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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Science » Cougaar12_4 » org.cougaar.lib.vishnu.client 
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public class VishnuComm (Code)
Abstractions of communication for Vishnu

Hides whether we're running internally or externally from callers.

Knows about command-to-URL mapping, e.g. postCancel becomes a URL calling the php script postcancel.php.

Uses an internalBuffer to write to when we're running internally. It holds the same bytes as are sent to the web server when running externally.

Field Summary
protected  StringPHP_SUFFIX
protected  StringURL
protected  StringassignmentsFile
protected  StringclusterName
protected  VishnuDomUtildomUtil
protected  Stringdone
protected  StringhostName
protected  StringBufferinternalBuffer
protected  StringkickoffFile
protected  Loggerlogger
protected  intmaxWaitCycles
protected  StringmyInstance
     not used...
protected  StringmyLegalHosts
protected  ParamMapmyParamTable
protected  StringmyPassword
protected  StringmyProblem
protected  StringmyUser
protected  Stringname
protected  intnumFilesWritten
protected  StringphpPath
protected  StringpostCancelFile
protected  StringpostDataFile
protected  StringpostProblemFile
protected  StringreadStatusFile
protected  booleanrunInternal
protected  booleanshowTiming
protected  booleantesting
protected  longwaitTime
protected  booleanwriteEncodedXMLToFile
protected  booleanwriteXMLToFile

Constructor Summary
public  VishnuComm(ParamMap myParamTable, String name, String clusterName, VishnuDomUtil domUtil, boolean runInternal, Logger logger)

Method Summary
public  voidappendToBuffer(String data)
protected  voidappendToInternalBuffer(String data, StringBuffer internalBuffer)
public  voidclearBuffer()
     Clears internal buffer

Called by various methods in InternalMode, after having asked scheduler to parse data in the buffer.

public  voidgetAnswer(DefaultHandler assignmentHandler)
public  StringgetBuffer()
protected  StringgetClusterName()
protected  StringgetInstancePostVar()
protected  ParamMapgetMyParams()
protected  StringgetName()
public  StringgetProblem()
protected  StringgetProblemPostVar()
public  StringgetResponse(URLConnection connection)
     Returns response as string.
protected  StringgetUserPostVar()
protected  StringgetWaitPostVars()
protected  voidlocalSetup()
public  voidpostCancel()
     Cancels any pending jobs.
public  voidpostClear()
public  booleanpostData(String data)
public  voidpostProblem(String data)
     Posts problem to web site/internal buffer

URL encodes the data

Calls postToURL with URL header and data

bogus is sent first because user would not arrive at php with value if it was sent first.

public  StringpostToURL(String host, String fileToExec, String data, Document doc, boolean readResponse)
public  StringpostToURL(URL aURL, String data, Document doc, boolean readResponse)
     Called from other signature

Post data to the URL
If readResponse is true, read the response back from the URL and return it.

public  StringreadBufferFromFile(String filename)
     Returns an array of Strings with each element containing a line from the given file.
protected  voidreadXML(URL aURL, DefaultHandler handler)
public  voidsendData(URLConnection connection, String data, Document doc)
     Sends data on the connection.
protected  voidserializeAndPost(Document doc, boolean postData, boolean runInternal, StringBuffer internalBuffer)
     post the Document doc to a URL.
protected  voidserializeAndPost(String doc, boolean postData, boolean runInternal, StringBuffer internalBuffer)
 Does most of the work of posting, the other signature does the serializing.
 If running internally, just appends the data to the buffer.
public  voidserializeAndPostData(Document doc)
     serialize document and post as data to web server or internal buffer Just calls serializeAndPost with correct arguments.
public  voidserializeAndPostProblem(Document doc)
     serialize document and post as problem definition to web server or internal buffer Just calls serializeAndPost with correct arguments.
protected  voidsetProblemName()
 sets Problem name used by Vishnu
 Appends the machine name to divide the name space of problems 
protected  voidshowPostDataWarning()
public  voidstartScheduling()
 Tells the scheduler to start.
 bogus is sent first because user would not arrive 
at php with it's value if it was sent first.
public  booleanwaitTillFinished()
public  voidwriteBufferToFile(String suffix, String buffer)
public  voidwriteBufferToFile_withBackup(String suffix, String postfix, String buffer)
     Overloaded: postfix is pre-determined.

Field Detail
protected String PHP_SUFFIX(Code)

protected String URL(Code)
root of the URL, set above

protected String assignmentsFile(Code)
php file to execute

protected String clusterName(Code)
name of the cluster

protected VishnuDomUtil domUtil(Code)
dom helper

protected String done(Code)
message from web server when problem is done

protected String hostName(Code)
web server host

protected StringBuffer internalBuffer(Code)
holds data posted to URLs when running internally

protected String kickoffFile(Code)
php file to execute

protected Logger logger(Code)

protected int maxWaitCycles(Code)
max times to wait between polls in waitTillFinished

protected String myInstance(Code)
not used...

protected String myLegalHosts(Code)
list of hosts the scheduler can run on

protected ParamMap myParamTable(Code)
param table from plugin

protected String myPassword(Code)
web server password

protected String myProblem(Code)
problem name

protected String myUser(Code)
web server user

protected String name(Code)
name of the cluster+plugin

protected int numFilesWritten(Code)
how many files have been written out via the writeEncodedXMLToFile or writeXMLToFile flag

protected String phpPath(Code)
php path on web server host, relative to document root

protected String postCancelFile(Code)
php file to execute

protected String postDataFile(Code)
php file to execute

protected String postProblemFile(Code)
php file to execute

protected String readStatusFile(Code)
php file to execute

protected boolean runInternal(Code)
parameter -- run internally (when true) or externally

protected boolean showTiming(Code)
parameter -- dump timing results to stdout

protected boolean testing(Code)
parameter -- write complete URL to stdout -- little used

protected long waitTime(Code)
wait between polls in waitTillFinished

protected boolean writeEncodedXMLToFile(Code)
parameter -- write encoded xml to a file

protected boolean writeXMLToFile(Code)
parameter -- write xml to a file

Constructor Detail
public VishnuComm(ParamMap myParamTable, String name, String clusterName, VishnuDomUtil domUtil, boolean runInternal, Logger logger)(Code)
Sets the problem name

calls postCancel and postClear if running externally

Method Detail
public void appendToBuffer(String data)(Code)
adds data to internal buffer

protected void appendToInternalBuffer(String data, StringBuffer internalBuffer)(Code)
adds data to internal buffer, removing any xml header

public void clearBuffer()(Code)
Clears internal buffer

Called by various methods in InternalMode, after having asked scheduler to parse data in the buffer.
See Also:   InternalMode.prepareScheduler

public void getAnswer(DefaultHandler assignmentHandler)(Code)
 Get the answer back from the web site/scheduler 
 Called by XMLResultHandler
 Calls readXML with the assignment handler

See Also:   XMLResultHandler.parseAnswer
See Also:   VishnuComm.readXML

public String getBuffer()(Code)
return string representation of buffer

protected String getClusterName()(Code)

protected String getInstancePostVar()(Code)
the problem instance post variable

protected ParamMap getMyParams()(Code)

protected String getName()(Code)

public String getProblem()(Code)

protected String getProblemPostVar()(Code)
the problem post variable

public String getResponse(URLConnection connection) throws IOException(Code)
Returns response as string.
If there is an IOException on the input stream, will try two more times.
  connection - the url connection to get data from String reponse from URL

protected String getUserPostVar()(Code)
the user post variable

protected String getWaitPostVars()(Code)
create wait URL

protected void localSetup()(Code)
sets a variety of parameters

public void postCancel()(Code)
Cancels any pending jobs.

Should only be done once, when the plugin loads.

This is an insurance policy against the case where someone starts a society and runs it, but never starts a scheduler, or otherwise gets a problem into the state of "processing" but not "complete." Once in the "processing" state, the scheduler will not accept new jobs for this problem, effectively blocking it for all time. bogus is sent first because user would not arrive at php with value if it was sent first. No idea why.

Calls postToURL with URL header
See Also:   VishnuComm.postToURL

public void postClear()(Code)
 Tells database or scheduler to forget all data associated with the problem
 Calls postToURL with URL header

See Also:   VishnuComm.postToURL

public boolean postData(String data)(Code)
Posts data to web site or internal buffer, depending on mode

URL encodes the data

Calls postToURL with URL header and data
See Also:   VishnuComm.postToURL
  data - to send to URL

public void postProblem(String data)(Code)
Posts problem to web site/internal buffer

URL encodes the data

Calls postToURL with URL header and data

bogus is sent first because user would not arrive at php with value if it was sent first. No idea why.

See Also:   VishnuComm.postToURL
  data - to send to URL

public String postToURL(String host, String fileToExec, String data, Document doc, boolean readResponse)(Code)
Posts data to a URL, given the host, the php file, the URL header data, the doc to send response, if asked for one with readResponse

public String postToURL(URL aURL, String data, Document doc, boolean readResponse)(Code)
Called from other signature

Post data to the URL
If readResponse is true, read the response back from the URL and return it.

public String readBufferFromFile(String filename)(Code)
Returns an array of Strings with each element containing a line from the given file. returns null if any error

protected void readXML(URL aURL, DefaultHandler handler)(Code)
Get XML back from URL and give it to a SAX Parser, running the handler
  aURL - the URL to read from
  handler - will parse the XML coming from URL

public void sendData(URLConnection connection, String data, Document doc) throws IOException(Code)
Sends data on the connection. Writes to buffered stream that wraps the URL output stream.
Calls VishnuDomUtil.writeDocToStream to do most of work.
Optionally writes encoded XML to a file.
See Also:   VishnuDomUtil.writeDocToStream

protected void serializeAndPost(Document doc, boolean postData, boolean runInternal, StringBuffer internalBuffer)(Code)
post the Document doc to a URL.

If writeXMLToFile is set, will write a copy of what is sent to the URL to a file named ClusterName_type_number, where type is problem (the problem definition) or data (the tasks and resources), and number is a counter that keeps the file names unique

What's written to the file is human readable, whereas if writeEncodedXMLToFile is set, a different file is written, named ClusterName_encoded_number. This file contains exactly what is sent to the web server, after URL encoding has been performed.

Does the work of serialization here, by calling DomUtil function getDocAsArray, and lets the other signature do actual posting.
See Also:   VishnuDomUtil.getDocAsArray
  doc - - DOM doc to send to URL
  postData - - true if posting data

protected void serializeAndPost(String doc, boolean postData, boolean runInternal, StringBuffer internalBuffer)(Code)
 Does most of the work of posting, the other signature does the serializing.
 If running internally, just appends the data to the buffer. Otherwise tries to
 to either post data or post the problem
 Only called by other serializeAndPost

See Also:   VishnuComm.postProblem
See Also:   VishnuComm.postData

public void serializeAndPostData(Document doc)(Code)
serialize document and post as data to web server or internal buffer Just calls serializeAndPost with correct arguments.
See Also:   VishnuComm.serializeAndPost

public void serializeAndPostProblem(Document doc)(Code)
serialize document and post as problem definition to web server or internal buffer Just calls serializeAndPost with correct arguments.
See Also:   VishnuComm.serializeAndPost

protected void setProblemName()(Code)
 sets Problem name used by Vishnu
 Appends the machine name to divide the name space of problems 
 For example, if there were an expander in the
 AsmaraTFSP cluster, run on a machine named pumpernickle, 
 the problem name would be 

protected void showPostDataWarning()(Code)
dumps warning to stdout when problem definition is out of sync with data format

public void startScheduling()(Code)
 Tells the scheduler to start.
 bogus is sent first because user would not arrive 
at php with it's value if it was sent first. No idea why.

BOZO - Still a problem??? Calls postToURL with URL header

See Also:   VishnuComm.postToURL

public boolean waitTillFinished()(Code)
 Polls the scheduler for it's status
 Only uses in external mode
 Sleeps between polls
 Calls postToURL with URL header

See Also:
See Also:   VishnuComm.postToURL

public void writeBufferToFile(String suffix, String buffer)(Code)

public void writeBufferToFile_withBackup(String suffix, String postfix, String buffer)(Code)
Overloaded: postfix is pre-determined.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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