| java.lang.Object org.drools.brms.client.ruleeditor.EditorLauncher
EditorLauncher | public class EditorLauncher (Code) | | This launches the appropriate editor for the asset type.
This uses the format attribute to determine the appropriate editor, and
ALSO to unpackage the content payload from the generic asset RPC object.
NOTE: when adding new editors for asset types, this will also need to be enhanced to load
it up/unpackage it correctly for the editor.
The editors will make changes to the rpc objects in place, and when checking in the whole RPC
objects will be sent back to the server.
author: Michael Neale |
TYPE_IMAGES | final public static Map TYPE_IMAGES(Code) | | |
getAssetFormatIcon | public static String getAssetFormatIcon(String format)(Code) | | Get the icon name (not the path), including the extension, for the appropriate
asset format.
getEditorViewer | public static Widget getEditorViewer(RuleAsset asset, RuleViewer viewer)(Code) | | This will return the appropriate viewer for the asset.
showLoadEditor | public static void showLoadEditor(Map openedViewers, TabPanel tab, String uuid, boolean readonly)(Code) | | This will show the rule viewer. If it was previously opened, it will show that dialog instead
of opening it again.