pentaho.core.util.DatasourceHelper;
053:        import org.pentaho.messages.Messages;
054:        import org.pentaho.messages.util.LocaleHelper;
055:        import org.pentaho.util.logging.Logger;
057:        public class SharkManager {
059:            private boolean sharkConfigured = false;
061:            private String sessionUser = null;
063:            private String sessionPwd = null;
065:            private String sessionGroup = null;
067:            private String engineName = "pentaho_shark"; //$NON-NLS-1$
069:            private IPentahoSession session = null;
071:            private static final boolean debug = PentahoSystem.debug;
073:            public static final String VARIABLE_TO_PROCESS_UPDATE = "VariableToProcess_UPDATE"; //$NON-NLS-1$
075:            public static final String VARIABLE_TO_PROCESS_VIEW = "VariableToProcess_VIEW"; //$NON-NLS-1$
077:            public static final String VARIABLE_TO_PROCESS_ALL = "VariableToProcess_ALL"; //$NON-NLS-1$
079:            public static final String SHARK_MANAGER = "SharkManager"; //$NON-NLS-1$
081:            public static String externalRepositoryPath = File.separator
082:                    + "repository" + File.separator + "external"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
084:            /**
085:             * 
086:             */
087:            public SharkManager(IPentahoSession session) {
088:                this .session = session;
089:                try {
090:                    init(PentahoSystem.getApplicationContext().getSolutionPath(
091:                            "system/shark")); //$NON-NLS-1$
092:                } catch (Exception e) {
093:                    Logger
094:                            .error(
095:                                    SharkManager.class.getName(),
096:                                    Messages
097:                                            .getErrorString("SharkManager.ERROR_0016_INITIALIZING_WORKFLOW_ENGINE"), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
098:                }
099:            }
101:            public static SharkManager getInstance(IPentahoSession session) {
102:                SharkManager manager = (SharkManager) session
103:                        .getAttribute(SHARK_MANAGER);
104:                if (manager == null) {
105:                    manager = new SharkManager(session);
106:                    session.setAttribute(SHARK_MANAGER, manager);
107:                }
108:                return manager;
109:            }
111:            /**
112:             * @param path
113:             *            canonical path prefix to the Shark configuration file
114:             */
115:            private void init(String path) throws BaseException {
117:                if (!sharkConfigured) {
119:                    // TODO: Not where we will get userid and pass in future - JOSSO
120:                    // goes here...
121:                    String userId = PentahoSystem
122:                            .getSystemSetting(
123:                                    "shark/shark.xml", "workflow-shark/workflow-shark-user-id", null); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
124:                    String password = PentahoSystem
125:                            .getSystemSetting(
126:                                    "shark/shark.xml", "workflow-shark/workflow-shark-password", null); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
127:                    String group = PentahoSystem
128:                            .getSystemSetting(
129:                                    "shark/shark.xml", "workflow-shark/workflow-shark-group", null); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
131:                    if ((null == userId) || (null == password)) {
132:                        Logger
133:                                .error(
134:                                        SharkManager.class.getName(),
135:                                        Messages
136:                                                .getErrorString("SharkManager.ERROR_0017_NO_SHARK.XML_FILE")); //$NON-NLS-1$
137:                        throw new BaseException(
138:                                Messages
139:                                        .getErrorString("SharkManager.ERROR_0017_NO_SHARK.XML_FILE")); //$NON-NLS-1$
140:                    }
141:                    sessionUser = userId;
142:                    sessionPwd = password;
143:                    sessionGroup = group;
145:                    Properties p = new Properties();
147:                    try {
148:                        p.load(new FileInputStream(path + "/conf/Shark.conf")); //$NON-NLS-1$
149:                        path = path.replaceAll("\\\\", "/"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
151:                    } catch (Exception e) {
152:                        Logger
153:                                .error(
154:                                        SharkManager.class.getName(),
155:                                        Messages
156:                                                .getErrorString("SharkManager.ERROR_0001_ERROR_IN_SHARK_CONF_SETTING"), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
157:                        throw new BaseException(e);
158:                    }
160:                    // Engine name must be unique per client session...
161:                    p
162:                            .setProperty(
163:                                    "enginename", new StringBuffer(engineName).append("_").append(session.getId()).toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
165:                    // Must have absolute paths for the following properties in order
166:                    // for Shark
167:                    // to initialize properly - modify on startup to append absolute
168:                    // path
169:                    String prop = null;
170:                    String key = null;
171:                    Enumeration keys = p.keys();
173:                    // Property values that start with ../ will be replaced with the
174:                    // absolute path
175:                    while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
176:                        key = (String) keys.nextElement();
177:                        prop = p.getProperty(key);
178:                        if (prop.startsWith("..", 0)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
179:                            prop = prop.replaceFirst("..", path); //$NON-NLS-1$
180:                            p.setProperty(key, prop);
181:                        }
182:                    }
184:                    key = "DatabaseManager.ConfigurationDir"; //$NON-NLS-1$
185:                    prop = p.getProperty(key);
186:                    if (prop != null && prop.equalsIgnoreCase("dods")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
187:                        p.setProperty(key, path + "/conf/" + prop); //$NON-NLS-1$
188:                    }
190:                    key = "EXTERNAL_PACKAGES_REPOSITORY"; //$NON-NLS-1$
191:                    prop = p.getProperty(key);
192:                    if (prop != null) {
193:                        // make sure that this path is canonical, some things wont work
194:                        // otherwise
195:                        File tmpFile = new File(prop);
196:                        if (tmpFile.exists()) {
197:                            try {
198:                                prop = tmpFile.getCanonicalPath();
199:                            } catch (IOException e) {
201:                            }
202:                        }
203:                        externalRepositoryPath = prop; // this will be in the form
204:                        // c:/shark/external/repository
205:                        p.setProperty(key, externalRepositoryPath);
206:                    }
208:                    // Set up the JNDI string appropriately for container
209:                    String jndiForShark = "java:/Shark"; //$NON-NLS-1$
210:                    try {
211:                        jndiForShark = DatasourceHelper.getDSBoundName("Shark"); //$NON-NLS-1$
212:                        key = "DatabaseManager.DB.sharkdb.Connection.DataSourceName"; //$NON-NLS-1$
213:                        if ((p.getProperty(key) != null)
214:                                && (jndiForShark != null)) {
215:                            p.setProperty(key, jndiForShark);
216:                        }
217:                    } catch (Exception e) {
218:                        Logger
219:                                .error(
220:                                        SharkManager.class.getName(),
221:                                        Messages
222:                                                .getString("SharkManager.ERROR_FAILED_TO_SET_JNDI")); //$NON-NLS-1$
223:                    }
225:                    Shark.configure(p);
226:                    sharkConfigured = true;
227:                }
228:                user();
229:            }
231:            public String getExternalRepositoryPath() {
232:                return externalRepositoryPath;
233:            }
235:            private void user() {
236:                createNewUser(sessionUser, sessionUser, sessionUser,
237:                        "", sessionPwd, sessionGroup); //$NON-NLS-1$
238:            }
240:            public void createNewUser(String name, String first, String last,
241:                    String email, String password, String group) {
242:                UserGroupAdministration uga = Shark.getInstance()
243:                        .getAdminInterface().getUserGroupAdministration();
244:                try {
245:                    if (!uga.doesGroupExist(group)) {
246:                        uga.createGroup(group, group);
247:                    }
248:                    if (!uga.doesUserExist(name)) {
249:                        uga.createUser(group, name, password, first, last,
250:                                email);
251:                    }
252:                    if (!uga.doesUserBelongToGroup(group, name)) {
253:                        uga.addUserToGroup(group, name);
254:                    }
255:                } catch (Throwable t) {
256:                    Logger
257:                            .error(
258:                                    SharkManager.class.getName(),
259:                                    Messages
260:                                            .getErrorString(
261:                                                    "SharkManager.ERROR_0002_COULD_NOT_CREATE_USER_OR_GROUP", name), t); //$NON-NLS-1$
262:                }
264:            }
266:            public void MapParticipant(String userName, String packageId,
267:                    String participantId) {
268:                ParticipantMappingAdministration pma = Shark.getInstance()
269:                        .getAdminInterface()
270:                        .getParticipantMappingAdministration();
271:                try {
272:                    ParticipantMap pm = pma.createParticipantMap();
274:                    pm.setPackageId(packageId);
275:                    pm.setParticipantId(participantId);
276:                    pm.setUsername(userName);
278:                    pma.addParticipantMapping(pm);
279:                } catch (Throwable t) {
280:                    Logger
281:                            .error(
282:                                    SharkManager.class.getName(),
283:                                    Messages
284:                                            .getErrorString(
285:                                                    "SharkManager.ERROR_0003_COULD_NOT_CREATE_USER_MAPPING", userName), t); //$NON-NLS-1$
286:                }
288:            }
290:            public String LoadPackage(String xpdlName) throws BaseException {
292:                if (debug)
293:                    Logger
294:                            .debug(
295:                                    SharkManager.class.getName(),
296:                                    Messages
297:                                            .getString(
298:                                                    "SharkManager.DEBUG_LOADING_PACKAGE", xpdlName)); //$NON-NLS-1$
300:                PackageAdministration pa = Shark.getInstance()
301:                        .getAdminInterface().getPackageAdministration();
302:                RepositoryMgr rm = Shark.getInstance().getRepositoryManager();
303:                String pkgId = rm.getPackageId(xpdlName);
304:                // load is only for new packages - use update
305:                if (!pa.isPackageOpened(pkgId)) {
306:                    try {
307:                        pa.openPackage(xpdlName);
308:                    } catch (Throwable e) {
309:                        Logger
310:                                .error(
311:                                        SharkManager.class.getName(),
312:                                        Messages
313:                                                .getErrorString(
314:                                                        "SharkManager.ERROR_0004_COULD_NOT_LOAD_PACKAGE", xpdlName), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
315:                        throw new BaseException(e);
316:                    }
317:                }
318:                return rm.getPackageId(xpdlName);
319:            }
321:            public boolean isPackageLoaded(String xpdlName) {
322:                boolean is = false;
323:                try {
325:                    PackageAdministration pa = Shark.getInstance()
326:                            .getAdminInterface().getPackageAdministration();
327:                    RepositoryMgr rm = Shark.getInstance()
328:                            .getRepositoryManager();
329:                    String pkgId = rm.getPackageId(xpdlName);
330:                    is = (null != pkgId) && (pa.isPackageOpened(pkgId));
332:                } catch (Exception e) {
333:                    // log it, then throw it away
334:                    Logger
335:                            .error(
336:                                    SharkManager.class.getName(),
337:                                    Messages
338:                                            .getErrorString(
339:                                                    "SharkManager.ERROR_0005_IS_PACKAGE_LOADED_ERROR", xpdlName), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
340:                }
341:                return is;
342:            }
344:            public void startProcess(String mgrName, String user,
345:                    String password, Map processVars) throws BaseException {
347:                SharkConnection sConn = null;
348:                sConn = Shark.getInstance().getSharkConnection();
350:                try {
351:                    String pkgId = Shark.getInstance().getAdminInterface()
352:                            .getAdminMisc().getProcessMgrPkgId(mgrName);
353:                    String pDefId = Shark.getInstance().getAdminInterface()
354:                            .getAdminMisc().getProcessMgrProcDefId(mgrName);
356:                    sConn.connect(user, password, engineName, null);
357:                    WfProcess process = sConn.createProcess(pkgId, pDefId);
359:                    // get the list of context variables for the process
360:                    Set parameterNames = process.process_context().keySet();
361:                    Iterator parameterNameIterator = parameterNames.iterator();
362:                    // for each variable, see if we can provide a value for it
363:                    while (parameterNameIterator.hasNext()) {
364:                        String parameterName = (String) parameterNameIterator
365:                                .next();
366:                        String value = (String) processVars.get(parameterName);
367:                        if (value != null) {
368:                            processSetVariable(process, parameterName, value);
369:                        }
370:                    }
371:                    process.start();
372:                    sConn.disconnect();
374:                } catch (Exception e) {
375:                    Logger
376:                            .error(
377:                                    SharkManager.class.getName(),
378:                                    Messages
379:                                            .getErrorString(
380:                                                    "SharkManager.ERROR_0006_COULD_NOT_START_PROCESS", mgrName), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
381:                    throw new BaseException(e);
382:                }
383:            }
385:            public void startProcess(String mgrName) throws BaseException {
386:                SharkConnection sConn = null;
387:                sConn = Shark.getInstance().getSharkConnection();
388:                try {
389:                    String pkgId = Shark.getInstance().getAdminInterface()
390:                            .getAdminMisc().getProcessMgrPkgId(mgrName);
391:                    String pDefId = Shark.getInstance().getAdminInterface()
392:                            .getAdminMisc().getProcessMgrProcDefId(mgrName);
394:                    sConn.connect(sessionUser, sessionPwd, engineName, null);
395:                    sConn.createProcess(pkgId, pDefId).start();
396:                    sConn.disconnect();
397:                } catch (Exception e) {
398:                    Logger
399:                            .error(
400:                                    SharkManager.class.getName(),
401:                                    Messages
402:                                            .getErrorString(
403:                                                    "SharkManager.ERROR_0006_COULD_NOT_START_PROCESS", mgrName), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
404:                    throw new BaseException(e);
405:                }
406:            }
408:            public void startProcess(String pkgId, String pDefId)
409:                    throws BaseException {
410:                if (debug)
411:                    Logger
412:                            .debug(
413:                                    SharkManager.class.getName(),
414:                                    Messages
415:                                            .getString(
416:                                                    "SharkManager.DEBUG_PROCESS_START_2", pkgId, pDefId)); //$NON-NLS-1$
418:                SharkConnection sConn = null;
419:                sConn = Shark.getInstance().getSharkConnection();
420:                try {
421:                    sConn.connect(sessionUser, sessionPwd, engineName, null);
422:                    sConn.createProcess(pkgId, pDefId).start();
423:                    sConn.disconnect();
424:                } catch (Exception e) {
425:                    Logger
426:                            .error(
427:                                    SharkManager.class.getName(),
428:                                    Messages
429:                                            .getErrorString(
430:                                                    "SharkManager.ERROR_0007_COULD_NOT_START_PROCESS", pkgId, pDefId), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
431:                    throw new BaseException(e);
432:                }
433:            }
435:            public boolean unloadPackage(String xpdlName)
436:                    throws PackageHasActiveProcesses, PackageInUse,
437:                    BaseException {
438:                boolean succeeded = false;
439:                PackageAdministration pa = Shark.getInstance()
440:                        .getAdminInterface().getPackageAdministration();
441:                RepositoryMgr rm = Shark.getInstance().getRepositoryManager();
442:                ExecutionAdministration ea = Shark.getInstance()
443:                        .getAdminInterface().getExecutionAdministration();
444:                String pkgId = rm.getPackageId(xpdlName);
446:                if ((null != pkgId) && (pa.isPackageOpened(pkgId))) {
447:                    if (pa.isPackageReferenced(pkgId)) {
448:                        // skip it... we'll try again after deleting the offending
449:                        // referencer....
450:                    } else if (packageHasRunningProcesses(pkgId)) {
451:                        Logger
452:                                .warn(
453:                                        SharkManager.class.getName(),
454:                                        Messages
455:                                                .getString(
456:                                                        "SharkManager.WARN_PACKAGE_NOT_CLOSED", pkgId)); //$NON-NLS-1$
457:                    } else {
458:                        try {
459:                            ea.connect(sessionUser, sessionPwd, engineName,
460:                                    null);
461:                            ea.deleteClosedProcesses(pkgId);
462:                        } catch (Exception e) {
463:                            Logger
464:                                    .error(
465:                                            SharkManager.class.getName(),
466:                                            Messages
467:                                                    .getErrorString(
468:                                                            "SharkManager.ERROR_0008_COULD_NOT_UNLOAD_PACKAGE", xpdlName), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
469:                        }
471:                        pa.closePackage(pkgId);
472:                        succeeded = true;
473:                    }
474:                }
475:                return succeeded;
476:            }
478:            public boolean deleteCompletedProcesses() {
479:                boolean succeeded = false;
480:                ExecutionAdministration ea = Shark.getInstance()
481:                        .getAdminInterface().getExecutionAdministration();
482:                try {
483:                    ea.connect(sessionUser, sessionPwd, engineName, null);
484:                    ea.deleteClosedProcesses();
485:                    succeeded = true;
486:                } catch (Exception e) {
487:                    Logger
488:                            .error(
489:                                    SharkManager.class.getName(),
490:                                    Messages
491:                                            .getErrorString("SharkManager.ERROR_0009_COULD_NOT_DELETE_COMPLETED_PROCESSES"), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
492:                } finally {
493:                    try {
494:                        ea.disconnect();
495:                    } catch (Exception e) {
496:                    }
497:                }
498:                return succeeded;
499:            }
501:            public boolean isProcessRunning(String pkgId, String pDefId)
502:                    throws BaseException {
503:                boolean isRunning = false;
505:                if (debug)
506:                    Logger
507:                            .debug(
508:                                    SharkManager.class.getName(),
509:                                    Messages
510:                                            .getString(
511:                                                    "SharkManager.DEBUG_IS_PROCESS_RUNNING", pkgId, pDefId)); //$NON-NLS-1$
512:                ExecutionAdministration ea = Shark.getInstance()
513:                        .getAdminInterface().getExecutionAdministration();
515:                try {
516:                    ea.connect(sessionUser, sessionPwd, engineName, null);
517:                    WfProcessMgr pMgr = ea.getProcessMgr(pkgId, pDefId);
518:                    // TODO: need to account for closed processes that have not been
519:                    // deleted.
520:                    if (debug)
521:                        Logger
522:                                .debug(
523:                                        SharkManager.class.getName(),
524:                                        Messages
525:                                                .getString(
526:                                                        "SharkManager.DEBUG_NUMBER_PROCESSES", pkgId, pDefId, String.valueOf(pMgr.how_many_process()))); //$NON-NLS-1$ 
527:                    isRunning = (pMgr.how_many_process() > 0);
529:                    /*
530:                     * ProcessIteratorExpressionBuilder peb =
531:                     * Shark.getInstance().getExpressionBuilderManager().getProcessIteratorExpressionBuilder();
532:                     * peb.addPackageIdEquals(pkgId); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
533:                     * WfProcessIterator pit = pMgr.get_iterator_process();
534:                     * pit.set_query_expression(peb.toExpression());
535:                     * 
536:                     * if (debug) Logger.debug( SharkManager.class.getName(),
537:                     * Messages.getString("SharkManager.DEBUG_PROCESS_RUNNING_COUNT",
538:                     * Integer.toString(pit.how_many()),
539:                     * Integer.toString(pit.get_next_n_sequence(0).length) ));
540:                     * //$NON-NLS-1$ if ( pit.get_next_n_sequence(1).length != 0){
541:                     * isRunning = true; }
542:                     * 
543:                     */
544:                } catch (Exception e) {
545:                    e.printStackTrace();
546:                    Logger
547:                            .error(
548:                                    SharkManager.class.getName(),
549:                                    Messages
550:                                            .getErrorString(
551:                                                    "SharkManager.ERROR_0010_IS_PROCESS_RUNNING_ERROR", pkgId, pDefId), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
552:                    throw new BaseException(e);
553:                } finally {
554:                    try {
555:                        ea.disconnect();
556:                    } catch (Exception e) {
557:                    }
558:                }
559:                return isRunning;
560:            }
562:            public void completeActivity(SharkConnection sConn,
563:                    String activityId) {
564:                try {
565:                    if (null != activityId) {
566:                        try {
567:                            WfAssignment a = getAssignment(sConn, activityId);
569:                            if (!isMine(a))
570:                                acceptAssignment(a);
572:                            a.activity().complete();
574:                        } catch (Exception e) {
575:                            Logger
576:                                    .error(
577:                                            SharkManager.class.getName(),
578:                                            Messages
579:                                                    .getErrorString(
580:                                                            "SharkManager.ERROR_0011_ACTIVITY_COMPLETE_ERROR", activityId), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
581:                            throw new BaseException(e);
582:                        }
583:                    }
584:                } catch (BaseException e) {
585:                    Logger
586:                            .error(
587:                                    SharkManager.class.getName(),
588:                                    Messages
589:                                            .getErrorString(
590:                                                    "SharkManager.ERROR_0011_ACTIVITY_COMPLETE_ERROR", activityId), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
591:                }
592:            }
594:            public boolean isMine(SharkConnection sConn, String activityId)
595:                    throws BaseException {
596:                WfAssignment a = getAssignment(sConn, activityId);
597:                return isMine(a);
598:            }
600:            public boolean isMine(WfAssignment a) throws BaseException {
601:                return a.get_accepted_status();
602:            }
604:            public void acceptAssignment(SharkConnection sConn,
605:                    String activityId) throws CannotAcceptSuspended,
606:                    BaseException {
607:                acceptAssignment(getAssignment(sConn, activityId));
608:            }
610:            private void acceptAssignment(WfAssignment a)
611:                    throws CannotAcceptSuspended, BaseException {
612:                a.set_accepted_status(true);
613:            }
615:            public WfAssignment getAssignment(SharkConnection sConn,
616:                    String activityId) throws BaseException {
617:                try {
618:                    WfAssignment[] ar = sConn.getResourceObject()
619:                            .get_sequence_work_item(0);
620:                    for (int i = 0; i < ar.length; ++i) {
621:                        if (activityId.equals(ar[i].activity().key())) {
622:                            return ar[i];
623:                        }
624:                    }
625:                    throw new BaseException(
626:                            Messages
627:                                    .getErrorString(
628:                                            "SharkManager.ERROR_00017_ACTIVITY_NOT_IN_WORKLIST", activityId, sConn.getResourceObject().resource_key())); //$NON-NLS-1$
629:                } catch (Exception e) {
630:                    Logger
631:                            .error(
632:                                    SharkManager.class.getName(),
633:                                    Messages
634:                                            .getErrorString(
635:                                                    "SharkManager.ERROR_0012_GET_ASSIGNMENT_ERROR", activityId), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
636:                    throw new BaseException(e);
637:                }
638:            }
640:            public SharkConnection connect() throws ConnectFailed,
641:                    BaseException {
642:                return connect(sessionUser, sessionPwd);
643:            }
645:            public SharkConnection connect(String user, String passwd)
646:                    throws ConnectFailed, BaseException {
647:                if (debug)
648:                    Logger.debug(SharkManager.class.getName(), Messages
649:                            .getString("SharkManager.DEBUG_CONNECT")); //$NON-NLS-1$
650:                SharkConnection sConn = Shark.getInstance()
651:                        .getSharkConnection();
652:                sConn.connect(user, passwd, engineName, null);
653:                return sConn;
654:            }
656:            public void disconnect(SharkConnection sConn) throws NotConnected,
657:                    BaseException {
658:                if (debug)
659:                    Logger.debug(SharkManager.class.getName(), Messages
660:                            .getString("SharkManager.DEBUG_DISCONNECT")); //$NON-NLS-1$
661:                sConn.disconnect();
662:            }
664:            public String[] getAllUsers() throws BaseException {
665:                UserGroupAdministration uga = Shark.getInstance()
666:                        .getAdminInterface().getUserGroupAdministration();
667:                return uga.getAllUsers();
668:            }
670:            public String getUserRealName(String uname) throws BaseException {
671:                UserGroupAdministration uga = Shark.getInstance()
672:                        .getAdminInterface().getUserGroupAdministration();
673:                return uga.getUserRealName(uname);
674:            }
676:            public String getUserEMailAddress(String uname)
677:                    throws BaseException {
678:                UserGroupAdministration uga = Shark.getInstance()
679:                        .getAdminInterface().getUserGroupAdministration();
680:                return uga.getUserEMailAddress(uname);
681:            }
683:            public void setVariable(SharkConnection sConn, String activityId,
684:                    String vName, String vValue) throws BaseException,
685:                    InvalidData {
687:                WfAssignment a = getAssignment(sConn, activityId);
689:                if (!isMine(a))
690:                    throw new BaseException(
691:                            Messages
692:                                    .getErrorString(
693:                                            "SharkManager.ERROR_0013_NOT_ACTIVITY_OWNER", activityId)); //$NON-NLS-1$
694:                Map _m = new HashMap();
695:                Object c = a.activity().process_context().get(vName);
696:                if (c instanceof  Long) {
697:                    c = new Long(vValue);
698:                } else if (c instanceof  Boolean) {
699:                    c = Boolean.valueOf(vValue);
700:                } else if (c instanceof  Double) {
701:                    c = Double.valueOf(vValue);
702:                } else {
703:                    c = vValue;
704:                }
705:                _m.put(vName, c);
706:                a.activity().set_result(_m);
707:            }
709:            public void processSetVariable(WfProcess process, String vName,
710:                    String vValue) throws BaseException, UpdateNotAllowed,
711:                    InvalidData {
713:                Map _m = new HashMap();
714:                Object c = process.process_context().get(vName);
715:                if (c instanceof  Long) {
716:                    c = new Long(vValue);
717:                } else if (c instanceof  Boolean) {
718:                    c = Boolean.valueOf(vValue);
719:                } else if (c instanceof  Double) {
720:                    c = Double.valueOf(vValue);
721:                } else {
722:                    c = vValue;
723:                }
724:                _m.put(vName, c);
725:                process.set_process_context(_m);
726:            }
728:            public String[] xpdlsAvailableToLoad() {
729:                try {
730:                    return Shark.getInstance().getRepositoryManager()
731:                            .getPackagePaths();
732:                } catch (BaseException e) {
733:                    Logger
734:                            .error(
735:                                    SharkManager.class.getName(),
736:                                    Messages
737:                                            .getErrorString("SharkManager.ERROR_0020_RETRIEVEING_PACKAGE_NAMES"), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
738:                    return new String[] {};
739:                }
740:            }
742:            public String[] processesToStart() {
743:                ExecutionAdministration ea = null;
744:                try {
745:                    ea = Shark.getInstance().getAdminInterface()
746:                            .getExecutionAdministration();
747:                    ea.connect(sessionUser, sessionPwd, engineName, null);
748:                    WfProcessMgr[] a = ea.get_iterator_processmgr()
749:                            .get_next_n_sequence(0);
750:                    String[] ret = new String[a.length];
751:                    for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
752:                        String n = a[i].name();
753:                        if (debug)
754:                            Logger
755:                                    .debug(
756:                                            SharkManager.class.getName(),
757:                                            Messages
758:                                                    .getString(
759:                                                            "SharkManager.DEBUG_PROCESS_TO_START", n)); //$NON-NLS-1$
760:                        ret[i] = n;
761:                    }
762:                    return ret;
763:                } catch (Exception e) {
764:                    Logger
765:                            .error(
766:                                    SharkManager.class.getName(),
767:                                    Messages
768:                                            .getErrorString("SharkManager.ERROR_00014_IN_PROCESS_TO_START"), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
769:                } finally {
770:                    try {
771:                        ea.disconnect();
772:                    } catch (BaseException e) {
773:                    } catch (NotConnected e) {
774:                    }
775:                }
776:                return new String[] {};
777:            }
779:            public boolean packageHasRunningProcesses(String pkgId) {
780:                boolean ret = false;
781:                ArrayList processes = getProcessesForPackage(pkgId);
783:                if ((null == processes) || (processes.isEmpty()))
784:                    return ret;
786:                for (int i = 0; i < processes.size(); i++) {
787:                    try {
788:                        if (isProcessRunning(pkgId, (String) processes.get(i))) {
789:                            if (debug)
790:                                Logger
791:                                        .debug(
792:                                                SharkManager.class.getName(),
793:                                                Messages
794:                                                        .getString("SharkManager.DEBUG_RUNNING_PROCESS") + (String) processes.get(i)); //$NON-NLS-1$
795:                            ret = true;
796:                            break;
797:                        }
798:                    } catch (Exception e) {
799:                        Logger
800:                                .error(
801:                                        SharkManager.class.getName(),
802:                                        Messages
803:                                                .getErrorString("SharkManager.ERROR_0021_PACKAGE_HAS_RUNNING_PROCESSES"), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
804:                    }
805:                }
806:                return ret;
807:            }
809:            public ArrayList getProcessesForPackage(String pkgId) {
810:                ExecutionAdministration ea = null;
811:                String pkg = null;
812:                String def = null;
813:                ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();
815:                try {
816:                    ea = Shark.getInstance().getAdminInterface()
817:                            .getExecutionAdministration();
818:                    ea.connect(sessionUser, sessionPwd, engineName, null);
819:                    WfProcessMgr[] a = ea.get_iterator_processmgr()
820:                            .get_next_n_sequence(0);
822:                    for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
823:                        String n = a[i].name();
825:                        pkg = Shark.getInstance().getAdminInterface()
826:                                .getAdminMisc().getProcessMgrPkgId(n);
827:                        def = Shark.getInstance().getAdminInterface()
828:                                .getAdminMisc().getProcessMgrProcDefId(n);
830:                        if (pkg.equalsIgnoreCase(pkgId)) {
831:                            if (debug)
832:                                Logger
833:                                        .debug(
834:                                                SharkManager.class.getName(),
835:                                                Messages
836:                                                        .getString("SharkManager.DEBUG_PROCESSES_FOR_PACKAGE") + pkgId + ", " + def); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
837:                            ret.add(def);
838:                        }
840:                    }
841:                } catch (Exception e) {
842:                    Logger
843:                            .error(
844:                                    SharkManager.class.getName(),
845:                                    Messages
846:                                            .getErrorString("SharkManager.ERROR_0022_GET_PROCESSES_FOR_PACKAGE"), e); //$NON-NLS-1$
847:                    ret = null;
848:                } finally {
849:                    try {
850:                        ea.disconnect();
851:                    } catch (BaseException e) {
852:                    } catch (NotConnected e) {
853:                    }
854:                }
855:                return ret;
856:            }
858:            /**
859:             * Gets the context for the given activity that could be updated, viewed by
860:             * the user, or all activity context. The context is determined based on
861:             * activities extended attributes.
862:             */
863:            public Map getActivityContext(Map contextToSearch, WfActivity act,
864:                    String type) {
865:                String[][] extAttribs = null;
866:                try {
867:                    extAttribs = Shark.getInstance().getAdminInterface()
868:                            .getAdminMisc()
869:                            .getActivitiesExtendedAttributeNameValuePairs(
870:                                    act.container().key(), act.key());
871:                } catch (Exception ex) {
872:                }
874:                Map updateContext = new LinkedHashMap();
875:                if (extAttribs != null) {
876:                    for (int i = 0; i < extAttribs.length; i++) {
877:                        String eaName = extAttribs[i][0];
878:                        if (type.equals(VARIABLE_TO_PROCESS_ALL)) {
879:                            if (eaName
880:                                    .equalsIgnoreCase(VARIABLE_TO_PROCESS_UPDATE)
881:                                    || eaName
882:                                            .equalsIgnoreCase(VARIABLE_TO_PROCESS_VIEW)) {
883:                                String variableId = extAttribs[i][1];
884:                                if (contextToSearch.containsKey(variableId)) {
885:                                    updateContext.put(variableId,
886:                                            contextToSearch.get(variableId));
887:                                }
888:                            }
889:                        } else {
890:                            if (eaName.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
891:                                String variableId = extAttribs[i][1];
892:                                if (contextToSearch.containsKey(variableId)) {
893:                                    updateContext.put(variableId,
894:                                            contextToSearch.get(variableId));
895:                                }
896:                            }
897:                        }
898:                    }
899:                }
901:                return updateContext;
902:            }
904:            /**
905:             * Gets pentaho extended attribute XML nodes
906:             * 
907:             */
908:            public String getPentahoXML(WfActivity act) {
910:                String extAttribs = null;
911:                StringBuffer b = null;
912:                try {
913:                    extAttribs = Shark.getInstance().getAdminInterface()
914:                            .getAdminMisc().getActivitiesExtendedAttributes(
915:                                    act.container().key(), act.key());
916:                    b = new StringBuffer()
917:                            .append(
918:                                    "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" + LocaleHelper.getSystemEncoding() + "\"?>").append( //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
919:                                    "<pho:snippet xmlns:xf=\"\"  xmlns:pho=\"\">") //$NON-NLS-1$
920:                            .append(extAttribs).append("</pho:snippet>"); //$NON-NLS-1$
921:                } catch (Exception ex) {
922:                    b = null;
923:                }
925:                return b != null ? b.toString() : null;
926:            }
927:        } | Contact Us
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