A utility class for manipulating sets of ComponentDescription
Contains both ComponentDescriptions and StateTuples. StateTuples
are simply ComponentDescription wrappers with an addition
"Object state". These two concepts may be merged in the future...
extractInsertionPointComponent(String dip) extract a list of ComponentDescriptions which have a specified insertion point
Always returns a newly created list.
Return a list of the components which are direct subcomponents of the specified
containment point. The ContainmentPoint parameter should not end with a '.'.
Always returns a newly created list. The elements are always in priority-sorted order.
extract a list of ComponentDescriptions which have a specified insertion point
Always returns a newly created list. The elements are always in priority-sorted order.
Sort a List of ComponentDescriptions by priority.
Note that the original list is destructively modified, so an exception
may be generated if the argument is not mutable.
the (now sorted) original list object.