001: /*
002: * Autoload.java
003: *
004: * Copyright (C) 2003 Peter Graves
005: * $Id: Autoload.java,v 1.7 2003/11/15 11:03:34 beedlem Exp $
006: *
007: * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
008: * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
009: * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
010: * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
011: *
012: * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
013: * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
015: * GNU General Public License for more details.
016: *
017: * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
018: * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
019: * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
020: */
022: package org.armedbear.lisp;
024: public class Autoload extends Function {
025: protected final Symbol symbol;
026: protected final String fileName;
027: protected final String className;
029: protected Autoload(Symbol symbol) {
030: this .symbol = symbol;
031: fileName = null;
032: className = null;
033: }
035: protected Autoload(Symbol symbol, String fileName, String className) {
036: this .symbol = symbol;
037: this .fileName = fileName;
038: this .className = className;
039: }
041: public static void autoload(String symbolName, String className) {
042: autoload(PACKAGE_CL, symbolName, className);
043: }
045: public static void autoload(Package pkg, String symbolName,
046: String className) {
047: autoload(pkg, symbolName, className, false);
048: }
050: public static void autoload(Package pkg, String symbolName,
051: String className, boolean exported) {
052: Symbol symbol = intern(symbolName.toUpperCase(), pkg);
053: if (pkg != PACKAGE_CL && exported) {
054: try {
055: pkg.export(symbol);
056: } catch (ConditionThrowable t) {
057: Debug.assertTrue(false);
058: }
059: }
060: symbol.setSymbolFunction(new Autoload(symbol, null,
061: "org.armedbear.lisp.".concat(className)));
062: }
064: public void load() throws ConditionThrowable {
065: if (className != null) {
066: final LispThread thread = LispThread.currentThread();
067: final Environment oldDynEnv = thread
068: .getDynamicEnvironment();
069: int loadDepth = Fixnum.getInt(_LOAD_DEPTH_.symbolValue());
070: thread.bindSpecial(_LOAD_DEPTH_, new Fixnum(++loadDepth));
071: try {
072: if (_AUTOLOAD_VERBOSE_.symbolValueNoThrow() != NIL) {
073: final String prefix = Load
074: .getLoadVerbosePrefix(loadDepth);
075: CharacterOutputStream out = getStandardOutput();
076: out.writeString(prefix);
077: out.writeString(" Autoloading ");
078: out.writeString(className);
079: out.writeLine(" ...");
080: out.flushOutput();
081: long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
082: Class.forName(className);
083: long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
084: out.writeString(prefix);
085: out.writeString(" Autoloaded ");
086: out.writeString(className);
087: out.writeString(" (");
088: out.writeString(String
089: .valueOf(((float) elapsed) / 1000));
090: out.writeLine(" seconds)");
091: out.flushOutput();
092: } else
093: Class.forName(className);
094: } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
095: e.printStackTrace();
096: } finally {
097: thread.setDynamicEnvironment(oldDynEnv);
098: }
099: } else
100: Load._load(getFileName(), true);
101: }
103: public final Symbol getSymbol() {
104: return symbol;
105: }
107: protected final String getFileName() {
108: if (fileName != null)
109: return fileName;
110: return symbol.getName().toLowerCase().concat(".lisp");
111: }
113: public final int getFunctionalType() {
114: return FTYPE_AUTOLOAD;
115: }
117: public String toString() {
118: StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("#<AUTOLOAD ");
119: sb.append(symbol);
120: sb.append(" \"");
121: sb.append(getFileName());
122: sb.append("\">");
123: return sb.toString();
124: }
126: private static final Primitive AUTOLOAD = new Primitive("autoload",
127: PACKAGE_EXT, true) {
128: public LispObject execute(LispObject first)
129: throws ConditionThrowable {
130: if (first instanceof Symbol) {
131: Symbol symbol = (Symbol) first;
132: symbol.setSymbolFunction(new Autoload(symbol));
133: return T;
134: }
135: if (first instanceof Cons) {
136: for (LispObject list = first; list != NIL; list = list
137: .cdr()) {
138: Symbol symbol = checkSymbol(list.car());
139: symbol.setSymbolFunction(new Autoload(symbol));
140: }
141: return T;
142: }
143: throw new ConditionThrowable(new TypeError(first));
144: }
146: public LispObject execute(LispObject first, LispObject second)
147: throws ConditionThrowable {
148: final String fileName = LispString.getValue(second);
149: if (first instanceof Symbol) {
150: Symbol symbol = (Symbol) first;
151: symbol.setSymbolFunction(new Autoload(symbol, fileName,
152: null));
153: return T;
154: }
155: if (first instanceof Cons) {
156: for (LispObject list = first; list != NIL; list = list
157: .cdr()) {
158: Symbol symbol = checkSymbol(list.car());
159: symbol.setSymbolFunction(new Autoload(symbol,
160: fileName, null));
161: }
162: return T;
163: }
164: throw new ConditionThrowable(new TypeError(first));
165: }
166: };
168: // ### resolve
169: // Force autoload to be resolved.
170: private static final Primitive1 RESOLVE = new Primitive1("resolve",
171: PACKAGE_EXT, true) {
172: public LispObject execute(LispObject arg)
173: throws ConditionThrowable {
174: Symbol symbol = checkSymbol(arg);
175: LispObject fun = symbol.getSymbolFunction();
176: if (fun instanceof Autoload) {
177: Autoload autoload = (Autoload) fun;
178: autoload.load();
179: return autoload.getSymbol().getSymbolFunction();
180: }
181: return fun;
182: }
183: };
185: private static final Primitive1 AUTOLOADP = new Primitive1(
186: "autoloadp", PACKAGE_EXT, true) {
187: public LispObject execute(LispObject arg)
188: throws ConditionThrowable {
189: if (arg instanceof Symbol) {
190: if (arg.getSymbolFunction() instanceof Autoload)
191: return T;
192: }
193: return NIL;
194: }
195: };
197: static {
198: autoload("array-displacement", "DisplacedArray");
199: autoload("ash", "ash");
200: autoload("atan", "atan");
201: autoload("cell-error-name", "cell_error_name");
202: autoload("char-equal", "CharacterFunctions");
203: autoload("char-greaterp", "CharacterFunctions");
204: autoload("char-lessp", "CharacterFunctions");
205: autoload("char-not-greaterp", "CharacterFunctions");
206: autoload("char-not-lessp", "CharacterFunctions");
207: autoload("char=", "CharacterFunctions");
208: autoload("class-name", "LispClass");
209: autoload("clrhash", "HashTable");
210: autoload("coerce", "coerce");
211: autoload("copy-structure", "StructureObject");
212: autoload("delete-file", "delete_file");
213: autoload("delete-package", "PackageFunctions");
214: autoload("describe", "describe");
215: autoload("directory-namestring", "Pathname");
216: autoload("file-write-date", "Time");
217: autoload("find-class", "LispClass");
218: autoload("get-internal-real-time", "Time");
219: autoload("get-internal-run-time", "Time");
220: autoload("get-output-stream-string", "StringOutputStream");
221: autoload("get-universal-time", "Time");
222: autoload("gethash", "HashTable");
223: autoload("hash-table-count", "HashTable");
224: autoload("hash-table-p", "HashTable");
225: autoload("import", "PackageFunctions");
226: autoload("last", "last");
227: autoload("lisp-implementation-type", "lisp_implementation_type");
228: autoload("lisp-implementation-version",
229: "lisp_implementation_version");
230: autoload("list-all-packages", "PackageFunctions");
231: autoload("logand", "logand");
232: autoload("logandc1", "logandc1");
233: autoload("logandc2", "logandc2");
234: autoload("logbitp", "logbitp");
235: autoload("logcount", "logcount");
236: autoload("logeqv", "logeqv");
237: autoload("logior", "logior");
238: autoload("lognand", "lognand");
239: autoload("lognor", "lognor");
240: autoload("lognot", "lognot");
241: autoload("logorc1", "logorc1");
242: autoload("logorc2", "logorc2");
243: autoload("logtest", "logtest");
244: autoload("logxor", "logxor");
245: autoload("make-string-input-stream", "StringInputStream");
246: autoload("make-string-output-stream", "StringOutputStream");
247: autoload("namestring", "Pathname");
248: autoload("package-name", "PackageFunctions");
249: autoload("package-nicknames", "PackageFunctions");
250: autoload("package-shadowing-symbols", "PackageFunctions");
251: autoload("package-use-list", "PackageFunctions");
252: autoload("package-used-by-list", "PackageFunctions");
253: autoload("packagep", "PackageFunctions");
254: autoload("pathname", "Pathname");
255: autoload("pathnamep", "Pathname");
256: autoload("probe-file", "probe_file");
257: autoload("remhash", "HashTable");
258: autoload("rename-package", "PackageFunctions");
259: autoload("room", "room");
260: autoload("shadow", "PackageFunctions");
261: autoload("shadowing-import", "PackageFunctions");
262: autoload("sxhash", "HashTable");
263: autoload("unexport", "PackageFunctions");
264: autoload("unuse-package", "PackageFunctions");
265: autoload("user-homedir-pathname", "Pathname");
266: autoload(PACKAGE_EXT, "add-class", "LispClass", true);
267: autoload(PACKAGE_EXT, "assq", "assq", true);
268: autoload(PACKAGE_EXT, "classp", "LispClass", true);
269: autoload(PACKAGE_EXT, "file-directory-p", "probe_file", true);
270: autoload(PACKAGE_EXT, "gc", "gc", true);
271: autoload(PACKAGE_EXT, "probe-directory", "probe_file", true);
272: autoload(PACKAGE_JAVA, "%jregister-handler", "JHandler");
273: autoload(PACKAGE_PROF, "%start-profiler", "Profiler", true);
274: autoload(PACKAGE_PROF, "stop-profiler", "Profiler", true);
275: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%define-condition", "define_condition");
276: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%defpackage", "PackageFunctions");
277: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%make-array", "make_array");
278: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%make-condition", "make_condition");
279: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%make-hash-table", "HashTable");
280: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%make-pathname", "Pathname");
281: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%make-structure", "StructureObject");
282: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%nstring-capitalize", "StringFunctions");
283: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%nstring-downcase", "StringFunctions");
284: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%nstring-upcase", "StringFunctions");
285: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%open-input-file", "open");
286: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%open-output-file", "open");
287: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%set-class-direct-methods", "LispClass");
288: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%set-class-direct-slots",
289: "StandardClass");
290: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%set-class-slots", "StandardClass");
291: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS,
292: "%set-generic-function-discriminating-function",
293: "GenericFunction");
294: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%string-capitalize", "StringFunctions");
295: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%string-downcase", "StringFunctions");
296: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%string-equal", "StringFunctions");
297: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%string-greaterp", "StringFunctions");
298: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%string-lessp", "StringFunctions");
299: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%string-not-equal", "StringFunctions");
300: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%string-not-greaterp", "StringFunctions");
301: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%string-not-lessp", "StringFunctions");
302: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%string-upcase", "StringFunctions");
303: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%string/=", "StringFunctions");
304: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%string<", "StringFunctions");
305: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%string<=", "StringFunctions");
306: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%string=", "StringFunctions");
307: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%string>", "StringFunctions");
308: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%string>=", "StringFunctions");
309: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%structure-ref", "StructureObject");
310: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%structure-ref-0", "StructureObject");
311: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%structure-ref-1", "StructureObject");
312: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%structure-ref-2", "StructureObject");
313: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%structure-set", "StructureObject");
314: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%structure-set-0", "StructureObject");
315: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%structure-set-1", "StructureObject");
316: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%structure-set-2", "StructureObject");
317: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "%time", "Time");
318: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "allocate-std-instance", "StandardObject");
319: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "class-direct-methods", "LispClass");
320: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "class-direct-slots", "StandardClass");
321: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "class-slots", "StandardClass");
322: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "default-time-zone", "Time");
323: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS,
324: "generic-function-discriminating-function",
325: "GenericFunction");
326: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "hash-table-entries", "HashTable");
327: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "make-fill-pointer-output-stream",
328: "FillPointerOutputStream");
329: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "make-instance-standard-class",
330: "StandardClass");
331: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "make-structure-class", "StructureClass");
332: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "make-symbol-macro", "SymbolMacro");
333: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "puthash", "HashTable");
334: autoload(PACKAGE_SYS, "std-instance-slots", "StandardObject");
335: }
336: }