Set the AirConditionPG property.
The default implementation will create a new AirConditionPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the AirLiftPG property.
The default implementation will create a new AirLiftPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the AirLinkPG property.
The default implementation will create a new AirLinkPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
public void setAirSelfPropulsionPG(PropertyGroup aAirSelfPropulsionPG)(Code)
Set the AirSelfPropulsionPG property.
The default implementation will create a new AirSelfPropulsionPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
public void setAirTransportationPG(PropertyGroup aAirTransportationPG)(Code)
Set the AirTransportationPG property.
The default implementation will create a new AirTransportationPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the AirVehiclePG property.
The default implementation will create a new AirVehiclePG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the AirportPG property.
The default implementation will create a new AirportPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the AmmunitionPG property.
The default implementation will create a new AmmunitionPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
public void setAssetConsumptionRatePG(PropertyGroup aAssetConsumptionRatePG)(Code)
Set the AssetConsumptionRatePG property.
The default implementation will create a new AssetConsumptionRatePG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the AssignedPG property.
The default implementation will create a new AssignedPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the AssignmentPG property.
The default implementation will create a new AssignmentPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the BulkSolidPG property.
The default implementation will create a new BulkSolidPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the CSSCapabilityPG property.
The default implementation will create a new CSSCapabilityPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the CargoFacilityPG property.
The default implementation will create a new CargoFacilityPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the ConditionPG property.
The default implementation will create a new ConditionPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the ConsumablePG property.
The default implementation will create a new ConsumablePG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the ContainPG property.
The default implementation will create a new ContainPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the ContentsPG property.
The default implementation will create a new ContentsPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the CostPG property.
The default implementation will create a new CostPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the DeckPG property.
The default implementation will create a new DeckPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the DetailKeyPG property.
The default implementation will create a new DetailKeyPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
public void setDetailedScheduledContentPG(PropertyGroup aDetailedScheduledContentPG)(Code)
Set the DetailedScheduledContentPG property.
The default implementation will create a new DetailedScheduledContentPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
public void setEquipmentOHReadinessPG(PropertyGroup aEquipmentOHReadinessPG)(Code)
Set the EquipmentOHReadinessPG property.
The default implementation will create a new EquipmentOHReadinessPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
public void setEquipmentStatusReadinessPG(PropertyGroup aEquipmentStatusReadinessPG)(Code)
Set the EquipmentStatusReadinessPG property.
The default implementation will create a new EquipmentStatusReadinessPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the ExplosivePG property.
The default implementation will create a new ExplosivePG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the FacilityPG property.
The default implementation will create a new FacilityPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the FoodPG property.
The default implementation will create a new FoodPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the ForUnitPG property.
The default implementation will create a new ForUnitPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the FromBasePG property.
The default implementation will create a new FromBasePG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the FuelPG property.
The default implementation will create a new FuelPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the FuelSupplyPG property.
The default implementation will create a new FuelSupplyPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
public void setGroundSelfPropulsionPG(PropertyGroup aGroundSelfPropulsionPG)(Code)
Set the GroundSelfPropulsionPG property.
The default implementation will create a new GroundSelfPropulsionPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the GroundVehiclePG property.
The default implementation will create a new GroundVehiclePG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the InventoryLevelsPG property.
The default implementation will create a new InventoryLevelsPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the InventoryPG property.
The default implementation will create a new InventoryPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the LandConditionPG property.
The default implementation will create a new LandConditionPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the LiftPG property.
The default implementation will create a new LiftPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the LiquidPG property.
The default implementation will create a new LiquidPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the LiquidSupplyPG property.
The default implementation will create a new LiquidSupplyPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the MEIPG property.
The default implementation will create a new MEIPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the MaintenancePG property.
The default implementation will create a new MaintenancePG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the ManagedAssetPG property.
The default implementation will create a new ManagedAssetPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the MidAirRefuelPG property.
The default implementation will create a new MidAirRefuelPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the MilitaryOrgPG property.
The default implementation will create a new MilitaryOrgPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the MilitaryPersonPG property.
The default implementation will create a new MilitaryPersonPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the MissileLauncherPG property.
The default implementation will create a new MissileLauncherPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the MovabilityPG property.
The default implementation will create a new MovabilityPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
public void setOffRoadTransportationPG(PropertyGroup aOffRoadTransportationPG)(Code)
Set the OffRoadTransportationPG property.
The default implementation will create a new OffRoadTransportationPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
public void setOnRoadTransportationPG(PropertyGroup aOnRoadTransportationPG)(Code)
Set the OnRoadTransportationPG property.
The default implementation will create a new OnRoadTransportationPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the OrganizationPG property.
The default implementation will create a new OrganizationPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the PackagePG property.
The default implementation will create a new PackagePG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the PersonPG property.
The default implementation will create a new PersonPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
public void setPersonSustainmentPG(PropertyGroup aPersonSustainmentPG)(Code)
Set the PersonSustainmentPG property.
The default implementation will create a new PersonSustainmentPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
public void setPersonnelReadinessPG(PropertyGroup aPersonnelReadinessPG)(Code)
Set the PersonnelReadinessPG property.
The default implementation will create a new PersonnelReadinessPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the PhysicalPG property.
The default implementation will create a new PhysicalPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the PositionPG property.
The default implementation will create a new PositionPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the RailLinkPG property.
The default implementation will create a new RailLinkPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
public void setRailSelfPropulsionPG(PropertyGroup aRailSelfPropulsionPG)(Code)
Set the RailSelfPropulsionPG property.
The default implementation will create a new RailSelfPropulsionPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the RailTerminalPG property.
The default implementation will create a new RailTerminalPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
public void setRailTransportationPG(PropertyGroup aRailTransportationPG)(Code)
Set the RailTransportationPG property.
The default implementation will create a new RailTransportationPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the RailVehiclePG property.
The default implementation will create a new RailVehiclePG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the RepairDepotPG property.
The default implementation will create a new RepairDepotPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the RepairabilityPG property.
The default implementation will create a new RepairabilityPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the RepairablePG property.
The default implementation will create a new RepairablePG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the ReportSchedulePG property.
The default implementation will create a new ReportSchedulePG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the RoadLinkPG property.
The default implementation will create a new RoadLinkPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the ScheduledContentPG property.
The default implementation will create a new ScheduledContentPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the SeaConditionPG property.
The default implementation will create a new SeaConditionPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the SeaLinkPG property.
The default implementation will create a new SeaLinkPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
public void setSeaTransportationPG(PropertyGroup aSeaTransportationPG)(Code)
Set the SeaTransportationPG property.
The default implementation will create a new SeaTransportationPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the SeaportPG property.
The default implementation will create a new SeaportPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
public void setShipConfigurationPG(PropertyGroup aShipConfigurationPG)(Code)
Set the ShipConfigurationPG property.
The default implementation will create a new ShipConfigurationPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the SupplyClassPG property.
The default implementation will create a new SupplyClassPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the SupplyDepotPG property.
The default implementation will create a new SupplyDepotPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the SupplyPG property.
The default implementation will create a new SupplyPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the SupportPG property.
The default implementation will create a new SupportPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the TowPG property.
The default implementation will create a new TowPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
public void setTrainingReadinessPG(PropertyGroup aTrainingReadinessPG)(Code)
Set the TrainingReadinessPG property.
The default implementation will create a new TrainingReadinessPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the TransportationPG property.
The default implementation will create a new TransportationPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the TruckTerminalPG property.
The default implementation will create a new TruckTerminalPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
public void setVehiclePropertyGroups(PropertyGroup aVehiclePropertyGroups)(Code)
Set the VehiclePropertyGroups property.
The default implementation will create a new VehiclePropertyGroups
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
public void setVolumetricStockagePG(PropertyGroup aVolumetricStockagePG)(Code)
Set the VolumetricStockagePG property.
The default implementation will create a new VolumetricStockagePG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the WarheadPG property.
The default implementation will create a new WarheadPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the WaterPG property.
The default implementation will create a new WaterPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
public void setWaterSelfPropulsionPG(PropertyGroup aWaterSelfPropulsionPG)(Code)
Set the WaterSelfPropulsionPG property.
The default implementation will create a new WaterSelfPropulsionPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the WaterSupplyPG property.
The default implementation will create a new WaterSupplyPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the WaterVehiclePG property.
The default implementation will create a new WaterVehiclePG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Set the WeaponPG property.
The default implementation will create a new WeaponPG
property and add it to the otherPropertyGroup list.
Many subclasses override with local slots.
Fields inherited from org.cougaar.planning.ldm.asset.Asset