A servlet that injects tasks into an agent.
Parses an xml file that defines a batch of tasks.
The servlet takes these parameters:
1) The file name of the xml file
URL param is inputFileName
2) The number of batches of tasks to be sent (defaults to 1)
URL param is numberOfBatches
3) The interval to wait between batches being sent (defaults to 1 second)
URL param is interval
4) Whether to wait or not for each task to complete before sending the next
This can be very useful for performance measurements.
URL param is wait
5) Which format you'd like the results back in : XML, HTML, or serialized objects
The results, when you wait for each task to complete, is a list of completion times
plus the total time to complete. See GLMStimulatorResponseData for sample output.
A typical URL would be :
It requires a special servlet component in the ini file (or equivalent XML entry) :
plugin = org.cougaar.planning.servlet.BlackboardServletComponent(org.cougaar.glm.servlet.GLMStimulatorServlet, /stimulator)
Also, if the xml file that defines a task that needs a prototype that is not provided by the XMLPrototypeProvider, you
may need to register the prototype using an xml file, e.g.:
plugin = org.cougaar.lib.plugin.UTILLdmXMLPlugin(ldmFile={String}Ammo_AssetList.ldm.xml)
Gordon Vidaver
(617) 873-3558