Method Summary |
public void | clearWarnings() Clears all warnings reported for this Connection object. |
public void | close() Releases this Connection object's database and JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for them to be automatically released. |
public void | commit() This driver does not support transactions/ DML write operations!
A NotSupportedException is thrown. |
public Statement | createStatement(int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) Creates a Statement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency. |
public Statement | createStatement(int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int resultSetHoldability) Creates a Statement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type, concurrency, and holdability. |
public boolean | getAutoCommit() |
public String | getCatalog() Retrieves this Connection object's current catalog name. |
public int | getHoldability() Retrieves the current holdability of ResultSet objects created using this Connection object. |
public int | getTransactionIsolation() Retrieves this Connection object's current transaction isolation level. |
public Map | getTypeMap() Retrieves the Map object associated with this Connection object. |
public SQLWarning | getWarnings() Retrieves the first warning reported by calls on this Connection object. |
public boolean | isClosed() Retrieves whether this Connection object has been closed. |
public boolean | isReadOnly() Always returns true - this API does not support DML write operations. |
public String | nativeSQL(String sql) |
public CallableStatement | prepareCall(String sql) Creates a CallableStatement object for calling database stored procedures. |
public CallableStatement | prepareCall(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) Creates a CallableStatement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency. |
public CallableStatement | prepareCall(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int resultSetHoldability) Creates a CallableStatement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency. |
public PreparedStatement | prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) Creates a PreparedStatement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency. |
public PreparedStatement | prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency, int resultSetHoldability) Creates a PreparedStatement object that will generate ResultSet objects with the given type, concurrency, and holdability. |
public PreparedStatement | prepareStatement(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys) Creates a default PreparedStatement object that has the capability to retrieve auto-generated keys. |
public PreparedStatement | prepareStatement(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) Creates a default PreparedStatement object capable of returning the auto-generated keys designated by the given array. |
public PreparedStatement | prepareStatement(String sql, String[] columnNames) Creates a default PreparedStatement object capable of returning the auto-generated keys designated by the given array. |
public void | releaseSavepoint(Savepoint savepoint) This driver does not support transactions/ DML write operations!
A NotSupportedException is thrown. |
public void | rollback() This driver does not support transactions/ DML write operations!
A NotSupportedException is thrown. |
public void | rollback(Savepoint savepoint) This driver does not support transactions/ DML write operations!
A NotSupportedException is thrown. |
public void | setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit) This driver does not support transactions/ DML write operations!
A NotSupportedException is thrown. |
public void | setCatalog(String catalog) Sets the given catalog name in order to select a subspace of this Connection object's database in which to work. |
public void | setHoldability(int holdability) Changes the holdability of ResultSet objects created using this Connection object to the given holdability. |
public void | setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) Puts this connection in read-only mode as a hint to the driver to enable database optimizations. |
public Savepoint | setSavepoint() This driver does not support transactions/ DML write operations!
A NotSupportedException is thrown. |
public Savepoint | setSavepoint(String name) This driver does not support transactions/ DML write operations!
A NotSupportedException is thrown. |
public void | setTransactionIsolation(int level) Attempts to change the transaction isolation level for this Connection object to the one given. |
public void | setTypeMap(Map map) Installs the given TypeMap object as the type map for this Connection object. |