| java.lang.Object org.drools.rule.builder.dialect.java.JavaDialectConfiguration
JavaDialectConfiguration | public class JavaDialectConfiguration implements DialectConfiguration(Code) | | There are options to use various flavours of runtime compilers.
Apache JCI is used as the interface to all the runtime compilers.
You can also use the system property "drools.compiler" to set the desired compiler.
The valid values are "ECLIPSE" and "JANINO" only.
drools.dialect.java.compiler =
drools.dialect.java.lngLevel = <1.4|1.5|1.6>
The default compiler is Eclipse and the default lngLevel is 1.4.
The lngLevel will attempt to autodiscover your system using the
system property "java.version"
The JavaDialectConfiguration will attempt to validate that the specified compiler
is in the classpath, using ClassLoader.loasClass(String). If you intented to
just Janino sa the compiler you must either overload the compiler property before
instantiating this class or the PackageBuilder, or make sure Eclipse is in the
classpath, as Eclipse is the default.
ECLIPSE | final public static int ECLIPSE(Code) | | |
JANINO | final public static int JANINO(Code) | | |
LANGUAGE_LEVELS | final public static String[] LANGUAGE_LEVELS(Code) | | |
JavaDialectConfiguration | public JavaDialectConfiguration()(Code) | | |
getCompiler | public int getCompiler()(Code) | | |
getJavaLanguageLevel | public String getJavaLanguageLevel()(Code) | | |
setCompiler | public void setCompiler(int compiler)(Code) | | Set the compiler to be used when building the rules semantic code blocks.
This overrides the default, and even what was set as a system property.
setJavaLanguageLevel | public void setJavaLanguageLevel(String languageLevel)(Code) | | You cannot set language level below 1.5, as we need static imports, 1.5 is now the default.
Parameters: level - |