Provides wrappers around the query routines. Takes care of a few LDMPlugin calls. Expects to have one Plugin argument
- the name of the file describing the queries ex. SpecialQueryLDMPlugin(specialQueryDescription.q)
See Also:QueryLDMPlugin.parseQueryFile(String queryFile) See Also: for a description of the query file.
Inner Class :public interface RowHandler
Inner Class :public static class QueryComplete extends RuntimeException
parseQueryFile(String queryFile) parses query file into local hashtable
Parameters: queryFile - name of query file The query file is expected to be in the format param_name=param_value Thenecessary parameters are: Database, Driver, Username, Password Some parameters are not currentlyused, but may be in the future.
Calls LDM factory to create prototype and set nomenclature and alternameTypeIdentification.
Parameters: typeid - type identification of desired asset Parameters: type - the class name of the desired asset Parameters: nomenclature - *
parses query file into local hashtable
Parameters: queryFile - name of query file The query file is expected to be in the format param_name=param_value Thenecessary parameters are: Database, Driver, Username, Password Some parameters are not currentlyused, but may be in the future. These inclue MIN_IN_POOL, MAX_IN_POOL, TIMEOUT, andNUMBER_OF_TRIES. The rest of the lines are expected to be the query statements. Here is an examplefrom icisParts.q. Database = ${org.cougaar.database} Username = ${icis.database.user} Password =${icis.database.password} MIN_IN_POOL= 1 MAX_IN_POOL= 4 TIMEOUT= 1 NUMBER_OF_TRIES= 2headerQuery=select commodity, nsn, nomenclature, ui, ssc, price, icc, alt, plt, pcm, boq, diq,iaq, nso, qfd, rop, owrmrp, weight, cube, aac, slq from header where NSN = :nsnsassetsQuery=select nsn, ric, purpose, condition, iaq from assets where NSN = :nsns nomen=selectnomenclature from header where NSN = :nsns cost=select price from header where NSN = :nsns