| java.lang.Object org.cougaar.core.agent.ClusterContextTable
ClusterContextTable | final public class ClusterContextTable (Code) | | Table of agent addresses on this VM, allowing static
deserialization threads to find their agent's address.
Inner Class :public static class ContextState | |
Inner Class :final public static class MessageContext extends ContextState | |
findContext | static ClusterContext findContext(MessageAddress cid)(Code) | | find the agent named by the parameter in my local VM.
Anyone caught using this in plugins will be shot.
getContextState | public static ContextState getContextState()(Code) | | |
getMessageContext | public static MessageContext getMessageContext()(Code) | | |
removeContext | static void removeContext(MessageAddress cid)(Code) | | Remove a context from the context table
withClusterContext | final public static void withClusterContext(ClusterContext cc, Runnable thunk)(Code) | | Convenient shortcut for a safe enterContext - exitContext pair
withClusterContext | final public static void withClusterContext(MessageAddress ma, Runnable thunk)(Code) | | Convenient shortcut for a safe enterContext - exitContext pair
withContextState | final public static void withContextState(ContextState cs, Runnable thunk)(Code) | | |
withEmptyClusterContext | final public static void withEmptyClusterContext(Runnable thunk)(Code) | | May be used by non-society classes to provide an empty context
for deserialization of objects sent from within a society.
The resulting instances may still be "broken" in various ways, wrapping
this call around the deserialization will at least allow
avoiding warning messages. WARNING: This must never be
used within society code.